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In the face of such a Heavenly Might, the host of Heavenly Dao was frightened, and a group of lords broke out suddenly.

“Quick! Urge Great Array!”

Extremely Heavenly Dao Lord and Broken Intestine Lord and the others, how powerful, even if the battle situation is not good, it can also react in an instant.

Fu Tianyin has disappeared, this treasure can only be used once.

So now, if there should be two strikes against the 8 Astragalists and 10000 lives and the others, the best way is to urge the formation within formation again.

After all, this is the biggest card and method they prepared. At that time, it was expected that the opponent would have a card and a helper.

With this formation within formation, they can be invincible and win again.

With the order of Lord Heavenly Dao, a group of big brothers returned to the spot instantly, and several injured Daoists were replaced.

Buzz …!

Before the break time, the formation within formation operates again, and with various Taoist instruments, it barely turns the formation within formation back into operation.

However, after being injured once, the formation is unstable, and the re-layout is too cumbersome.

In less than ten breaths, the Great Array couldn’t resist, broke again, and exploded the weather waves.

“Fellow Daoist, break up! Don’t let them fight again!”

8 The lord Dao roared, waved his hand, and the sword was open, raising his hand and slashing to the other Dao Lord Realm, the realm and Formation followed, covering it.

Other masters also shot one after another, shrouded each other as masters, and captured each other!

The original battle instantly split into a small battlefield for each and everyone.

At this time, Emperor Xuantian stood in the battlefield, a jade sword blocked five Taoists, and also reversed the other party’s killing, which was obviously not an opponent.

After all, the nine silhouettes behind Empress Xuantian are almost as strong as her.

Speaking of which is Xuan Tian’s one person against 5 people, but if you count the 9 illusory shadows behind him, then it is equal to 5 dozen 2 and 1 beat one, absolutely crushed.

“This … this is over !?”

Ji Changsheng Mo Dongqing in the distance saw this scene, all stunned.

This battlefield is changing too fast, it is completely ups and downs, Xuan Tian they instantly reversed the situation.

If you press it like this, it won’t take long for the winner to lose.

“Don’t forget! The purpose of Xuantian girl’s trip is not to fight them! She wants to break through the main realm, this is just the beginning!”

Ji Changsheng is still a grave expression of his face, and softly speaking, Mo Dongqing is also a complexion sank.

Indeed, Cangzhu Realm is so easy to break through!

This Divine Realm continent, Dao Lord Realm has already been regarded as a Peak powerhouse, but no one has broken through to the main land of Cang in 10000 years, and there is not even a chance.

At this time, Empress Xuantian found Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, wanted heaven defying, and had a geometric chance! ?

Although everyone came to observe the ceremony and look for opportunities, all the big brothers actually knew very well that the Empress Xuantian was simply a breakthrough breakthrough.

At the next breath, Emperor Xuantian on the battlefield broke out completely!

“Wangchuan limpid autumn water cuts the sky, a curtain of present and past offerings of 10000 ancients!”

The silhouette of Emperor Xuantian is like electricity, shuttling through the void, pulling out 10000 afterimages and disappearing directly into the ground void.


Extremely Heavenly Dao and other lords saw this, and the complexion changed.

This Emperor Xuantian, there is a means! ?

Just when they were shocked, suddenly the sound of a little talk in the sky sounded, starting with the sound of spring water ding dong, and later turned into the sound of waterfall roaring and the river breaking the embankment.

The endless rolling tide rushes out from the in sky, 10000 things come to heaven, the heavenly river falls, moved towards the heavenly Dao Lord and the others.

“Xianyuan River !?”

The eyes of Lord Heavenly Dao almost flew out.

“Xianyuanhe from her !? How is this possible !?”

Not only the Lord Heavenly Dao, but also the Lord of the Broken Intestines and so on, all of them were astonished.

Even the invincible realm masters invisible in the sky in the distance are all in shock.

This Xianyuan River is rumored to be bred by Heaven and Earth, a river floating above the sky. It is rumored that the ancient Heaven and Earth fairy was bred in this river. All immortal strength flows out of this river and then falls. Everywhere.

All of them have the name of Xianyuanhe!

The origin is not small, prestigious, but they are all rumored. As the Dao Lord Realm, the big brothers, of course, know that this Xianyuan River is just a heaven and earth.

On the rank still can not reach the level of Vault of Heaven Taoist instrument, but in the Taoist instrument, it is definitely the existence of the top 3 ranked.

As long as any cultivator owns this treasure, he will never worry about no Heaven and Earth spirit available from now on.

Even Supreme realm powerhouse can even exchange all his life for this thing.

Because of all Dao’s host fate, after this Xianyuan River refining, at least has 60% chance to immediately break through to Dao Lord Realm.

What a terrifying existence this is!

A Taoist implement can achieve the existence of a Dao Lord Realm, definitely a heaven defying treasure!

Boom … rumbling!

The Xianyuan River unfolded against the sky, like a long dragon crossing the sky, rushing past.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the body of Emperor Xuantian with the body, disappear without a trace.

At the next breath, the mighty Gang Wei began to skyrocket like a storm on the Empress Xuantian. With the body’s reincarnation of 10000 soul cultivation technique, the mutation began.

At this time, her eyes flickered like bright stars, bright and bright.

The big men present looked at the Empress Xuantian at this time, and they were all silly, and all of them were in shock.

First Fu Tianyin, then another Xianyuan River, how many treasures she has on her body! ?

Far away, in the Dao Venerable area, an invincible realm master invisible in Danger Land looked at this scene, his eyes shining involuntarily, slightly nodded

“It seems that she is really possible!”


The two words are extremely simple, but as difficult as heavenly ascension.

Only this slight possibility, it took a lot of effort and opportunity for the Emperor Xuantian to grasp it! ?

“Under the world, only she can do it!”

Another invincible realm master is also very emotional.

Such a situation can be replaced by any Taoist master, even if it is an invincible realm master who has cultivated 10,000 years or more, I am afraid it will not be possible.

The Emperor Xuantian, breakthrough Dao Lord Realm, was only a few years old, and she made her do that.

At this time, above the battlefield …

“Xuan Tian! You are very good! Really, quite good!”

Extremely Heavenly Dao spoke, looking at Empress Xuantian, with admiration in her eyes.

“However, in today’s situation, I and a dozen other forces have made a plan for 10000, no matter how many cards you have, you will lose today!”

At the exit of this sentence, his face was covered with haze, and the murderous intention reappeared.

What to say about the 10000 full plan, of course, is divided into high, middle and low 3 strategies, but because of the stunning performance of Empress Xuan Tian, ​​their plan has now failed by more than half.

This made them mostly angry. For this battle, they must pay more.

However, they will not hesitate!

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