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Tao Heavenly Might rampages, only Heaven and Earth Emperor between Heaven and Earth, holding a jade sword, facing the robbery of Heaven and Earth.

Among the several cracks in the jade sword in her hand, a and a’s soul light flickered, and within a blink of an eye, eight soul lights rose, which was her reincarnation of 8 soul Divine Art.

These 8 Soul Powers are the souls of the 8 samsaras she has collected from her.

“Ten Directions Star Domain, where I came from, now, this world is where I go!”

lightly said The sound of murmur sounded, and Empress Xuantian said in a short word that she had finished her life.

Where people come from, where they are going is in this statement.

“Jade Sword has soul, named … Dragon Sect!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The last two words landed, the endless air waves between Heaven and Earth exploded, and all the forbidden things were shattering.

The prestige of the Cang Lord between Heaven and Earth melted like Snow Mountain, and lost the burden of the Empress Xuantian, the imposing manner skyrocketed wildly.

It’s like getting out of a giant dragon, roaring the sky, and traveling through the sky.

In all directions, all Dao Lord Realm gangsters, including the peeping terrifying existence, were trembling at the same time, and their faces were startled.

Endless gang powers slammed into the air, and the air and waves rolled, everything between Heaven and Earth was shrouded in dust and fog, and there were 2 raging powerhouse powers.

No one can see that in the Central Zone of the 3rd Guatemala, the situation of two people fighting.

Heaven and Earth tremor began to calm down, and 10000 things seemed to be quiet.

“This … how is it !?”

Everyone was staring straight at the center of the battlefield, their eyes staring at Boss, and when they could see clearly, they all looked startled.

I saw Emperor Xuantian holding a jade sword, suspending the sky, and wearing a snow skirt to welcome Feng Feiyang.

“She … she’s fine !?”

Feng Daodao master looked at the snowy silhouette, mouth wide open, Sea of ​​Consciousness roared, could not believe it.

This is the enemy of his life, and he has fought against him several times, and all of them are fiasco. Originally thought that this time, she hit the Lord Zhou Tiancang and will definitely die.

But didn’t expect, nothing happened! ?

Not waiting for everyone to be surprised, all of a sudden his face changed, and I saw that snowy silhouette on the sky, an imposing manner began to fade quickly.

In that way, just like a huge fire that just burned all the firewood, it started to go out.

In less than one breath, she fell mighty and fell to the original 10% level.

Obviously, it’s time for her reincarnation of 10000 soul exercises, and the original battle strength of the reinforcement began to return to the original.

The forbidden technique, which used more than ten times the battle strength of her before, also made her consume a lot. Now all the backlash strikes, making her aura very weak.

Moreover, this kind of backlash does not end immediately, it will always weaken her aura.

“Ha ha ha….”

The laughter sounded loudly, and the whole Heaven and Earth was full of laughter that sealed the sword master.

“I’ll say it, fight with the Palace Lord, you a little Xuantian, you will definitely lose!”

The big guys present were all of different colors, some shook their heads, some were nodded.

This result is expected to appear in front of everyone now, but it is normal, but all Dao Lord Realm, inexplicably raised a trace of sadness in his heart.

“Xuantian! You’ll end here!”

The Dao Dao Dao face was ugly, suddenly turned around, opened the mouth and said to all the big guys present

“Everyone, Xuan Tian is defeated, no longer has battle strength, and now quickly shot, suppress it, seize her reincarnation cultivation technique!”

In a word, all the Daoists around, their eyes sparkling, their faces excited.


Lord Heavenly Dao, Lord of the Intestines, and other big guys yelled at the same time, releasing all Divine Consciousness, locking the snow shadow on the sky, and preparing to shoot.

And 8 Abandoned Daoist, more than 10000 lives and a group of people, covered in blood, face as gray as death, rushed together, and stood together with Emperor Xuantian.

The next moment, the endless attack frenzy, comes from hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The war broke out again!

“There is no chance! Xuan Tian this time is a failure!”

“Zhou Tiancang shot, terrifying, or she might have a silver lining!”

“The Lord Cang came this time this week just to destroy her chance !?”

“This is not a good thing!”


The big guy all around, pondering in his heart, including the terrifying existence of all parties, is also full of sighs.

As the only Cang Lord Realm in the world today, when the Cultivator wanted to break through the Cang Master Realm this week, the Cang Lord forcibly took action to destroy the other party’s chance.

Martial Dao World’s breakthrough Cang Lord’s hopes and opportunities are extremely slim. Now some people are trying to block them. In this way, if other people find the opportunity in the future, will Zhou Tian Cang Lord also shoot! ?

Putting it that way is equal to this Divine Realm continent, and there will be no possibility of breaking through.

Or, the reason why Divine Realm continent no was born in 10000 years is precisely this! ?

No matter what other bigwigs think, the battle of 3rd Guatemala continues.

Xuan Tian’s jade sword, among the masters of the Dao, rushed to and fro, even though the imposing manner was not as good as before, but it was still invincible.

After this battle, he has already killed three Dao Lord Realm and suppressed no less than five.

At this time, she was already covered with a little bit of red on the original white skirt.

Her face didn’t change, her expression was the same, but the blood spots on the snow skirt were still increasing.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of the Master Daodao and the others, but it made them extremely excited and the killing intent was more intense.

Seeing that it is about to win, killing this Divine Realm continent’s most exciting miracle here, there is nothing more exciting than this.

“8 shortage, more than 10000 lives, don’t you realize it !?”

Feng Dao Dao Lord turned his head towards towards full-fledged death fight, 2 people all over the body blooded, shouting happily

“Xuan Tian’s general trend is gone, you leave now, we can let you go!”

The current situation, Xuan Tian will be defeated, but if these 8 people are dealt with, it will be ten in a row.

This sentence landed, not far from the battlefield, a Monster Beast opened, it was the indigenous Monster Beast that Xuan Tian called through the void channel before.

“Xuan Tian, ​​the agreement between you and me has been completed, say goodbye!”

After one sentence, Monster Beast turned around and waved, spreading a void crack and drilling into it.

Not waiting for the void crack to recover, Monster Beast end to end, constantly drilling into it, while being disappeared.

These Monster Beasts have nothing to do with Xuan Tian. They rely solely on interests and agreements to invite them to help.

Now that the general trend is gone and the agreement has been completed, they will naturally not go to the water again.


Feng Dao Dao Dao saw Xuan Tian’s side, the most important battle strength retreated, suddenly surprised.

“Hmph! Let’s go, kill!”

However, the 8th Road Master issued an angry roar, holding a long blade, spreading blood all over the body, and with the remaining 10000 lives, continued to rush to kill, without any intention of retreating.

This decisive meaning clearly shows the determination to die.

“It’s better to beast!” Feng Dao Dao master looked at two people, said coldly.

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