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Less than 3 breaths, Ning Tian’s body has more and more spiritual lines, and the aura in her body begins to change.

The whole body is transformed into a crystal jade texture, like the fleshy body of the jade body, releasing a light glow, just like God’s lower bound.

The big guys present only felt that his aura had changed, and he could not see his fleshy body jade.

However, the main owner of Heavenly Nether City above the sky, the pupil fiercely shrank, looking at Ning Tian’s eyes, trembling constantly.

“He … his fleshy body actually contains the power of the extreme Dao !? What is the power of this extreme Dao, I can’t even see it …”

As Legendary of Heavenly Nether City, the owner of Heavenly Nether City was really shocked.

This sunset canyon, this Divine Realm continent, even has its own unbreakable existence! ?

“Moreover, his fleshy body does not have any aura or life force at all. If he has the ultimate power, then …”

His cultivation base has reached Peak invincible, and the next step is the half-step Cangzhu, which is almost one step away from the top 4 of the ten gods.

But now, he found that his previous ideas were somewhat inaccurate. This is not just one step away. It is more than 108,000 li.

No wonder these people can respect the gods, but he can’t.

With his current cultivation base, he can incorporate a trace of the power of the Daoist into the Fleshy body, which is already a heaven defying, but this Ning Tian, ​​even the power of the Grand Dao, is too terrifying.

“Isn’t he a half-step master !? How is this possible !?”

At this time, the Lord of Heavenly Nether City, Sea of ​​Consciousness trembles, and his heart is in a mess.

“Walk around, Heaven and Earth without cliffs, 10,000 li wind wave 1000 miles of clouds, one vertical 9 10,000 li, the mountains are intoxicating!”

Ning Tian strode out and killed one step at a time. Wherever he passed, the void was broken, Heaven and Earth was shocked.


The Spirit Treasure and Great Array that he stepped on, burst out and turned into qi and waves, and scattered.

This scene, as if the punishment of Heaven and Earth, is simply not the power of mortal to fight.

Dao Lord Realm, who were in the rush, were all dull and dumb.

This Ning Tian, ​​the strength is so terrible! ?

This is only a few steps away, so they broke their strongest cards! ?

“Don’t be afraid! He has a special breaking the formation secret skill, Antiquity has all the gods, everyone shot together and killed him!”

The Sword Master shouted loudly.


Ning Tian glanced at Master Daodao Dao, and smiled gently, bursting into a burst of speed, turning into a black light.

Everyone only felt saw a flash. When they saw it clearly, they found that Ning Tian had not moved at all, but the black light stood far away and exploded.

Countless stars shining and falling, floating to all directions in 4 directions, and evolved a silhouette.

This scene is like sprinkling beans into a soldier, let all the big brothers stunned, they didn’t expect there is such a powerful Avatar method in the world.

The key point is that Divine Consciousness scans and finds these silhouettes, and aura is exactly the same as the Ningtian true body.

This is equivalent to saying that a lot of Antiquity first gods came out at once! ?

“Hmph! Trifling Avatar is no different from Illusion Technique! This Antiquity is also the only one in the world!”

Seeing that everyone was stunned, Master Feng Dao quickly sneered.

But at the next breath, his face instantly solidified.

I saw those Avatar raised their hands at the same time, the hoe in their hands flashed together, and held them together, smashing the void around all around, and at the same time hoeing to the nearest Master.

“Not good !”

Those masters who had scalp numbness would have to avoid it, but suddenly found that their bodies were simply unable to move.

“What !? How could this be ?!”

At this moment, everyone was terrified, and at the same time remembered the Daoist who had been dug out of the heart by Ning Tianyi, suddenly all his face was pale.

After the Daoist couldn’t move, he was killed by Ning Tian’s hoe.

It was too late to think of a way. There were ten or six Taoists, but the black hoe was dug, and the body protection Gangwei was in front of it, as if there was nothing, and it was instantly broken.

In the next breath, dozens of hoe pierced the heart, all Dao Lord Realm’s face instantly turned pale, his eyes twitched, and sweat rolled down like a bean.

Life and interest flow quickly, as the tide of the Kurze River recedes, and soon the life and interest will be cut off.

At this moment, Master Feng Daodao looked at such a scene, and his entire face was green.

He was still roaring just now, letting everyone go together, consuming Ningtian, but now it seems that this simply isn’t a consumption, it’s just taking life to fill it.

Without even a move, a dozen Taoists died, although Ning Tian made a big move.

But if you want him to run out, then you have to kill it! ?

This is the Taoist, not the Chinese cabbage, the entire Divine Realm continent is only a few 100 Taoist, it is not enough to kill.

“Everyone, Fellow Daoist, do n’t panic, how he is stunt, impossible has been used, and he is taking advantage of everyone scattered, defeat them separately, and now we will cooperate with each other and rescue each other!”

Hearing the words of Master Daodao, a group of gangsters were still alive, quickly nodded.

At this time, no one thinks about robbing any peerless opportunities, and life-saving is the first priority.


“Kill, kill …”

After discussing with a group of Dao Lord Realm, they rushed out again and rushed to the dozen Avatar.

In any case, Ning Tian ’s true body must be among these Avatars, as long as he finds a key attack, Avatar will break itself, which is not a rule.

All Dao Lord Realm powerhouses are well-established Killing Formation and of course have combat experience.

Master Dao Dao is even more powerful, using super forbidden technique, ready to blast out Ning Tian’s true body.

Suddenly, a burst of golden light broke out in those eyes, which turned into the Yin-Yang Symbol case and burst out.

This move is Zhou Tiandian’s stunt, formidable power is extremely strong!

Legend has it that this move was co-created by Zhou Celestial Emperor, making people’s pupil technique become extremely powerful in an instant.

“is that!”

Yin-Yang Symbol rushed out and surged like a wave. After Zhenwei swept the audience, he instantly locked a silhouette.

At the moment, the master of the sword-sword Daoist did not hesitate, he directly shot, long blade slashed in his hand, 10000 blade light Uncle sky burst like thunder.

“Tianya 10,000 li, turbulent weather, light waves, 9th Layer Moonlight …”

Ning Tian shook his body, and avoided the knife with which the 10000 blade glow merged.

“Hmph! You can’t hide it!”

Seeing Ning Tian evading, the Lord of the Sealing Sword Dao suddenly burst into blood, the figure-shaped knife, Person and Blade Unite, came out again violent slash.

However, when the knife fell, Ning Tian in front of him was gone, and suddenly felt a void fluctuate behind him.

In this regard, the master of the Dao Dao Dao seems to have expected it, and the corner of his mouth is light …

Not far away, several Dao Lord Realm powerhouse who were attacking Avatar, turned around at the same time, performing powerful Dao art that had been secretly prepared, and slammed together behind the Dao Lord Dao.

this move to pull a snake from its hole, perfect!

“Ha ha ha, Ning Tian you are finished …”

The master of Fengdao Dao laughed proudly, turned into a blade glow, and walked away.

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