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This is a dragon and a phoenix, ascending to the sky at the same time, releasing monstrous beast might.

The mighty beast might spread out, sweeping all directions like a gust of wind, and covering the entire 3rd danger.

“What’s the situation!?”

The big men present were all shocked, their eyes followed the silhouette of the Dragon Phoenix beast, looking towards the distance.

I saw the peripheral zone of the 3rd Guatemala, with a tall silhouette towering like a small hill and standing like a peak.

These beast shadows are extremely strange, some are rare beast, some are evil puppet monsters, and some are like the spirit of Artifact Spirit, fuzzy.

Although there are many kinds of grotesquely shaped, the imposing manner they release is like a monstrous sea and terrifying.

The most important thing is that they are standing on the edge of the 3rd Guatemala and are trying to step into the 3rd Guatemala.

There are three Antiquity aliens, and half of the foot has crossed the border, and the hesitant beast suddenly becomes decisive.

Red light flashes in the eyes of the beast, obviously the ferocity has been stimulated, ready to attack.

The current 3rd Guatemala is where the Supreme Covenant took place. The princes on the scene came to look for opportunities. These Ominous Beast monsters naturally do not want to fall behind.

As long as you can step into it, you may have a chance. Like those masters, you can find the opportunity for breakthrough.

This opportunity is slim, but it ’s just a matter of thinking.

For Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, they have Innate fear, so when Dragon Phoenix illusory shadow appeared from Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod and released Heavenly Might, most of their murderous creatures dared not Take a step forward.

Only the three strongest creatures, tentatively took a small step.

In the other direction of 3rd Guatemala, the void splits three gaps, and a silhouette emerges from it.

When Aura overflowed, Yu Wansheng’s eyes suddenly turned, looked towards the three silhouettes that came out of the void crack.

These three people, one old, one young and one young, are the three invincible realm masters who have existed for thousands of years.

Their existence is the most terrifying giant among the Divine Realm continent. Among them, the powerhouse and endless are close to the main land.

Every moment, these invincible princes only shoot for one thing, that is, the opportunity of breaking through the main realm.

“These three, I’m afraid it’s just the beginning …”

Yu Wansheng’s face was solemn, and his heart was full of sighs.

“Fortunately, this Supreme covenant, every invincible who has made a vow, knows that they cannot enter before the Supreme covenant is over. This can limit them somewhat!”

Before the appearance of Lord Zhou Tian Cang, with his strength, he might not be bound by this Supreme covenant, but he was simply impossible to ignore below the Cang Lord Realm.


Yu Wansheng, in the midst of his groaning, suddenly had eyes shrank, a terrifying thought flashed in his heart, complexion greatly changed.

These invincible circumstances are not a concern, but the Zhoutian Cang Lord Avatar, which has just appeared …..

If, when the Emperor Xuantian breaks through, the Zhou Tiancang Lord will come! ?

Ning Tian and Wu Heavenly Venerate are now able to withstand Lord Zhou Tian Cang! ?

The more he pondered, the more frightened Yu Wansheng felt when looking towards Emperor Xuantian, unable to bear suck in a breath of cold air.

The situation now seems to be under control. Emperor Xuantian has a great chance, but there still seem to be many uncertainties lurking in it.

At this time, Ning Tian is still on the slaughter all sides on the battlefield on the other side.

Looking at a Daoist who has no resistance at all, he was digged to death by a hoe and a hoe. He is really afraid of Heavenly Dao, and his entire face is gray.

“Chu Yan!”

Took a deep breath to temporarily suppress the fear in his heart, he looked towards Chu Yan shouted

“You as Wu The news of the reincarnation of Celestial Emperor has definitely spread throughout the Divine Realm continent. In less time, all influence will come! “

” I have a high weight in the Immortal Ascension Sect and have absolute authority, as long as If you do n’t kill me now, you can discuss everything! How!?

As soon as this word came out, the other big guys who were present could bear it, and quickly shouted in unison

“That ’s right! It ’s no good to kill us, when the time comes is irreconcilable!”

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, we are wrong! You have spared us this time, what ’s the matter? Conditions, you mention it, I have nothing to say! “

” Yes, Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, as long as you let me go, we Sect will hand over to me to ensure that they will not cause you trouble! ” /p>

“Me too, me too …”


A group of bigwigs express their attitude anxiously, quite a good attitude Before it is completely Heaven and Earth turning upside down the difference of.

Everyone is full of sincerity and dedication, and there is no way to see who has suspicion.

As of now, I still want to do crafty plots and machinations, and the consequences are not what they can afford.

Besides, by now, they really regret it. This Chu Yan trick can not afford to offend, Wu Celestial Emperor even more can not afford to offend, it is not at a level.

Ning Tian is in front of them, and they have no power to fight back. Chu Yan and Wu Celestial Emperor have n’t even played.

Seeing such a situation, Master Dao Daodao’s heart was instantly cold, and the current situation is completely irreversible.

And the most important thing now is to protect yourself. These big guys have a strong influence on their respective forces, but you can do it yourself! ?

He from Zhou Tian Temple has no say at all, Lord Zhou Tiancang will listen to him! ?

In this way, how can he protect himself! ?

Are you really dying here! ?

At this time, Black Sha on the sky, Supreme Demon Sovereign, Heavenly Nether City Lord and the others are all stunned.

“Lord, this is a good opportunity to seize ah!”

Heavenly Nether City Lord is somewhat unable to bear, watching Chu Yan whispered.

From the beginning to the end, now Ning Tian slaughter all sides, these giants of various forces can’t stand it and start to beg for mercy.

If you seize the opportunity, you can get a lot of benefits. If you are all killed, then the future situation may really collapse.

Heisha Hearing this, but said with a smile “Four Great Cang Lord, that one is not a golden one promise !? Wu Celestial Emperor is also one of the Four Great Cang Lord, you say it! ? “

You know, Chu Yan said before, kill all!

Heavenly Nether City ’s mouth twitched when he heard Hesha ’s words, “He is just Wu Celestial Emperor reincarnation, but not real Wu Celestial Emperor….”

I heard this Heisha smiled again, “Yes! But Ning Tian is the murderer now, Ning Tian is not the body of reincarnation!”

“In addition, you must remember that whether he is reincarnation or not, it is us Lord! “

In one sentence, Heavenly Nether City was suddenly started and nodded.

The words of the Lord, that is, have been said, how can they be changed at will! ?


At this moment, Chu Yan below was suddenly shouted, so that everyone in the audience started to start.

He just talked about Black Sha, Supreme Demon Sovereign, Heavenly Nether City, a group of people, even more frozen expression, completely ignorant.

This is just the end of the story, how come the Lord called “Stop”! ?

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