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The anger of the group on the sky is still roaring, and the 3rd Guadi ’s questioning and sword light have never stopped.

“Who are you!?”

This sentence is more terrifying than the astrological sign. When it comes to who, the next moment is a group of heads flying up.

One step at a time, one sword and one kill …

“Chu Yan, be bold!”

“Good boy, dare to kill my sect …”

“Stop, stop now!”

An invincible realm master is still roaring, floating in the 3rd Divine Consciousness of Guatemala, because of the anger that is boiling, attracting both Heaven and Earth During the riot, there were thousands of thunderbolt sounds.

bang! bang! bang!

These thunder sounds, making the 3rd dangerously trembling as if a natural disaster is coming.

Ji Changsheng, Mo Dongqing and other Taoists are all shocked and completely stupid.

When did they see such a horrible scene, it was like the whole Heaven and Earth, the entire Divine Realm continent was angry.

However, that Chu Yan remained unmoved at all, and did not mean to stop at all.

“Supreme respects the heavens, the morality will last forever! Killing is Heavenly Dao! ha ha ha….”

Hey Shasha rarely laughed out loudly. Swept away, the mood is very comfortable.

That ’s right!

This is the Supreme Supreme, who has killed the world’s Lord, Yuwen Demon God Sir with magic power!

Finally, after ten thousand years, I saw the killing power of the Lord again!

This slaughter lasted a full breaths time before gradually stopping.

After the sword kills the Dao Lord, the Dao Lord Realm corpse in front of the ground, blood flowing into a river, countless corpses.

At this moment, the blood in Chu Yan’s eyes gradually began to fade.

“Ningtian Senior….”

Chu Yan turned around and bowed his hands as a gift.

“Dare not! Dare, do n’t yell at the Lord, it will scare people!”

Ning Tianyi heard that, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands, and said bitterly, “Lord, although you are the body of reincarnation, the sentence Senior can also be worthy, but now in front of so many people, it is necessary to distinguish between the master and the servant. I messed up my identity and made people laugh! “

Here, he bowed his head and bowed down, as if he had returned Chu Yan’s previous title of” Senior “before opening the mouth and said again

“Now say nothing, one thing is very important!”

Don’t wait for Chu Yan to speak, he flashes his eyes, and at the same time, with his eyes, Divine Consciousness sound transmission

“This time’s subordinates shot, although they resolved the apparent crisis, but there are still some … Only the Lord you personally shot!”

“What’s the matter! Please say …” Chu Yan said.

“You do n’t have to say anything, you are here for 5 minutes of time, naturally know!”

Ning Tian said here, turned his head towards the sky, grinned said with a smile

“Please forgive your subordinates for being rude, I went to talk to Wu Tian Po Ding, I have n’t seen you in a long time, hehe …”

The word fell to the ground, he Directly turned into a streamer, rushed to Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod in the sky, disappeared on the spot.

Chu Yan did n’t say anything, turned around towards the distant sky, the Empress Xuan Tian sitting in the sky, a flash of warm color flashed in her eyes.

No matter what, it is now temporarily safe, I hope she has a chance to break through.

3rd dangerously in this brief moment, completely immersed in the silence, except for the sky above, all kinds of natural phenomena caused by Emperor Xuantian appeared from time to time, and there was no more sound.

Not far away, 3rd Guadi all around, Ji Changsheng, Mo Dongqing and other Dao Lord Realm gangsters are very clear.

Now this tranquility, I am afraid that it is a precursor of howling wind and torrential rain is coming.

I dare not imagine that this tremendous storm caused by the Divine Realm continent Supreme will annihilate the entire 3rd dangerous land into annihilation.

Above mid-air, Supreme Demon Sovereign, Black Sha and Heavenly Nether City Lord and the others, turned their attention to Ning Tian.

“Is there any secret between Ning Tian and Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod?”

Heisha and Supreme Demon Sovereign hearing this, first glance at the Lord of Heavenly Nether City , And then set his sights on Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod.

bang! bang! bang!

At this time, the 3rd edge of Guatemala suddenly broke out in a war.

The horrible Gangwei stormed and swept through the entire 3rd of Guatemala, like a stormy sea.

In the 3rd Guatemalan Center, after Ning Tian flew to Wu Heavenly Venerate Ding, it seems that he used some means. The originally somewhat bleak Wu Heavenly Venerate Ding suddenly burst into thousands of rainbows, summon showed more The scary rare beast rushed towards the 3rd Guatemalan border.

In an instant, the prestige of the war was upgraded again, and the endless flames rose, as if to burn all Heaven and Earth.

Soon, the invincible gangsters closest to the sunset canyon have arrived.

This group is the powerhouse of Guling, as well as several of the seven Gu Family, follow closely from behind.

Ji Changsheng and Mo Dongqing, feeling a large thundercloud in the sky, suddenly shrunk their necks together and moved to the depths of the hidden void.

This is Continent Supreme, so many people come all at once. If they fight, they wo n’t die more than ten times.

It was 5 minutes of time in the blink of an eye. The time left by Ning Tian had almost come.

At this time, Chu Yan, standing there, suddenly felt an inexplicable mysterious feeling in his heart, causing him to turn his head towards towards behind him.

Suddenly, the empty void deep, like a path of current poured into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, made him tremble.

“Come on!?”

Chu Yan’s eyes gleamed with excitement and blood.

On the sky, Heixa and the others turned their heads towards towards the void behind Chu Yan, and at the same time complexion sank.

“Come on!”

“Yes, I also feel that it has arrived!” Supreme Demon Sovereign is also solemnly nodded.

“What are you talking about !? What is coming!?”

Heavenly Nether City Lord this time, he felt his self-esteem was hit by fiercely.

I did n’t feel anything at all, but according to the reactions of these people, it was exactly the same. Is n’t that the case? ?

“First Immortal Mountain, Kunlun!”

The word fell to the ground like a thunderclap, and shocked the Lord Heavenly Nether City and the group of masters behind him, all eyes almost flew come out.

…… ..

On the other side, the 3rd Guatemalan border.

In less than a moment, a path of void fluctuations kept surging, and there was a silhouette out of them, all in an imposing manner.

These people are the seven invincible giants of Gu Family, as well as 13 Dao Lineage, Top 100 Ancient Race and other Great Influence.

Almost at the same time that Chu Yan ’s reincarnation identity broke out, they hurriedly arrived, fearing that they would be half a step behind.

At a glance, there are 23 invincible giants present.

There are still some, on the way to coming, it is only a matter of time to arrive.

“Chu Yan, who is bold and generous, can’t be lighthearted, must fiercely suppress, strip everything!”

“hmph! Little Supreme, dare to kill so many masters, I really thought he was Wu Celestial Emperor. He could n’t be promoted anymore and must be solved! ”

“There is nothing to say, everyone joins hands at this time!”

Immortal Ascension Sect, the ten giants such as Ten Jue Sect, spoke in anger and roared.

The other forces and Sect have also nodded to agree, all of them are binocular flames, and are discussing waiting for joint matters.

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