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In the 3rd danger zone, among the vast Heaven and Earth, all kinds of explosions are coming and going.

The emergence of Zhou Celestial Emperor has exerted a powerful force to show the endless darkness, and even the glow of Wu Heavenly Venerate has been swallowed by it.

In less than a few minutes, everyone also found out that Emperor Xuantian ’s robbery was coming, nine Heavenly Thunders gathered, and mighty sky.

These thunderbolt Heavenly Tribulation contains the power of Heaven and Earth rules. If it breaks, it will soar. If it does not break, it will definitely die!

A layer on top of one another, the thickness of the thunderbolt Heavenly Tribulation cloud is far beyond everyone ’s imagination, even enough to have nine layers.

The silhouette of Emperor Xuantian rushed towards the sky, and in a flash, she broke into two layers, facing the 3rd Layer Thundercloud.

On the other side, Chu Yan is refining Kunlun Xianshan with all his strength, and it is also the most critical time.

The sea of ​​clouds all around keeps boiling. Among them, various beasts of rare beast rush out and become the light of a natural phenomenon, submerging into Chu Yan within the body.

This refining speed is not slow anymore!

Outside Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, it seems to feel something. All divine runes above the tripod are all shining, and under the tremor, a little red light overflows, as if the tripod is like a silk The body is completely enveloped.

“Not good! This tripod will turn into an altar!”

A giant has discovered the special situation of Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod and exclaimed loudly.


Almost when everyone turned their heads towards Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, the tripod standing between Heaven and Earth exploded into a huge ball of powder, like a storm Tyrannical Heaven and Earth.

This storm does not seem to have any meaning of spreading, but on the contrary, it continues to shrink, and eventually turns into a mass of blood red, twisting and evolving.

bang! bang! bang!

Almost in the moment when Wu Heavenly Venerate was broken, the 3rd dangerous sky, the earth, the mountain range, the river, and all other wide areas, there were violent explosions everywhere, every group In the sky, there is a very tall stone statue, in which a silhouette appears.

At a glance, there are thousands of stone statues standing in the 3rd danger zone.

ka cha!

Because Zhou Tian embarked on the sky, a large cloud of darkness shrouded it, as if it had been hit by a huge impact, and it fell apart.

And those terrifying existence who just rushed into the 3rd Guatemala are the same as if was struck by lightning, corner of the mouth flow blood. boundary.

This wave of shock is so powerful that I dare not imagine it.

“This …”

The bigwigs of all forces, the giants, were stunned by this scene.

Ji Changsheng, Mo Dongqing and other Dao Lord Realm, looking at the crushed Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, are all silly.

This Wu Heavenly Venerate trip is broken, and then there will be no Supreme appointment! ?

However, since the Heavenly Venerate Ding Wu is broken, that part of the Heaven and Earth rule is completely invalid.

“Shoot! Break through the Great Array, rush up, do n’t let Xuantian break through!”

An invincible big brother, watching Wu Heavenly Venerate break up, suddenly A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, all shot together.

The biggest problem now is that Empress Xuantian, after all, that Chu Yan only has Supreme realm, even if it is refining the Kunlun Mountain, they have so many invincible realm masters here, they can work together to suppress it, and then It’s the snatch back.

Supreme is in this place, how is it different from ants! ?

However, Emperor Xuantian is breaking through. Once the breakthrough is successful, it is terrifying.

“ha ha ha, very good! That ’s how it is …”

In the distance of the void, the hidden taboo ridge is full of laughter at this time, and the heart is very excited.

It was so smooth!

All developments are in their own plans. Now in this Divine Realm continent, all Peak battle strengths are in battle.

This is a real continent peak scuffle. No matter how strong Ning Tian is, on such a terrible battlefield, there is no way to avoid damage.

Especially in the battle between Zhou Tiandian and Zhou Celestial Emperor, Ning Tian and the others are absolutely capable of killing them.

As a result, only see how Zhou Celestial Emperor will act after suppressing Chu Yan.

when the time comes If Chu Yan has another jade stone to burn, it ’s best.

Thinking about these, Tabu Ling suddenly flushed with red, and it was impossible to hide his excitement, so he was ready to shoot.

“yi !? Is n’t that taboo !? Why did you come so late …”

Suddenly a voice rang in his ear, but Ning Tian ’s voice made Taboo Ling His body fiercely shivered.

“hmph! Ning Tian, ​​you are a bull, let ’s wait to die!”

Forbidden Ridge knows that it ca n’t hide, suddenly angry, and roaring loudly, its body is full of power Exploding, the mighty skyrocketed, no worse than any terrifying existence present.

“So powerful !? Do n’t be angry, come and give you a gift!”

Ning Tian was scolded, but she was not angry at all, but she was still somewhat happy, It seemed that he was imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, and now he is happy to see everything.

After all, these 10,000 years are not ordinary loneliness. Now I am so happy to see so many living people and the elderly people I know live.

“Don’t talk nonsense, what kind of good will you have !?” Taboo Ridge shouted again.

next moment, he shot directly, the terrifying blood red tumbling, blasting towards Ning Tian.

This Ning Tian just hid in the Heavenly Venerate tripod of Wu, and has not been noticed by Zhou Celestial Emperor. Now it is just to lead him out to the battlefield. Naturally, Zhou Celestial Emperor will pick him up.

Ning Tian looked at Tabu Ling, a trace of displeasure appeared on his face, raised his hand, and the blood hoe appeared in his hand.

Of course, you ca n’t miss a fight. If you want to fight, then fight.

At this time, Zhou Celestial Emperor brought the powerhouse of Zhou Tian Dian, as if plowing the ground, sweeping from the 3rd Guatemalan border towards the center.

The powerhouses of Zhoutian Temple are all powerful, like a god general, slaughter all sides.

The stone statues that appeared in the 3rd dangerous land not long ago began to crack. The densely packed stones above the stone statues were all cracks.

Through these stone statue cracks, you can feel the extremely powerful force spilling out of it. If the whole explosion starts, I am afraid that the 3rd dangerous land will blow up.

Ning Tian looked around the audience and did n’t care about the terrifying existence, and finally focused on Zhou Celestial Emperor.

“One person, one emperor, one spring and autumn, one leaf, one valley is longevity, Heaven and Earth is pregnant, all dust is the source of spirit …”

This sentence is exported, above the sky The Black Devil who is still watching the drama, Supreme Demon Sovereign and the others, Qi Qi complexion changed.

What did Ning Tian stare at Zhou Tian do! ?

Others are Cang Lord Realm, even if you are the Antiquity gods first, it is not Cang Lord Realm!

“You don’t know yet …. There is a big secret! Now I can tell you!”

Ning Tianman’s face with a faint smile, soft voice, but resounding The audience.

There is no gangster in this sentence, but the existence as strong as Zhou Celestial Emperor has stopped and turned to look towards Ning Tian.

Including all the big brothers and cultivators present are the same, looking to Ning Tian.

In Ning Tian ’s identity, he can be called a big secret, not simple.

“Everyone,” Heaven “is about to be born!”

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