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The formidable power of the colorful Divine Dragon, in this brief moment, broke out completely.

A bang hit Master Zhou Tiancang, and he flew back directly. He, who was already in trauma, once again sprayed a few big mouths of blood into the sky, and flew to the ground without Zhou Feng.


A loud noise is like a huge meteor with a formidable power hitting the mountain peak. The whole mountain peak clicks and bursts directly.

Then, Zhou Feng rumble sounded, starting from the top of the mountain and collapsing down.

Everyone looked at it like this, completely stunned.

No one thought that the formidable power of Lord Zhou Tiancang was so powerful, just crashing, the whole Zhou Feng was collapsed.

However, what is more unexpected is that with the collapse of Mount Zhou, the entire Island of Zhou began to tremble violently.

Even if the island is all around, the 10,000 li sea ice, which had just been frozen, began to crack together.

The next breath, under everyone ’s gaze, Bu Zhou Island began to sink!


The colorful Divine Dragon rushed out, eight hundred Constant Antiquity warlords issued war orders, tens of thousands of silhouettes rushed out, moved towards the island over the island, all are silly The powerhouse of Zhou Tiandian froze on the spot, launched a charge.

A tremendous battle broke out!

As the army of Constant Antiquity charged, the colorful Divine Dragon battle array disappeared and vanished into the void.

Beijing Island below, still sinking in rumble, has disappeared 70% below the surface of the sea, only the highest peak of abnormity can still be exposed above the surface of the sea.

This tremendous change has suddenly made the entire Divine Realm continent, those all influence bigwigs who peeped into this battle, all shocked soul flies away and scatters.

The first peak of Divine Realm continent, representing the impermanent peak of continent’s dominance …. Sinking! ?

all influence was shocked, and quickly convened a meeting, a variety of 10,000 li summons, densely packed over the entire Divine Realm continent.

For the emergence of the Constant Antiquity army, all influence ’s reactions were horrified.

Although they know that this Constant Antiquity army is composed of Remnant Soul, in theory, it will be exhausted within a few days and eventually dissipate into nothingness.

However, no one knows how long these Constant Antiquity troops, which have been sealed for 10,000 years, will dissipate.

At least, within this period of time, you ca n’t provoke!

Even Zhou Tiancang, the master of continent and one of Antiquity ’s four major cangs, was bombed by skeleton does n’t exist, the mountain gate collapsed, and these other forces, even Zhou Tiandian a Mao could not compare with Dare to fight against Constant Antiquity.

“Wait! Recall all Sect disciple, Elder, closed!”

“Really, this is troublesome! Is n’t Zhou Feng so special !? This group of Constant Antiquity troops is much stronger than the history books!”

“If this is Peak state , Really continent invincible ah! Even if the forces of the whole world are united, they can’t compete with it at all! “

” Why would n’t Celestial Emperor be the first of the four great masters !? ”

“Now the trouble is big, even if these Constant Antiquity troops have disappeared, and there is a Empress Xuantian, according to the news, she just broke through!”

” Breakthrough! Impossible! Cang master realm! Divine Realm continent can still appear Cang master realm!?

“I do n’t know ah! Anyway she was continent invincible in Dao Lord Realm, now breakthrough, Zhou Celestial Emperor has also fallen, and has been invincible again! “

” hmph! No matter how, this Chu Yan must die! Even if there is Ning Tian, ​​there is Empress Xuan Tian, ​​he is still new. A Kunlun fairy mountain, but his cultivation base is only Su The preme environment is not removed now, and there is no chance at all in the future! Do you really want to see Constant Antiquity lineage, rise from now on? ”

” This Chu Yan, but Wu Celestial Emperor reincarnation, before It is invincible of the same order, now … “

” Union! Immediately pass down imperial decree! Notify all Divine Realm continent all forces Sect Ancient Race, all that can be combined are united! “

“Yes! We still have a chance. According to the recent disappearance, three years later,” Heaven “will be born. Hurry up and look for Taboo Ridge!”

“The two great masters were born at the same time, they were still dead enemies, they were Why reincarnation at the same time, is the reason … Vault of Heaven Road! If that is the case, this Divine Realm continent is really going to revive! “

” The Divine Realm continent after recovery is just like Great Like Ancient Era, there is an endless stream of Cang Lords, and we all have opportunities! “

” ha ha ha, very good! Just do it!

In a war, the continent ’s No. 1 Zhou Feng sank, but did not make all influence completely sober.

On the contrary, they were staring closely at many crises. A hint of hope and opportunity, and reached a plan to join forces to promote continent recovery.

The Seven Gu Family, the Guling, the Dao Lineage, the Thirteen Dao Lineage, and even a few parties of the hidden world Sect, all issued Closed order.

At least at most recently, they are not going to shoot Chu Yan again.

When the tide of terror formed in the continent, there was also a force, another Splitting the way, the three Dao Lineage forces of Bayuxuan Desolate Sect, Triadism, and Tianqing Palace formed another alliance.

Compared with the entire continent alliance, so few The alliance of small forces is really a bit smaller, but these forces are the only ones that have not turned against Chu Yan and have a good relationship.

Other forces, even if they want to join them, I am afraid It ’s not possible.

So, these forces now face the dilemma of choice, or they will completely die with Chu Yan, What is the enemy with the world!

This choice, the difference between Heaven and Earth, is like the choice between life and death, so that their heads want to blow up.

Of course, if it is not Ning Tian, ​​if it is not the Emperor Xuan Tian just breaking through, plus Chu Yan ’s reincarnation identity, these questions do n’t need to be considered at all.

Moreover, even these conditions, do n’t need to consider more At most, we can discuss it and make a decision.

The bad is bad. Chu Yan has just exposed the status of reincarnation, and Emperor Xuantian has just broken through. He took the Constant Antiquity army and sank Bu Zhoufeng.

What rhythm is this! ?

This is to replace Zhou Zhoufeng and achieve World’s First force ah!

Choosing to stand with Chu Yan at this time, it really has to be, what is the advantage, but the problem is, if it is wrong! ?

“A new era is really coming!”

Countless lords, Supreme, and even Divine King express their emotions, even the ordinary priests have seen it at this point.

On the other side, Bu Zhoufeng ….

Accurately, it should be the sky over the previous Bu Zhoufeng Sea Territory, the war has just ended.

Chu Yan and Ning Tian are standing together and are constantly talking about the sound transmission about the Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Now, Chu Yan has successfully refined the Kunlun Fairy Mountain and has complete control. Then, as long as he breaks into the invincible environment, he can really urge this mountain.

After all, Kunlun Fairy Mountain, the first mountain, is fundamentally urged by his cultivation base in the Supreme Realm.

Now, what he can control is that he can freely go in and out of Kunlun Mountain, with as many people as he wants, but he wants to make it attack and kill the enemy like Spirit Treasure, but it is fundamentally impossible.

Kunlun Immortal Mountain is still hidden in the void, just like before, all the powerful people in the world have not found it for ten thousand years.

Because it is always hidden in the void, as long as it does n’t want to, someone has discovered it.

But the problem now is that it has recognising Master Chu Yan, and Chu Yan ’s cultivation base is only in the Supreme state, which leads to the suppression of the Kunlun Xianshan ’s formidable power, and the original stealth ability has been somewhat reduced. influences.

After the end of the war, after cleaning the battlefield, Chu Yan took everyone and entered Kunlun Fairy Mountain together.

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