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No matter what Ning Tian said, for the Constant Antiquity Divine Army, Chu Yan had a little bit of a feeling of owe in his heart.

“Don’t worry about it, the matter may seem complicated now, but it may not be complicated. Between the Lord and the Emperor Yuwen, whoever wins or loses, it is not possible to have a result now! “

” Maybe, Emperor Yuwen may win, but it is also possible that the Lord will win, everything will make me Constant Antiquity, rise! “

” Martial Dao World, life and Death is a great friend, and chance is fortunate, why should you look too seriously!?

“So, whether it is Emperor Yuwen or Lord, since they have decided what to do, I and my subordinates will act according to the will of the Lord That’s it! “

This sentence hits the ground, and Chu Yan suddenly shakes the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Suddenly, there seems to be a sudden enlightenment, which makes his heart shine.

“Besides, I can be my Lord, of course it is a little stronger than that of Yuwen Xiaohuang, do n’t worry, hehe …”

Ning Tian said this At that time, his face was relaxed, and there really seemed to be no worry.

Chu Yan hearing this, he suddenly lost a smile, and under this smile, the big rock in his heart that had troubled him for a long time collapsed.

This is the case with many things. When you fall into it, it is difficult to see clearly, and bystanders only need to say a few words, you can let you deeply trapped in it and be completely released.

It ’s not how good the bystanders are, but the authorities think too much.

“Oh, Lord, are you sure that” Heaven “has no reincarnation for you?”

Ning Tian saw Chu Yan smile, but suddenly his eyes fell. Flash, asked.

“If” Heaven “is also your turn, then this matter is big, and the subordinates are bad luck!”

speaking of which is a joke, just As if he had said before, there is an inexplicable connection between him and the nine-domain star chart, so whether Chu Yan has other reincarnations, of course, Ning Tian also knows.

Ask now, just to confirm, after all, this “Heaven” thing is too complicated.

“About this” Heaven “, who is this! Why did he and Wu Celestial Emperor, Emperor Yu Wen, have such a big battle in the Antiquity era? What is the reason of the big battle!?”

Chu Yan heard the name “Heaven” and asked quickly.

“This … The Lord is under embarrassment!” Ning Tian heard Chu Yan’s question and suddenly smiled bitterly.

“These things are only necessary for the subordinates, let ’s go to this person, everything is good, just the gods are nagging, and some things are not told to our subordinates, so what is the matter, You have to wait for the Lord to wake up slowly! “

Ning Tian finished, Chu Yan startedled.

“What about the Vault of Heaven Road !?” Chu Yan asked again.

“This Vault of Heaven road is remembered for a long time in Divine Realm continent legend. It is said that it is related to the war of the year, but the fact is, the part I know is also similar to the legend on continent. It is still the same, only Wait for Lord to wake up slowly! ”

Ning Tian is a bitter smile again. The main problem is all continent’s deepest secret. He can know a ghost.

An answer like this made Chu Yan a little surprised, and suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

It ’s not because I suspect Ning Tian deliberately did n’t say it, but it is obvious that Wu Celestial Emperor takes this secret very seriously, so even Ning Tian, ​​who trusted the most and even delivered the Constant Antiquity army, did not tell.

“Lord, my Constant Antiquity line started from Great Ancient Era, and he is the enemy of Emperor Yuwen, and that” Heaven “! Remember, Lord, once there is a chance, must completely” Heaven ” kill! “

When he said this, Ning Tian’s face was all solemn.

“Why !?” Chu Yan asked.

“This” Heaven “idea is a bit different. Now he is said to be right and wrong, which is not good to evaluate, but this person is extremely paranoid, acting crazy, and can give up anything for one purpose.”

“The most important thing is that the” Heaven “was a plan. Even my own cultivation base was abandoned!”

“According to this calculation, his plan is extremely Horror, but if his plan succeeds, it is definitely a great disaster for Divine Realm continent! “

” Because of this, the Lord must eliminate this person! “

“Lord, the subordinates have passed, but can you promise to subordinates?”

Ning Tian looked at Chu Yan and his face was still the same serious.

“Yes! Please be assured, I will kill” Heaven “!” Chu Yan nodded.

For Chu Yan, although he has never seen “Heaven”, but seeing his subordinate Taboo Ridge, it can be mixed up so that all the forces of Continent and Martial Artist hate level, then this “Heaven” The temperament and the person are visible.

So, even if Ning Tian does n’t say it, Chu Yan will be wary of this “Heaven”, if it is hostile, of course it is direct kill.

“Okay! In this case, the subordinates will be relieved!”

At this point, Ning Tian suddenly changed his attitude and directly stretched a lazy waist, and the whole person was relaxed. Down.

Oh …!

At the moment when he stretched, Chu Yan heard a slightly inaudible aura sound, overflowing from him, and Divine Consciousness swept away, and Chu Yan froze for a moment.

“You …”

The aura that Chu Yan just felt overflowed from Ning Tian, ​​just like Han River before them, Divine Soul overflowed the sound of.

“No, no, the Lord cares! I ’m just doing everything, I need to go back and be with the fourth child! This time, I do n’t know how long it will be sealed!”

Ning Heaven smiled, shook the head, said extremely relaxed.

After hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly lost his heart.

Fleshy body seal! ?

That is the same as the Constant Antiquity on the square before, it becomes a disabled Soul Body, and it will dissipate when the time is up!

“Master …”

In the interest-bearing environment, Ning Tian ’s Fleshy body began to crack, a path of cracks continued to appear, and even a black crack on his face, but He didn’t take it seriously at all, but instead looked at Chu Yan seriously.

“When the subordinates are unblocked, I hope that the Lord can climb the top of Kunlun Mountain! The subordinates are willing to do so!”

“Climbing… Kunlun Mountain Top !?” .

ka cha!

At this moment, Ning Tian smiled nodded, and under light movements, the whole body cracked, turned into countless fragments, and scattered all over.

Ning Tian fell!

Chu Yan ’s eyes became sad again, staring blankly at the dissipating Ning Tian in front of him, and even until the end, he realized that he did n’t know when he was around and suddenly a person came.

“You are …”

Chu Yan not at all too big reaction, here is after all Kunlun fairy mountain range, the enemy is impossible to come in.

“Lord up, down Kunlun Xianshan Mountain Spirit, Bowang!”

old man in a white robe, holding a wooden stick, long beard and waist, there are several divine poise and The charm of sagelike features.

Especially when he bowed, when he got up, the white robe on his body had become black, and even the black level was exactly the same as on Chu Yan.

“Since the Master has recognising Master Kunlun Mountain, there are some things about Kunlun Fairy Mountain, so let ’s tell Master the next!”

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