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This is an excellent treasure. The concentration of spiritual rest is at least ten times higher than the outside.

It is a good place to find such a good place, of course impossible is luck, obviously one of the secret places of Desolate Sect years ago.

Soon, a cluster of palaces appeared in front, which was one of the places where Desolate Sect of Bayuxuan was in the place where he asked.

Before the main hall, Bai Gang and One Hundred Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse are cultivating, while Yue Linglong is inside the main hall, aura is calm, obviously in cultivation.

Seeing such a scene, Chu Yan is very satisfied.

These people Bai Gang stayed outside, and they stopped Yue Linglong, and they were protected, very smart.

After all, they just left a sentence, let them stop a woman named Yue Linglong, not at all directly explain his relationship with Yue Linglong.

But these people, Bai Gang, are so smart, they are all Powerhouses in the Supreme realm, and their minds are poor! ?

As soon as they touched Yue Linglong, they guessed that the woman had a very deep relationship with Chu Yan, so after arriving here, they took the initiative to take responsibility for the protection.

Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness was scanned and found that Yue Linglong ’s aura had become stronger, and even his Divine Consciousness could not detect her cultivation base.

When Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness has just been explored, Yue Linglong in the temple seems to feel it. She opened her eyes and rushed to the door of the temple.

When you opened the temple door, you saw a black robe silhouette not far away, not who Chu Yan would be.

“Big Brother Chu Yan!”

Yue Linglong was delighted to see Chu Yan and rushed over quickly.

“Haha, Lord, you can come back!”

Bai Gang and a group of Supreme gangsters also heard the movement and woke up from the cultivation state.

“Um …!?”

A group of gangsters are very surprised, but within a radius of 100 li, they have arranged a lot of spirit arrays.

But now, Chu Yan appears in front of them, and none of those Spirit Arrays are so dynamic, so powerful, it can be called terrifying.

Sure enough, they are the masters, amazing strength!

Chu Yan and Bai Gang and a group of gangsters exchanged a few words, and then entered the main hall with Yue Linglong.

“In the future, don’t separate!”

Yue Linglong looked at Chu Yan and her beautiful eyes kept flashing, holding back for a long time before finally opening the mouth and said.

“Well, something happened suddenly because …”

Chu Yan just wanted to explain a few words, but before he said it, he was pressed on the mouth by a white onion white jade, and Yue Linglong shook his head slightly.

“I don’t blame you!”

A word immediately made Chu Yan feel good, and it ’s rare to know Yinren ah!

“Then you follow the” machine “Senior cultivation this time, it seems that the harvest is not small …”

Chu Yan thought that just now, her Divine Consciousness could not explore Yue Linglong ’s cultivation base aura. I ’m afraid Yue Linglong ’s harvest was huge this time.

“Hmm …” Yue Linglong chuckled, blooming like flowers.

Then her jade hand lifted slightly, and a faint aura appeared, and the green lotus was like jade, slowly hanging lightly.

“Green Lotus!?”

Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, and the pupil trembles as he looks at this strange flower that is so familiar.

“No! This is not green lotus, is it …”

After taking a closer look, and recovering from the shock, Chu Yan naturally found that this green lotus was a few circles smaller than his original one.

Therefore, it is highly likely that this is a new sapling bred from the young saplings of Yue Linglong … Constant Antiquity Lotus!

“How come there are more silver streaks on it!?”

If you look closely, Chu Yan has made a new discovery. Not only is this green lotus small, but even on the edge of the lotus, there is a path of silver silk, which looks even more dazzling.

“This is not the lotus of Constant Antiquity! Machine Senior said, when when the time comes everything will naturally know, I call it … Yinlian!”

Yue Linglong smiled, her eyes were full of starlight and tenderness, as if she were glowing.

Chu Yan looked at Yue Linglong dumbly for a moment, stunned.

“The silver lotus is almost the same as your Constant Antiquity lotus!”

On hearing this, Chu Yan reacted, his face full of surprise.

So speaking of which, Yue Linglong’s harvest this time is not small, and the role of green lotus, Chu Yan is very clear.

“Ji Senior also said,” Heaven “is still three years away from birth, you will definitely find it !?” Yue Linglong asked with doubt.

Chu Yan is not unexpected, slightly nodded.

This is a well-known thing in the world, and it should be immediately known by the “extreme” method.

“Then we will be attacking Dao Lord Realm during this time. When Dao Realm mountain range starts, it is not enough. You must use Yinlian to make it advance!”

“Ji Senior said that this Dao Realm mountain range is no different, if you want to provoke it, be prepared!”

Hearing Yue Linglong this remark, Chu Yan finally noticed that all this is probably the “pole” Senior saying to Yue Linglong.

But Chu Yan is still wary of this “pole”. After all, he doesn’t know his purpose, and Chu Yan remembers clearly that this “pole” Senior was originally called “land”!

Is it possible to be with “Heaven”?

“OK! I have one more thing to do, and then go to Dao Realm mountain range!” Chu Yan nodded said.

“Are you going to deal with the people from Great Influence !?” Yue Linglong asked.

This time, Chu Yan was really surprised …

“How do you all know !?” Chu Yan dumbfounded.

“Of course I know, some of them are said by Senior, some of them … I should understand!”

Speaking of which, Yue Linglong’s small face rose a little pink, and her eyes appeared coy.

This time, Chu Yan understands, what is a bosom friend!

“A few days ago, I had asked the white big brother to invite some seniors to the direction of Dao Realm mountain range. It should be here, and soon news will come back!”

What Yue Linglong said next made Chu Yan even more relieved.

Yue Linglong not only did not dissuade herself, she also started to arrange for herself. This may be the difference between her and others.

“Chu Yan big brother, let’s go, I have discussed some plans with Bai Gang Senior before, just as you are here, finalize!”

As he said, Yue Linglong pulled Chu Yan and moved towards the temple outside.

By the time Chu Yan walked out of the hall with a gratifying smile, Bai Gang took hundreds of Supreme powerhouses and had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing this scene, I looked at Yue Linglong next to me, and Chu Yan was immediately ambitious 10,000 zhang.

No matter how difficult it is, with all these, God dare to reverse!

“Everyone should be understood! It is the same as before, as long as it is related to your previous Sect family, you don’t have to shoot!”

Chu Yan glanced over the crowd and said

By hearing this, Bai Gang replied, “The Lord is assured, as long as it is not a person of my Bai family, nor a loved one, I will never retreat in the slightest when I try, and I will not escape!”

“I swear, as long as it is not …”

“I send …”

Hundreds of Supreme gangsters were on the scene, and at the same time, even in front of Chu Yan, the Heavenly Might oath was made again.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

Chu Yan waved his hands and took Yue Linglong and the Supreme gangsters in an imposing manner like a rainbow and grandiose.

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