
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

On the great hall square, Yue Linglong took a group of Supreme gangsters, suspended in midair, imposing manner like a rainbow.

Like a thundercloud crossing, it brought the three powerhouses below, a great sense of pressure, and even made the whole scene suddenly calm.

“Not bad! Chu Yan, didn’t expect There are several Supremes in this world, are you willing to help you?”

Xianwu Supreme turned his head towards towards Chu Yan and spoke taunted

“However, you really think that only a few people are useful!?”

At a glance, except for Yue Linglong, the number of Supreme of the Nine Domains is only seven or eight.

This amount is trivial for the three cases.

Not to mention the Immortal Ascension Sect, the number of powerhouses brought by this time’s Top Ten Sect and Celestial Immortal Sect has more than a hundred people, among which there are more than a dozen people in Supreme Nine Domains.

Not only Xianwu Supreme, Yuxu Venerable Lord, Hongyan Supreme are also long relaxed, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all laughed.

Such helpers, do n’t say help, I am afraid that even the Great Array ca n’t break through, and if you ca n’t reach the main hall, you have to fall.

When the Great Array of this town is a decoration, and there are less than ten Supreme Peaks in trifling, I want to break through! ?

The most is to add a little trouble and time that’s all, it doesn’t make any sense!

“Isn’t that enough !? Let me just say it! Then come to some people!”

Yue Linglong floated in the air, her mouth lightly raised, and she rarely smiled at the dew.

This sentence hit the ground, and the three powerhouses present were stunned.

Next, on the far side of the sky, a path of sky-splitting sound sounded, and a powerful imposing manner surged.

These silhouettes are from all directions on all sides of the city, some are alleys in the streets, some are ordinary buildings, some just emerge from the soil, and soon gather together, turning into a tide of terror Square rushed.

Some of the murderous intentions and prohibitions that were passed by them were smashed directly by them, and they instantly turned into nothingness.

This wave of horses and horses, led by … Bai Gang!

Behind him, there are nearly 40 nine-domain Supreme Peaks, all of whom have a murderous aura and a grin.

Xianwu Supreme just laughed, but now his whole face is frozen.

“Bai … Bai Gang !? The Dao Child of the Bai family !? How is it possible !? Is he teaming up with Chu Yan!?”

Yuhu Venerable Lord and Hongyan Supreme immediately recognized Bai Gang’s identity, and the complexion greatly changed.

“No, those powerhouses that are not Baijia, they are Heavenly Overflow Sect, and they are triads!”

Soon, the three gangsters have made new discoveries.

The more than thirty Supreme Peaks, the released aura, are extremely familiar and can be recognized at a glance.

At a glance, these powerhouses come from at least ten different forces, simply not a Sect force.

This … the situation is a bit more complicated!

“Brothers, if you can do it, don’t talk nonsense, go! Put the whole place here!”

Not far away, a roar exploded again. Feng Lao held a big sword and stepped on a thundercloud, urging True Qi to control the sky, and the thunder of rumble continued.

Behind him, there are a hundred Supreme Peaks, like a flood, rushing insanely, along the main road of the city center, all the way to wither and decay, rampage, and soon reached the square.

“What !? Hiss …”

A group of people suddenly appeared, so that the three powerhouses, all sucked in a breath of cold air.

One hundred nine domain Supreme! ?


Is this the battle for Founding Sect! ?

The point is, when did these people come in! ?

In front of the main hall door, the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, Hongyan Supreme and Xianwu Supreme, all three faces are completely white.

What’s the situation! ?

This is not like the technique of fantasy, is it true! ?

However, Chu Yan has so many nine peak Supreme helpers! ?

You know, now that the whole world is against it, how could someone help him! ?

There are more than one hundred Supreme Peaks in the nine domains, which is more than the sum of their three, which is too ….

More than a hundred people, all of whom have Sect influence, there are seven Gu Family, thirteen Dao Lineage, and even the Top 100 Ancient Race.

When Xianwu Supreme saw everyone, his eyes suddenly stopped on a silhouette, and his eyes were green all of a sudden.

“Celestial Immortal!?”

The aura can be recognized by being blind. It is obvious that the Celestial Immortal Sect ’s Nine Domains Supreme Powerhouse is pulling out a Taobao, other Fellow Daoist around the enforcement.

“Start … kill!”

Bai Gang, Feng Lao ordered, more than a hundred nine domain Supreme roared together, rushed out at the same time, various Taoist techniques, forbidden technique, Taobao poured out like a waterfall.

When the three powerhouses watched the flood surge, they instantly exploded the pot, and everyone only felt that the scalp was numb and the whole body was covered with cold hair.

Countless deaths rose in the hearts of the three powerhouses, and everyone was so scared that soul flies away and scatters.

Yue Linglong jade hand lifted, a Spirit Sword was unsheathed, turned out to be a breeze and a bright moon sword, top-level Spirit Armament, a wave of slashing, the monstrous sword light fell, straight to the city Central Square, that The heart of the town ’s Great Array.

“It’s over! Quickly, spread the news, notify all Sect forces, come …”

Yuhu Venerable Lord’s eyes cracked, immediately reacted, and roared loudly.

In this situation, it is no longer them who deal with Chu Yan, but the other party slaughtered them in turn.

The only way now is to spread out the news of Chu Yan, attracting all the powerhouses of various sects forces near Dao Realm mountain range, and joining forces to round up, there is a glimmer of hope.

“Daotian reincarnation!”

Chu Yan shot, the blockbuster Heaven and Earth came out, and shrouded the three gangsters.

In an instant, the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, Hongyan Supreme and Xianwu Supreme only feel that all around the void has changed.

“This … this is samsara!”

This is the unique skill of the Tianlun Sect. The three gangsters know it naturally, but they can take a breath. The three people have eyes shrank at the same time.

I saw, in the sky that had just changed, Chu Yan eight Avatar appeared, holding different Taoqi, and slamming at the same time.

“This is … the technique of nine bodies in one!?”

A group of gangsters saw this scene and was completely ashamed.

The nine Avatars are actually performing nine completely different Taoist techniques. This is definitely a nine-in-one secret skill.




The three gangsters are all angry, regardless of the other, all cultivation base outbreaks, and at the same time exerting the strongest unique skill.

The technique of nine-body unification is different from that of star marks. Chu Yan’s nine-body unification is based on true body. It exhibits nine different Taoist techniques forbidden technique, which is extremely powerful.

equivalent to nine in one, and the star mark in that way, nine in one.

Regarding the reaction of the three gangsters, Chu Yan had already prepared for the current outbreak of power and did not seek quick kills. He would suppress the three gangsters first.

bang! bang! bang!

The technique of the nine bodies came, and under the sweep of Gang Wei, the three gangsters flew upside down and flew in three different directions.

In one move, separate the three gangsters directly.

“Reverse Divine flame!”

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

“One sword must!”

3 moves out, attacking the three gangsters separately, different ways of attacking the same sect powerhouse.

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