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One sword kill three powerhouses, the strength is quite powerful, even the Venerable Lord is stunned.

“Awesome! Sure enough, no wonder dare to kill the city, this black robe cultivator …. yi !? black robe… ..I … I am grass!”

Just halfway, the Venerable Lord’s scalp exploded, hair stands on end.

“Chu … Chu Yan!?”

He never imagined that it was Chu Yan who killed Immortal Ascension Sect and killed three powerhouses.

At this time, in the sky of the sky, the Divine Consciousness was explored in the same way as the Venerable Lord, and the whole sky was diffused.

When everyone saw the black robe silhouette standing on the Central Square, all the Divine Consciousness shivered.

Chu Yan! ?

That Wu Celestial Emperor reincarnation, actually went to the door of Immortal Ascension Sect! ?

The whole sky is silent for a moment …

At this time, while Shengxian was stationed in the city, there were explosions, air waves, Taoist art, and killing tricks in the broken city.

Basically strong restrictions have been shattered on the battlefield in the city.

The main hall, the square, and the streets are all damaged and messy.

Bai Gang, Feng Lao and more than one hundred Supreme gangsters, under the mad impact, the three powerhouses could not resist at all, and one by one fell.

not very long, the battlefield situation has ended, and the violent fighting in the city has gradually subsided.

The Great Array core in the center of the square has been completely shattered by Yue Linglong.

At this time, Chu Yan, holding a long sword, stood in front of Xianwu Supreme’s corpse, his eyes were all cold.

By the way, the afterimage is like electricity, and instantly comes to Hongyan Supreme.

“You … what are you doing!?”

Red Yan Supreme’s whole body is shivered, and he retreats three to four steps.

At this time, Jiao’s good face was all pale, and her eyes were full of despair.


No nonsense with her at all, Chu Yan raised his hand with a sword.

Sword light, blood spilled …

Sect Master Sect Master, Hong Yan Supreme, Fall!

Not far away, the stunned Jade Tiger Venerable Lord suddenly gave a roar, turned and ran.

bang! bang! bang!

Blood mists exploded on his body, completely covering the silhouette of his escape, and when Chu Yan turned his head to look, the blood mists moved like blood clouds, moving towards different directions, constantly flying out .

Like this, it looks like the jade tiger Venerable Lord’s body is flying with clouds of blood, scattered all around the sky.

This is obviously a blood escape technique, used to confuse the enemy’s Divine Consciousness exploration.

After all, blood essence is also aura with true body. Under the investigation of the cultivators of ordinary, it is difficult to recognize that the body of blood mist is the true body.

Although this move, a lot of blood essence will be lost, which will cause huge damage to the cultivation base strength of the cultivator.

However, now the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord has lost so much to save his life.

This Chu Yan, vicious and merciless, without saying a word, has already killed Xianwu Supreme and Hongyan Supreme, completely scaring the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, and there is so much care there.

“Your Immortal Ascension Sect is the head of the three sects, and I will let you go!?”

Chu Yan sneered, throwing a long sword in his hand, the sword light is like a spirit, turned into a black electricity, shooting straight into the void.

pu! pu! Poof …

Like a needle piercing a balloon, the black Clear Sky Sword burst into the sky with lightning-like speed. As it whirls, it passes through the blood mist group after group.

In less than one breath, dozens of blood mists were punctured and all fell apart.

A dozen groups of blood mist bloom in the sky, like a flesh and blood flower, blooming like fireworks, but soon annihilated.

Immortal Ascension Sect Sect Master, Yuxu Venerable Lord, fell!

“Big Brother Chu Yan, many people are staring, let’s go!”

Yue Linglong looked up at the sky and spoke to Chu Yan.


Chu Yan withdrew Clear Sky Sword, waved his hands, collected three corpse into Rakshasa Space, turned his head and shouted.

“Brothers, withdraw!”

After hearing Chu Yan’s words, Feng Lao turned to greet the others with a smile on his face.

The smile on his face was completely from the first battle, and he was in a good mood.

xiu xiu xiu….

The sky-splitting sound of the sky sounded, and the Supreme One of the nine domains in all directions on all sides, all with a smile on their faces, rose into the sky, turned into hundreds of light, and directed at the sky.

The Great Array of the Immortal Ascension Sect stationed in the city has been broken, and the city has also closed the closed state. It is now appropriate to leave.

Hundreds of nine domain Supreme, the movement is really a bit big.

When they came, Chu Yan and their entire group were both invisible, running in batches, of course, they would not attract attention.

But now, such a big group of big guys, all with smiles on their faces, rises into the sky in an imposing manner, and suddenly attracts all around Sect forces, all of them react.

“Not good! Can’t let them go!”

“Hurry up, stop them all, do n’t let go of any one!”

“What a Chu Yan, brave and courageous, actually broke the resident city of Immortal Ascension Sect!”

“When did he arrive at Dao Realm mountain range and did not receive the message ah!”

“Hurry up, spread the news, Chu Yan appears here!”


At the foot of the entire Dao Realm mountain range, the pot suddenly exploded, and the Great Sect forces rioted together.

Countless rays of light rushed out of each Great City, shot into the sky, and a mighty might surged.

“These garbage are not collected, brothers, start!”

Feng Lao turned around and saw people in the city below rushing out and shouting and killing, and then he was not happy.

When is it your turn to chase them down! ?

So, without any hesitation, he directly greeted all brothers and shot directly.

Bai Gang and the others heard that they all stopped their bodies, turned around, and smiled all over, withdrawing their swords, drawing swords, drawing swords.

A group of big guys, even if they are facing the world’s leaders, all the powerful Great Influence teams have no fear.

Even, a group of people, Bai Gang and Feng Lao, all have excited and bloodthirsty rays of light in their eyes, looked towards the various sects powerhouse rushing across from them, all of which are red light.

They are the ghosts in Extreme East Land themselves, and the temperament has changed for countless years.

For combat, they are more fanatical than ordinary cultivators, especially the kind of battles that kill people and see flesh and blood bloom.

“War battle!”

Yue Linglong cleared Wind Sword, Bai Gang and the others flew immediately, and the formation was waiting.

This battle is not simple!

It is recorded by Chu Yan that the method of battle formation delivered to the Constant Antiquity army of Yue Linglong, after a period of teaching by Yue Linglong, Bai Gang and the others have basically mastered it.

In an instant, like a colorful giant dragon came out in the air, and was trapped in the void, moved towards the cultivator and city rushing below, sending out a thunderbolt dragon roar.


Gang Wei exploded, Heaven and Earth vibrated …

All cultivators flying in in midair, including those in the big cities below, were simultaneously impacted by a powerful aura, groaned together, and retreated half a step.

Although Bai Gang and the others have just learned, these colorful Divine Dragon battles, but almost killed the even Celestial Emperor of the Cang Lord Realm, what a terrible formidable power! ?

“Good! Good!”

Only Xenhuang Venerable Lord saw this scene, relaxed and smiling.

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