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Immortal Ascension Sect was stationed in the city first, followed by Pfazong stationed in the city. In less than a moment, the two Great City were destroyed.

At this time, no matter the Guling, the Seven Gu Family, the Dao Family and other major powerhouses stationed in the city, they were all stunned.

Chu Yan is Chu Yan, of course!

Chu Yan is definitely the one who scored the two major cities.

But is it really him? ?

Suddenly appeared, one man one sword, kill three Sect Masters, come like electricity, go like shadow, this means of killing and cutting, such as thunderbolt Heavenly Might.

Moreover, Chu Yan, who has always been alone, has brought great help this time.

Hundreds of nine domain Supreme Powerhouse, enough to contend with any Sect forces, standing in the invincible realm.

“This Chu Yan …”

“Can’t let him run like this, this opportunity is rare!”

“Yes! He must be left behind, otherwise he will be there!”


No matter what, after the surprise of the Great Influence, it was a murderous aura.

A variety of powerful imposing manners broke out with it, rising continuously among the major cities.

sky-splitting sound echoed through the sky once again, and some powerhouses that could not be closed, all rushed out of the sky and flew to the sky.

It seems that a battle is about to begin …

This kind of battle has not been seen in Dao Realm mountain range for many years.

“One Sword Art!”

Chu Yan took the crowd, with a sword first, wherever he passed, the sword was like a shock, and flashed, but every time under the word light, there must be a person powerhouse.

Clean and neat, without any trace of mud and water, sword power and will reached Peak state at the same time, making it simple.

With Chu Yan ’s sword as the front, the entire group was rampant and crowded in all directions in all directions.

All this looks dangerous, but in fact, Yue Linglong is centrally scheduled and everything is under control.

“Not good ah!”

all around the various sects powerhouse constantly coming, seeing this scene, could not help holding breath cold air.

They are both powerhouses. After a long battle, it is natural to see the current situation of the battle.

So, after a long distance, I saw Chu Yan taking a group of people, rushing to the left and killing right, without being trapped or feeling down.

“ha ha ha, happy! After this battle, my lord Chu Yan, and my name of the sea seal, will be continent!”

Laughing loudly, Feng Lao Na was very excited, including a group of Supreme comrades around him, all with a look of excitement.

Before him, as a Loose Cultivator, he encountered walls everywhere on the road to cultivation. With great opportunity, he finally broke through to the Supreme realm, but he fell into Extreme East Land and became a ghost for countless years.

I am afraid that he is suffocating and unwilling, and only he can understand it.

But it ’s different now. After I got the Lord, I left Extreme East Land and this person was born … how could it be completely changed! ?

Now, it ’s time to really hit the rays of light!

Since the road to cultivation is full of suffocation, it will be vigorous from now on.

“What are you talking about, you think Laozi is dead!”

Bai Gang was angry, and shouted at the sealing sea.

“Oh! Yeah yeah … and Bai Gang, also make a name!” Feng Hai was shouted and added quickly.

“ha ha ha….”

“Lao Feng, don’t counsel, do him!”

“Just …”

“… ..”

All the comrades around, giggled together, and the atmosphere of Xuan Tian had just been imposing manner, and it instantly burst.

Bai astral qi’s face was all green, carrying the sword and rushing towards Fenghai.

Feng Hai shrinks his neck, turns and runs.

The scene is completely out of control …

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong glanced at each other, the former smiled lightly, and Yue Linglong also waved jade hand.

In an instant, the battle array turned and rushed out of the city, increasing its speed.


Various sects, the powerful men, clenched their teeth and chased after them.

Under such circumstances, will they be able to suppress Chu Yan, even if they are fools?

However, watching Chu Yan flying around, the kind of unwillingness to let them be easy to let go.

“This kid seems to be getting stronger and stronger!”

Xuanhuang Venerable Lord saw this scene, and a dangling heart was completely put down.

On the other side, Chu Yan, with the brigade, rushed out of the city.

According to the original plan, everyone except him and Yue Linglong went back to Extreme East Land directly.

As long as they enter Extreme East Land, in addition to Chu Yan, Bai Gang, Feng Hai and other indigenous peoples, any powerful powerhouse dare not step into it.

“No, they are too fast!”

Various sects gangsters who follow behind, ca n’t keep up, all of them look disappointed.

There is a saying, really can’t catch up! ?

Among the various sects forces, although the ordinary cultivators account for the majority, there are still some powerhouses with the battle strength of the Supreme list.

If you chase at full speed, the impossible cannot catch up. After all, Chu Yan kept flying in battle and did not reach Peak state.

However, under such circumstances, the Supreme strength of those various sects is slower than the one, and even chasing behind their own team, the farther they are.

No one is a fool!

As the battle strength of the Supreme list, that is not a treasure of various sects! ?

How could it rush up and get Chu Yan’s people around! ?

Who will do this spirit of self-sacrifice and complete interception of Chu Yan’s team! ?

Even for insurance purposes, they deliberately hang at the end of the team to ensure the longest distance from the Chu Yan team, which is absolutely safe.

Co-author, these ordinary cultivators are cannon fodder! ?

Complaining about this thing is usually not visible, but at this time, it is extremely obvious.

So, you are slow, I am also slow, slow and slow, various sects forces chasing the team, launched a contest above the sky, slower than anyone else.

This time, you can look at the big guys in the city below.

What happened! ?

Chu Yan will not exert its domain power! ?

Is it so strong! ?

Thousands of different sects forces powerhouse were even rewarded! ?

Everyone looked dazed, only some Sect Elder and others saw the reason, all of them smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

“Chu Yan! Stop for me!”

Shout out loudly sounded. In the city below, a silhouette rises to the sky like a meteor across the sky, the speed is fast, and the group of turtles chasing the army in an instant, moved towards Chu Yan high speed.

“That is Zheng Family’s … Zheng Kaidi!?”

Everyone was stunned, looking towards the silhouette holding the long blade, all looked stunned.

On the Supreme list, Zheng Kaidi, the fourth in battle strength!

However, he rushed up alone, what is he doing! ?

“Chu Yan, do n’t go! Fight first!”

Zheng Kaidi chased behind the team of Chu Yan and roared loudly.

Bang! Bang!

Double steps and heavy steps, one step at a time, the speed of Zheng Kaidi, which is already extremely fast, seems to be a secret skill, and the movement art speed has skyrocketed again.

While stepping on the cloud, he waved his long blade, rumble’s thundering sound rolled, and the knife was so powerful.


After the long blade regained momentum, it cut directly and slashed forward.

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