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The two people standing in front of Xuanhuang Venerable Lord are, of course, the Sect Masters of Sanhejiao and Heavenly Imaginary Sect.

It’s just that both of them have a dull face and are still frowning and thinking, it seems that there is no meaning to decide at all.


Next breath, sword whisper Chang Xiao, the hands of Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, the long sword comes out of the sheath, and the sword edge points directly at the sky.

“hmph! A group of Xiao Xiao who dare to bully my Desolate Sect of Bayuxuan, die!”

In a word, the long sword is flying, and the Sect Master Xuanhuang rises into the sky. What the word light refers to is the world’s heroes.

At the moment he soared into the sky, there was a large silhouette behind him, all of which were Desolate Sect of Jiuyu Supreme Peak powerhouse.

In this battle, the Venerable Lord will bet the entire Sect…!

Since then, it is no longer secret, but on the surface standing with Chu Yan, if one suffers, all suffers, if one prospers, all prospers.

One sword out, imposing manner thunder …

Xuanhuang Venerable Lord seems to hold back all the oppression in a long time, in this brief moment all burst out.

With the sword, the powerhouses of the Great Sect forces were instantly blasted into a large area. The men and women of the Desolate Sect in the back of the eight Yuxuan Desate arrived and crashed into the mountains like an avalanche.

At this moment, the two Sect Masters of the Sanhejiao and the Heavenly Imaginary Sect who are still watching in the distance, glanced at each other, and an angry look flashed in the eyes of the two.

“Triadism, listen to orders! Kill me!”

“Heavenly Imaginary Sect, all on it, help Chu Yan!”

In a flash, the Spirit Armament with hundreds of handles came out of the sheath, and the Heavenly Dao Bao Fei danced, chasing behind the Desolate Sect of Bayuxuan, and rushed to the world.

This time, all the heroes in the world were shocked!

“People of Desolate Sect, Triadism, Heavenly Imaginary Sect, are you crazy!?”

“They … actually helped Chu Yan!?”

“courting death!”

“Kill them all!”


A stalemate that was not dominant at first, because the joining of three men and women instantly collapsed the battlefield on one side.

Seeing the changes in the battle situation, each Great Influence powerhouse on the battlefield reacted instantly.

However, instead of rushing to the three cases they just joined to help the collapsed situation, they turned around and rushed to the nearest Taoguo!

First, the Dao family, then the ancient tombs, one by one, all rushed to Daoguo.

“Sky Soul, are you still watching the show!?”

The giants of all parties are under tremendous pressure, and all of them growl and growl.

“No when the time comes!”

Tian Soo obviously did n’t want to care about them and answered casually.

A battle like this is most beneficial to him. The two sides are stuck together and there is no victory or defeat, so as to contain the two sides.

“Well, did it start?!”

Suddenly, the soul of the celestial body shivered, and a sharp mass of light suddenly burst into his eyes.

At the next breath, following his gaze, a large expanse of Profound Light suddenly broke out over the Dao Realm mountain range, not far from the sky, as the sea water boiled.

“Star mark, stare at the Yue Linglong beside Chu Yan!”

Heaven’s eyes are fixed, but Divine Consciousness sound transmission said.

Chu Yan ’s character is best understood by Tian Po. Only the people around him can restrain him at a critical time, and there is a person in his hand, which is enough.

“Sect Master, why do n’t you let me fight with Chu Yan? Now I have nine bodies in one, I am sure …”

Star mark is very dissatisfied with Tian Xiao to let herself deal with a little girl.

Know that you have merged nine bodies and cast Saint Physique, and now you are fully qualified to participate in the battle for world domination.

Let him deal with a little girl… ..

Before he came, he had already thought about it. The completion of the nine-in-one body was the time to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

And the best stepping stone to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat is … Chu Yan!

However, without waiting for him to finish talking, he saw Tian Soo glance at him, his eyes were all cold.

The star marks tremble all over, shut up quickly, and dare not say another word.

“Follow me!”

Tian Po returned his gaze and turned towards several other ancient Sect ’s powerhouses, then body flashed and rushed directly to the battlefield.

“haha, Tian Po shot!”

all influence lord, seeing this scene, his face was suddenly full of joy, and he was calm.

Tian Soul’s identity and strength are all absolute influences of Great Influence. Now that they are shot, they naturally have confidence in their hearts.

Now this battle is going on, the losses of Great Influence are too heavy.


Chu Yan on top of the mountain, the Golden Spirit Mark flashes in his eyes, and within the body the magic breath surges.

bang! bang! bang!

The sounds of thunderclap exploded, either fast nor slow, and at the same time resounding through the sky, the Divine Soul that shocked each of the on-site practitioners and caused their Sea of ​​Consciousness to shake.

“This …”

The cultivators present turned around looking towards Dao Realm mountain range, all with astonished expressions.

Boom … rumbling!

The Dao Realm mountain range made a loud noise, and the entire mountain peak trembles. All the mountain-colored nine colored Profound Light began to roll over, pulling the waves like a tsunami and rushing towards the sky.

next moment, the sea of ​​spirit clouds on the sky, exploded, and a large piece of Profound Light gathered to form a large fuzzy illusory shadow.

“This … what is this!?”

“Good … it seems like a palace!”

“God, is this the 9th Layer Immortal Palace!?”

“Dao Realm mountain range, connecting the Vault of Heaven, is the legend true?”


The big guys present were all stupid, completely stunned there, simply couldn’t react.

Dao Realm mountain range has never happened before in the history of Dao Realm mountain range. At most, when Dao Guo was born, what is the Immortal Palace?

This is absolutely wrong!

After the sudden reaction of the powerful men present, a path of consciousness flashed in their Sea of ​​Consciousness.

next moment, everyone turned around, looked towards Tian So and Chu Yan.

These two have never shot from start to finish, have been watching, waiting …

What are they waiting for! ?

Dao Realm mountain range gave birth to nine Daoguo, four more than usual, plus the attitude of these two people, plus the appearance of such a large Immortal Palace.

These situations add up, and even a fool knows what the two of them are waiting for!

That is to say, from start to finish, their goal may not be just Dao Guo.

“Linglong, according to the previous plan, the Dao Guo is given to you! Refining when you get it, breaking if you can break through!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission, start preparing.

“en! Big Brother Chu Yan, don’t let that traitor! Here … you don’t have to worry!”

Yue Linglong’s twinkling eyes looked at Chu Yan, gently nodded.


Chu Yan smiled lightly, and then his whole body imposing manner began to explode like a tide.


The word comes out, the thunderbolt is like a gang, within the body, all the methods of asking, gather long sword, and cut it out with one sword.

ka cha!

Sword light passes by, such as meteor skimming, where passing, the various Great Array arranged by various sects forces, forbidden, all slashed by sword light into vanish powder, collapse into nothingness

Chu Yan is like a black electricity, flying across, unstoppable all the way to the Immortal Palace in the sky.

On the other side, Heavenly Soul did not hesitate at all, his figure rose into the sky, and moved towards Immortal Palace.

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