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In the painting axis, the mist overflows, the pure white mist overflows, and it is scattered, and there is a glimmer of light, as if the world in the mist, let people be indistinguishable from reality for a time.

Chu Yan Qilin ’s pupil flickered, and at a glance, the misty virtual world became more real.

I see, it is a world of white jade condensation, there is no soil on the earth, it is completely accumulated by jade debris, and the mountains in the distance are completely made of jade, with different colors, white jade, jade, and black jade … ..

On top of a black black jade mountain peak, a tall silhouette sits as if sitting.

At a glance, Chu Yan suddenly started.

There is no aura overflowing in the silhouette of that sitting, but it just feels like he and Myriad Realms fuse together as if they can be seen by Rule Power all around, completely under his control, winding and circling.

This is the first time Chu Yan has seen this ability.

If it is said that the power to suppress Rule Power, Chu Yan will not be so surprised, but this control is more difficult than suppression.

The key is how to do it without even aura outbreak! ?

“Good familiar feeling, is this boneless …”

Chu Yan’s eyes looked and Divine Consciousness explored, and soon found that silhouette’s true body was a black and sacred bone.

However, it feels like Chu Yan, it seems to be his own thing, placed here for endless years.

“Emperor Yuwen’s golden body!?”

Chu Yan thought a little, and thought of this answer.

He Shasha also said before, as long as he awakened Yu Wenhuang’s reincarnation memory, he could find Yu Wenhuang’s golden body.

It seems that this Emperor Yu Wen, like Wu Celestial Emperor, can hide things.

This jade stone world, I am afraid it is an independent small world, can only enter from the reincarnation crystal, there is absolutely no entry and exit in other places.

In this way, we can guarantee that Jin Shen will eventually fall into the hands of his own reincarnation, and there will be no accidents.

In addition, Hei Sha said that there is still a lot of power in the Divine Realm continent of the Emperor Yuwen series. As long as Chu Yan cultivates the immortal Fiendgod work and obtains the golden body of Emperor Yuwen, the power of this system will be attributed to Chu Yan .

This is not a small force, it is definitely no less than the Wu Celestial Emperor.

Om …!

I do n’t know how long after that, the white jade World disappears like smoke, and Chu Yan ’s Divine Soul and will are back in place.

“This …”

Chu Yan was awake for a moment, feeling a little ignorant.

What happened! ?

That golden body hasn’t gotten by himself yet, how come out! ?

However, when Chu Yan looked at it, he found that there was an extra void channel in the location of the original black crystal in the nine-domain star map.

This time, Chu Yan is even more depressed.

Is this Emperor Yuwen so low-key! ?

When Wu Celestial Emperor awakened the reincarnation, it was heaven shaking earth shattering. Just for a lifetime of demonstration, those memory fragments Chu Yan have watched for a long time.

But now, Emperor Yuwen ’s reincarnation awakening is to open a void channel and it will be gone! ?

“It should be that the memory is not fully awakened! Or that he hid the memory in the dharma body, and it really is step by step!”

This time, Chu Yan has seen this master’s method, one by one.

“Forget it, leave it alone!”

Chu Yan shook the head, no longer think about it, continue to cultivate.

In a blink of an eye, another few days passed …

At this time, when asked the place to take the initiative, Chu Yan was sent out and left directly.

However, Chu Yan not at all appeared in the first domain, but went to a very unfamiliar small domain continent.

Bowang was injured. I am afraid that Kunlun Xianshan is recovering. Chu Yan did not intend to disturb Bowang ’s recovery. After a little deep pondering, he found a blessed land and opened Cave Mansion, invisible.

After arranging the Spirit Array, Chu Yan took out Jade Talisman, spread the news to Yue Linglong, Empress Xuantian, Lin Meng and the others, and then continued to cultivate.

However, when Chu Yan sank into the cultivation, he not at all found that because of his appearance, within the radius of 10,000 li, all Heaven and Earth spirits appeared some variants.

On the other side, a team of men and women set off from the place of question …

The Dao Realm mountain range’s Daoguo battle has finally come to an end.

Headed by Yue Linglong, including, Qin Tian, ​​Xuan Huang, Zhou Zi, Bai Gang, Feng Hai, Almighty Heavenly Master, Zheng Di and the others The way to become master.

The effect of this batch of Dao Guo is amazing, and there is an unprecedented 100% breakthrough.

This time, let those forces and powerhouses who did not grab Daoguo have green faces.

Originally, they thought that ten Daoists could have five Daoists, which was already considered to be a great opportunity and luck.

However, they never thought that it would be 100%, and no breakthrough failed.

The ten successful people are well-intentioned. I am afraid that the fruits of this time are so strong that they cannot be separated from Chu Yan.

Because, in the next few days, some powerhouses gathered in Dao Realm mountain range actually started to break through one after another, and several breakthroughs reached Dao Lord Realm.

At this point, everyone is dumbfounded!

What is this situation! ?

Do n’t get Dao Guo, there are also several breakthroughs! ?

Among these few people, there is a person familiar to Chu Yan, and Li Jiang, who also cultivates heaven defying way!

Next, the Legendary news of Dao Realm mountain range began to sweep the entire Divine Realm continent like a gust of wind, all influence and powerhouse were all alarmed.

The nine domain Supreme who did n’t come to Dao Realm mountain range, also rushed to Dao Realm mountain range frantically, and wanted to try to take advantage of the breakthrough.

With the spread of the news, of course, there is also the news that Chu Yan has defeated the soul.

All influences and ancient beings, hearing such news, almost all suck in a breath of cold air.

Originally, the alliance formed by Sky Soul has made arrangements for the future Divine Realm continent situation, but now it is completely nonsense.

How does the Divine Realm continent change now? It seems to depend on Chu Yan.

A sword defeated the soul of heaven!

That is the sixth of Antiquity gods, and now the Sect Master of the Peerless Sect, this strength is bursting out, who else dares to talk nonsense! ?

Not to mention, face Chu Yan on the surface!

In addition, news about Sun Wanyun also spread.

Sun Wanyun, the No. 1 in battle strength in Supreme, turned out to be the heir of Dao Realm mountain range. Putting it that way, Divine Realm continent. In addition to Zhou Celestial Emperor, there is a person comparable to the existence of the Four Great Lords.

All forces and powerhouses are speculating about the spirit of the Dao Realm mountain range. What is the status now, alive, or Remnant Soul, or simply fell.

Anyway, the news came out, no one knows more details.

A few days later, in the vast mountain range …

A demon cat running with blood on his body broke into the mountain range.

Her face is full of panic, aura is low, and she looks back from time to time. It seems that she was chased by some enemy, and she ran into the road indiscriminately before she reached this mountain range.

Not far away, a cave appeared, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes, and she sensed that there was a strong spiritual protection in the cave.

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