This temptation, on the one hand, tempts others, but also exposes yourself.

So, Chu Yan does not intend to be polite to him again.

When I heard Chu Yan’s words, the faces of the young people in white clothes suddenly changed.

As the first elder brother of the Supreme Sect, even some Supreme powerhouses are polite to themselves and must definitely give face.

But now, he has always been restrained towards the other party, even voluntarily revealing his identity, but the other party completely ignores it.

Too arrogant!

If you do n’t give yourself a face, do n’t you even give Supreme Sect a face! ?

“Everyone, I have summoned Master, he is coming!”

White clothes The youth immediately gave up the idea of ​​communicating with Chu Yan and turned around and said to several people in the same group.

“This person’s cultivation base may be God King Realm. As long as we can hold him for a while, the Master will come and naturally take the lead for me!”

This sentence doesn’t say it clearly, but uses Divine Consciousness sound transmission.


“No problem, listen to Senior Brother’s instructions!”


Several people dare to come out to experience it. Some of them have some cards, plus Yue Senior Brother is God ’s powerhouse, and it ’s also a top powerhouse in Supreme inside the sect.

It ’s common to fight across the ranks, but it ’s just a drag on the opponent. What is the difficulty?

The last time, can’t you run if you hit it! ?

A few people’s eyes were shining. If the first Elder came, it would only be good for them. After all, a God King Realm powerhouse’s net worth, even if three melons and two dates leaked, they also made it.

“Sire, you are too arrogant! Do n’t blame us for being welcome!”

After appeasing the crowd, the face of the young man in white clothes appeared proud again.

God King Realm! ?

I ’m not unfamiliar. The God King Realm of ordinary can defeat myself in 5 minutes of time. If I use the hole card again to support one or two hours, it ’s not a problem at all.

Moreover, there is a group of people around to help the battle. Even if it is a cannon fodder, it takes time to kill.

when the time comes, when the Master arrives, do n’t say that you are a God King Realm, even the forces behind you will have to pay compensation.

This is not the first time they have done this. They have been familiar with it for a long time, and this time the other party ran into it, but it is not that they troubled him.


Nothing more was said, Yue Feng’s arrogance, a big wave of his hand, ordered the battle array to be arranged.

This is not one-on-one, but one-on-one, even if the other party is powerful, their purpose is only to delay time.

hu! hu!

Each and everyone young men in treasure armor, all shot together, under the outburst of True Qi, shifted their positions, the battle formation was quick, and the might surged.

“en !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was stunned.

What happened! ?

These people have to start with themselves! ?

I just had a fight, Peerless Sect, Heavenly Soul, known as Number One Person under Cang Lord, 13 Dao Lineage Sect Master ranked second in strength.

There is another fight now! ?

“It seems that there is still some time! Then try the current cultivation base and see what other Dao Lineage forces are!”

Chu Yan shook the head, turned his head and touched the little girl ’s dull little head, and waved it gently.


Speaking the law, the silhouette of the little girl disappeared on the spot instantly, and when it reappeared, it had reached the mountain range of 100,000 miles away, and it was already not far from the residence of the Ming tribe.

next moment, when Chu Yan’s mouth began to rise, a powerful aura burst out.

Boom … Rumble!

Aura rises, all forces between Heaven and Earth begin to collapse, endless thunderbolt gathers, the magic of all ways is waved, and the rules of Heaven and Earth boil.

The originally clear sky was instantly low, and Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon appeared together, like a horror Heavenly Tribulation, just about to come.

At the foot of the mountain 100,000 miles away, the little girl stood there, stunned for ten breaths before being awakened by the thunderbolt ’s small body trembled in the sky.

With a small mouth wide open, looking at the 10,000 li thunderclouds rolling on the sky, his eyes were round.

I … I’m there! ?

What happened! ?

100,000 miles is very far away for her, but she can clearly sense that the aura of the human Senior has enveloped Heaven and Earth just now.

God-like aura surges, and within 100,000 miles, all spirits tremble.

Boom …!

Yue Feng brought a group of Supreme sect disciples, the war quake that had just been arranged, and in front of such Heavenly Might, it fell apart instantly.

Everyone only feels that in Sea of ​​Consciousness, a path of thunderbolt explodes, the whole body aura is locked, and even the meridian almost no longer works.

In an instant, everyone’s face was ashamed …..

A dozen pairs of eyes looked towards black robe silhouette, all of them twitched in their faces, and their hearts were full of lifelessness.

“To … Supreme Realm!?”

white clothes The youth, the Supreme Elder ’s disciple, had some insight and recognized Chu Yan ’s opinion at a glance.

Of course, I admit it wrong!

However, he never thought that Dali would hit a powerhouse with such a terrifying cultivation base.

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