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The naughty level of the spirit of the green seal made Chu Yan suddenly a little dazed.

I don’t know how Chu Yun is now! ?

“Can you go up to that place?!”

Chu Yan raised his head and pointed. At a void not far away, 9 rays of light condensed together, like a ladder, I don’t know where it leads to.

“You are only invincible, you can’t get there at all! I’ll send you back…”

Zhou Sheng curl one’s lip, with a disgusting expression on his face.

next moment, vacant fluctuations, large ripples rippling away, enveloped Chu Yan, and disappeared instantly on the spot.

“Chu Yan, wake up… wake up! What happened!?”

As soon as he came back, Chu Yan heard two rapid voices in his ears and kept calling himself.

It is Bowang and Ming Wang, who are looking at the distant green seal with a worried look, and at the same time constantly Divine Consciousness sound transmission, wanting to wake Chu Yan.

The strength of this green seal is naturally known to both of them.

If Chu Yan is now in the breakthrough invincible state, he can spur Qingyin, then his strength is definitely more than several times stronger.

“I’m fine! Just now Qingyin…”

After Chu Yan briefly talked about the situation with the two of them, the two of them were immediately frowned.


“Even I have never seen this. There is this in the land of ten thousand sources!?”

The two watched the crystal picture released by Chu Yan, and at the same time shook the head, completely unaware.

Back then, the two of them followed Wu Celestial Emperor into the Land of Ten Thousand Sources, and they also went to the depths of the Land of Ten Thousand Sources, but they had never seen a crystal like this.

Or, the crystal looks too ordinary, they simply didn’t pay attention back then.

After ten thousand years, let them remember the situation in the land of ten thousand sources, they basically want to do not raise.

However, since Qingyin said that there are in the Land of Ten Thousand Sources, let Chu Yan look for it, then naturally it can’t be wrong, but everyone doesn’t know what the crystal does.

“Chu Yan, Qingyin asked you to find this crystal. I don’t have any opinion. However, if you go deep into the core area of ​​the Land of Ten Thousand Origins, don’t take this matter too seriously. Take care of yourself.”

“The core area of ​​the Land of Ten Thousand Sources is full of crises. If you are distracted to find something, it is likely to fall into it.”

“But if Qingyin is willing to help when the time comes, then it can be…”

Bowang pondered for a moment, and then said to Chu Yan that there was no sound transmission at all. Just saying it directly, as if afraid that the Qingyin over there would not be able to hear it.

“Regardless of these, Qingyin takes the initiative to find the owner, this is a good thing! When the time comes, act by chance, that’s right!”

Ming Wang is much more casual, but from time to time he looks towards the green seal not far away, his eyes flickering.

Chu Yan nodded, take the words of the two to heart.

Then, as the three of them chatted, Chu Yan continued to consolidate the cultivation base.

After an hour, the aura on Chu Yan began to settle, a powerful invincible aura, surging all directions.

After this aura, the Dao masters all around were greatly changed by the complexion, and Divine Soul trembled.

That’s it!

It was originally just a suppression of strength, which made these Taoist masters jealous.

Now the suppression of realm is added, which directly makes them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This Chu Yan’s current strength is probably at the highest level on the Divine Realm continent. Any estimate, I am afraid he now has the battle strength of Peak in the invincible state, which is not comparable to the invincible state of the ordinary.

By now, no one would be foolish to think that Chu Yan just broke through, it’s just an invincible initial stage…


next moment, a wave of Heaven and Earth Rule Power fell, sending Chu Yan out of the 3rd dangerous place.

At the same time, Tian was also teleported out of the 3rd dangerous place. The Supreme appointment between the two was here, and it was completely over.

Chu Yan glanced at the sky not far away, and found that his cultivation base went directly to the invincible Great Accomplishment.

This advantage is much greater than myself. People are restoring their strength, and Chu Yan is a step-by-step breakthrough.

As soon as the bottleneck and the shackles were broken, the advantage of the sky played an amazing role.

“Congratulations, Chu Yan, you must be able to use Kunlun Mountains!?”

Tian saw Chu Yan looked towards herself, smiled softly, said

“It seems that I have to hurry up and collect more small domains, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be your opponent next time I meet!”

When I heard this, Chu Yan didn’t care, shook the head

“A generation of God’s words is too modest, I think it won’t take long for you to return to the peak of invincible state! That is really invincible!”

Hearing these words in Tian’s ears, he immediately made him laugh

“ha ha ha, my little friend listened to these words. When I turn back to the land of ten thousand sources, I will try not to kill you!”

When this sentence landed, although both of them were smiling when they looked at each other, the murderous intention and hostility in their eyes were obviously no longer obvious.

“The Land of Ten Thousand Sources!”

It may take hundreds or even thousands of years for other practitioners to break through to the invincible realm before they can find the opportunity to break through the invincible realm.

But this matter is not necessary for Chu Yan and Tian.

Go back and enter the land of Ten Thousand Sources, where you have been practicing for several years, maybe when you come out, you will already be in the realm of the Lord.

“Chu Yan!”

Yue Linglong, Lin Meng and the others flew over from a distance, looking at Chu Yan, all of them looked happy.

“Congratulations, little friend, breakthrough invincible!”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao also flew over, arching his hands far away, and then glanced away, looking at the sky not far away.

“Heavenly Dao ancestor!? You…”

Seeing the presence of the ancestor of Heavenly Dao, Chu Yan was taken aback.

“Little friend Chu Yan, forgive me, frankly, I’ve been sneaking here all the time. The original plan was to prepare for the last moment, kill Chang Tianhe! At the same time, I also protect the law for the little friend breakthrough!”

Xiu Heavenly Dao did not hide it, speak frankly.

I said it myself, and Chu Yan found it out later, but the result was the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Sure enough, Chu Yan hearing this is not unexpected, slightly nodded to arch hand path

“Many thanks Senior!”

Chu Yan naturally understands the idea of ​​cultivating Heavenly Dao ancestors and the others, and it is not easy to say anything.

For myself, even the passage of Chang Tianhe before made it difficult for Chu Yan to judge what is right and what is wrong.

If Chang Tianhe is really swallowed by the Heavenly Jade Demon, the fall may really be the best ending for him.

“You are polite! You are not guilty, I can’t thank you enough!”

This sentence is really true. When the ancestor of Heavenly Dao said it, he smiled bitterly.

Otherwise, he would not greet all parties in advance, even the Imperial Capital of Xuantian Girl said.

“Chu Yan, then you can talk to them, I will leave first!”

Tian said to Chu Yan, turned around and left.

“Chu Yan, do you want to…”

Yue Linglong looks at the silhouette of the sky leaving, Divine Consciousness sound transmission

At this time, their power is extremely strong, and the ancestor of Heavenly Dao is here, so many invincibles against him, the victory is huge.

“No need! I’m afraid the sky is calculated in advance, so it doesn’t make much sense!”

Chu Yan shook the head.

“Then shall we go to the Land of Ten Thousand Sources now!?” Yue Linglong then asked.

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