
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

bang! bang! bang!

Various heaven shaking earth shattering violent sounds exploded, like mighty surging waves, various rays of light erupted along with it, countless darkness rolled, pulling up black waves.

Chu Yan and Perilla, the complexion greatly changed at the same time.

Even Wang Ming and Bo Wang were shocked.

This imposing manner is too scary. A little bit of prestige can directly stir them into powder, not to mention the horrible tide of prestige hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Boom… Rumbling!

At this time, like a big mountain hit this unwilling place, the sky and the earth with a radius of 10,000 li instantly turned into a chaotic World, and various Space-Time turbulences were surging, swallowing everything.

The invisible terrorist force gathered together and turned into a rope, and the two moved towards Chu Yan attacked.

Chu Yan was vigilant in his heart, feeling as if there was a ghost between Heaven and Earth, wanting to completely destroy this little World.

“hmph! God Tu spear! I didn’t see that this person was covered by this Uncle, you have eaten the courage of the leopard!?”

Zhou Sheng’s baby-like voice sounded like a billowing thunderclap, rushing out of the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, floating above the sky, releasing a monstrous azure glow, instantly suppressing all directions.

As soon as the azure glow came out, the violent waves that had just been raging between Heaven and Earth were instantly fragmented.

Among the endless mighty powers, a golden light shiningly standing between the mountain range of the huge golden spear appeared silhouette, the spear tail station, the spear pointed to the sky, standing there, actually comparable to the height of a giant mountain.

When the blue seal appeared and suppressed all the mighty waves, the golden spear didn’t mean to give in at all. He even released the Heavenly Might waves again, moved towards Chu Yan and they swept over.

Almost at the same time, a sky suddenly exploded, a huge purple light dropping from the sky, like a beam of light falling from the Heavenly Palace, directly shining on the earth.

And in that huge beam of light, an extremely huge purple stone tower, buzzing and spinning, dropping from the sky.

“Wenchang Tower!?”

Even if it is an existence as strong as Zhou Sheng, it is also abruptly taken aback.

xiu xiu xiu!

Just as Zhou Sheng’s stunned cultivation technique, a large amount of purple light was released on the 9-Layer Wenchang Pagoda, it turned into a path of divine talisman, and all moved towards Qingyin straight away.

“Damn! You two, I just came here to stroll around, and even united to deal with this Uncle!? It seems that my lord has been away for too long. You want to rebel like this!”

Zhou Sheng’s voice was obviously so angry that he was angry at the time.

For him, this is blasphemy and provocation!

Next moment, the blue seal broke out, and the bright azure light soared into the sky, turning into one dragon one tiger two monstrous giant beast silhouettes, roaring to the sky.

An aura gushes out of the green seal within the body, covering the two of Chu Yan, ready to take it out of the hopelessness, and let Chu Yan run.

As long as Chu Yan ran out of the land of Ten Thousand Sources, these three wild goods would have no choice. After all, this Land of Ten Thousand Sources was their territory.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place.

I saw, all around in the Unwilling Land. Above the sky, four gold, silver, purple and blue light beams rose into the sky, just like four Heaven-supporting Pillars, towering above the sky.

“Four Pillars Optimus Great Array!?”

Zhou Sheng’s face turned black for an instant, and he roared directly

“Damn, that bastard was against my father and even made this Great Array!?”

The voice fell to the ground, and the four Great Pillars shot a different light at the same time, and they all blasted towards the body of Qingyin.

“Someone!? In the formation!?”

Chu Yan, Perilla, Ming Wang and Bo Wang all changed their faces.

misfortunes never come alone, Qingyin is already in danger when facing the three Supreme Treasures alone. At this time, there are even people who arrange the Great Array behind.

There was no time to investigate, a large swath of light surged, and Chu Yan instantly swallowed them all.


In the huge rumbling sound, Chu Yan’s consciousness instantly fell into chaos and stopped running completely.


A few hours later, when Chu Yan re-eyes opened, he found himself in the first domain of the Divine Realm continent.

There was perilla lying next to him, and a strong pain came, making Chu Yan feel as if the bone all over him was broken.

The aura of Perilla is weak, similar to my own, but not at all dangerous.

Chu Yan, who reacted suddenly, quickly transformed Divine Consciousness into the Sea of ​​Consciousness and looked towards the other three.

At this time, the Spirit Physiques of King Ming and Bowang are both very weak, seeming to be asleep, but on the green seal not far away, there is a four-color light enveloped, and aura is extremely weak.

“Zhou Sheng! How are you…”

Chu Yan hurriedly yelled, trying to wake Qingyin, but the other party did not respond at all, but awakened Bowang and King Ming.

“Master, how is the situation with Qingyin!?”

When Ming Wang and Bowang woke up, they quickly asked.

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