
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“I heard about this “Heaven”. Recently, many forces have sought him out and wanted to cooperate with him and build relationships, but they were all rejected!?”

The man continued, the color of surprise in his words.

“Of course!”

The woman is nodded, thinking for a while and saying, “Now not only is the sky, but also Wu, Yuwenhuang, and Wan Rongtian. They all just broke through into the invincible state, and they broke through in one fell swoop and mixed the Heaven Ranking Top 100 Position. This matter It has never happened before, and the next time the battlefield of the Lord of God opens, they are afraid that they will break through to the realm of Lord of God!”

“A powerhouse like Tian will naturally not succumb to others, and will definitely establish its own power. We, Sect Lord, now support Tian and place Tian on the basis of equal cooperation!”

Hearing this, the man’s face was suddenly shocked.

“Equal cooperation!? We, Sect Lord, are powerhouses in the realm of the Lord. Even though this “Heaven” is powerful and innate talent is amazing, it is only invincible…”

When the woman heard this, she immediately shook her head and said, “Forget it, I won’t tell you this, what Sect Lord thinks and what to do, we are not qualified to comment, let’s leave now!”

With a word to the ground, the two turned around at the same time and moved towards outside, but they had just walked a few steps, and suddenly all of them stiffened and their feet stagnated.


While the two stopped, they turned their heads and looked towards behind them.

I saw that the youth within the body originally lying on the ground suddenly surged with great vitality.

This is an inexplicable, unclear vitality. I don’t know where it came from, but it instantly repairs the youth’s injuries within the body.

At the next breath, the young man’s eyes opened slightly.

“This is where…!?”

“Where am I!?”


There was a moment of confusion in the youth’s eyes, but soon there was an explosion of spirit, one gold one silver two Spirit Mark lights flickering.

In an instant, the Divine Soul aura fluctuated, and the fleshy body exploded. Under the conflict, the two quickly merged.

“This…this is a success!?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were full of surprises, a path of thunderclap in Sea of ​​Consciousness exploded, and the whole Sea of ​​Consciousness was shaking.

Countless memory fragments exploded frantically in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, impacting the new Divine Soul, and Chu Yan quickly learned about the original owner of this body.

Su Yu, one of the top ten Dao Lineage of the Fifth Realm, an ordinary disciple of the Heavenly Dao system, asked Dao Lineage nine years ago!

According to his memory, the time now is 2000 years of Taikoo calendar!

At this time, Tian, ​​Celestial Emperor Wu, Emperor Yuwen, and Wan Rongtian, the four powerful powerhouses of the later generations, have just broken through the invincible state for several years.

This time is the best time to discuss with Hong patriarch, King Bowangming and others.

“yi!? Didn’t expect, you have mastered a fake death secret skill, but this cultivation is not enough. You woke up before we left!?”

a A cold voice sounded.

Spirit Mark man and alluring woman, a monstrous imposing manner broke out on both bodies at the same time, shaking the entire Cave Mansion into a buzzing tremor.

“killing intent!?”

In an instant, Chu Yan felt that there were people around here…!

Contracting his mind and suppressing his excitement, Chu Yan turned his head and looked towards two silhouettes not far away, eyes flashed, a memory with hatred, which emerged in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Affected by this memory, Chu Yan’s eyes were slightly narrowed instantly.

Su Yu is one of the genius in the Heavenly Dao system. Not long ago, he found an inheritance in the Heavenly Dao realm. The chance is endless.

If it wasn’t an accident, according to Su Yu’s innate talent, it won’t take long to break through to the invincible realm and become the core disciple of Heavenly Dao. Martial Dao is limitless.

However, it was Su Yu’s sweetheart Li Yun’er who colluded with the core disciple 100 li Gui in Sect and betrayed Su Yu.

As soon as this happened, Su Yu was sad for love, didn’t expect my sweetheart to invite himself to Daming Cave Mansion.

This place was the place where the two met for the first time. The meaning was out of the ordinary. Su Yu came here without any precautions when his heart was hurt. As a result… his life was lost here.

Of course, Li Yun’er and 100 li Gui not at all personally took the shot, but the two killers of the nether shadow blood sect were invited, that is, the two standing in front of Chu Yan at this time. The sneak attack shot Su Yu on the spot.

The thing you want is naturally Su Yu’s…. the Lord inheritance!

“True love is exchanged for only dogs and shit. You are a poor person. Since you have met me, please end it for you!”

After Chu Yan understood all the memories, he shook the head and sighed softly.

“What are you talking about!?”

The Spirit Mark man opposite, said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, “Is he scared crazy!?”

The alluring woman said with a smile “Senior Brother, don’t talk nonsense with him, and quickly ended up with him, this time annihilating all his fleshy body and Divine Soul, otherwise the ghost knows what secret skill he has, this The Inheritance of the God Realm is really good. There are many secret skills!”

“Sure! Leave it to me, Junior Sister!”

After a word fell, the Spirit Mark man and the alluring woman moved at the same time, turning into two afterimages, one left and the other leaping towards Chu Yan.

Two incomparably powerful Dao skills were released, majestic and powerful.

As mercenaries, when dealing with general Martial Artists, they try their best to use assassinations, sneak attacks and other means, and there are very few direct killings.

However, this time is special to Su Yu.

Because they know all the weaknesses and deficiencies of the cultivation technique of Su Yu clearly.

Otherwise, a genius from Heavenly Dao was Dao Lord Realm, and it was not easy to kill him.

But when they first played against each other, they didn’t have much effort to kill Su Yu, all proud of Su Yu’s weaknesses and cultivation technique flaws understood in advance.

As for how these came about, it naturally came from Su Yu’s sweetheart!

Chu Yan’s eyes were light flashed. Seeing the two people rushing from side to side, their expressions didn’t change at all. Within the body True Qi broke out, and his body rolled like a thundercloud, and he raised his hand to punch out.

“Constant Antiquity is amazing!”

The moment the single fist smashed out, Chu Yan only felt an upheaval within the body, and almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

Now he has realized that he has reversed time. Only Divine Soul has come, and the fleshy body is still in the original era.

In this way, the power of Constant Antiquity, the power of immortality, dao chart, and Clear Sky Sword are all gone.

“Vault of Heaven One Sword!”

As an invincible powerhouse, Chu Yan fights in all his suits. He has grown up from life and death. In times of crisis, he instantly reacted, using the finger as the sword, and in the middle of his hand is a soaring Sword Qi.


Only hearing a frightening weather, Gangwei exploded, rushing to the earth.

Chu Yan only felt his chest, as if being hit by a cow, the qi and blood kept tossing, the aura all over his body was retreating, and it took a dozen steps back before he could barely stand firm.

This fleshy body is extremely weak. It suffered a death blow before. Even if Chu Yan Divine Soul descended, the huge vitality made it recover a little, but it was not enough to recover to the Peak state.

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