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I heard the words of the Mission Palace Hall Lord, nodded replied

“I have already thought about this. No matter how much benefit they give, I will not get involved in Tiger Star Mansion.”

As soon as these words came out, the Mission Palace Hall Lord was stunned for a moment, saying

“Sir, are you like Su Xiaoyou, understood the sword in advance, Heavenly Dao will lose!?”

Huge hearing this suddenly eyes shrank and said, “putting it that way, little friend Su Yu told you that Heavenly Dao will lose!?”

“Yes, Sir, Xiaoyou Su told me, and reminded me to advise Sir not to help Heavenly Dao, this kid is too young, and I don’t know that Heavenly Dao is much stronger than Dao Lineage. I just left Heavenly Dao before I got on him…”

But before the Lord of Mission Palace Hall finished speaking, the Lord of Tiger Leather interrupted in a hurry

“Su Xiaoyu, can you say something else!?”

Hearing the words of the Lord Tiger Leather, Mission Palace Hall Lord immediately startled and quickly replied

“Sir, did something happen!? The other Su Xiaoyou didn’t say anything, but gave me a map and told me to have time to see. I originally missed him…”

“Don’t think about it, go quickly, immediately…immediately!”

This sentence, the Lord Tiger Leather, almost roared out, scared the Mission Palace Hall Lord, and quickly replied

“Follow Sir Order!”

Without any hesitation, after the Mission Palace Hall Lord accepted the order, he hurriedly set off with full of doubts.

The Lord of Tiger Leather waited anxiously. This time, one day passed, and the message of Jade Talisman finally shined again.

“Report…Sir, in the map…sent…found…”

The trembling sound of the Mission Palace Hall Lord sounded with an extremely astonished expression.


One day later, Chu Yan passed through the second domain and reached the first domain.

At this time, Chu Yan sent Jade Talisman flickering, and at first glance it turned out to be the news of the Lord Huge.


Chu Yan Divine Consciousness penetrated into it and heard the hearty laughter of the Lord of Tiger Leather

“ha ha ha, can the little friend arrive at the first domain? I am speak frankly, and I accidentally missed a major event. I regret it!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan hesitated a little and understood, and asked

“Senior was talking about the Tabao thing!?”

The Lord of Tiger Leather sighed and said, “Yes! The old man looked clumsy for a while, I didn’t know that Su Xiaoyou was an expert, and made a big mistake!”

“Senior praised him, expert dare not be, I also learned the news by accident.” Chu Yan replied.

“The little friend is humble. It was accidental once. After two or three times, he kept giving gifts, which is not something ordinary people can do!”

“I didn’t get the Taobao at this time. Although it is regrettable, I will never forget the love of Su Xiaoyou. If I have something to do in the future, please feel free to contact me!”

Speaking of which, the Lord of Tiger Leather once again said with a big smile

“I just hope that my little friend will have this kind of unexpected news in the future, don’t forget to let me know, ha ha ha ….”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded dealt with a few words and ended the call.

“This is a way! Some opportunities are limited by Space-Time rules. I can’t take them, but I can tell others in exchange for benefits…”

After some thoughts, Chu Yan suddenly felt that the Lord Tiger Leather had inspired him this time.

Continue flying forward, moving towards Asura ancient land….

This ancient land of Asura has a good scenery. Although it is not very powerful, it is built on a treasure land. The ancient masters of the past have kept opening their prescriptions. Over the years, many foreigners have been entrenched here for a long time.

Chu Yan did not hesitate and quickly entered the ancient land of Asura.

But unfortunately, the hunting game originally prepared by Asura Ancient Land was delayed because of the sudden illness of the daughter of the ancient master.

In this regard, Chu Shui was not very surprised. After all, Bowang and King Ming would only record the major event, and the detailed details and process would not be so clearly recorded.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yan left the ancient country of Asura without wanting to waste time.


In the first domain, there is a “morning sun ancient city” with a very special status.

Because this city is located at the entrance of the battlefield of God, it was built by the ancestors, and it was specially used for the repairers who entered the battlefield to rest and exchange.

After years of development, this city has a clear stipulation that no one can go to war in the city.

In the past, some people fought in this city based on their identity and background. After being known by the Lord, they killed them on the spot without asking a question.

One day later, Chu Yan arrived at the gate of morning sun ancient city.

Looking up, this morning sun ancient city stands above the ground. Under the sunlight, the whole body is shining with golden light and dazzling. Various practitioners fly in from all directions, enter and exit the city gate, lively out of the ordinary.

In addition, there seems to be a sound of spiritual clouds flowing between Heaven and Earth, which is thrilling.

This is the sound of the sea of ​​Lingyun called Wanyang Yunhai exclusively for morning sun ancient city. I don’t know when this Lingyun was born. It has existed for a long time and is extremely mysterious.

Passing through this sea of ​​spirit clouds, you reach the battlefield of the Lord, and the cultivator can’t get through it, only relying on the cloud boat.

Without Yunzhou, even the Blue Lord Realm would never want to pass through this sea of ​​spirit clouds.

In addition, there is no way to explore in this sea of ​​clouds, neither Divine Consciousness nor pupil technique will work, any secret skill enters the cloud and dissipates instantly.

Because of this, a kind of fishing wind appeared in this sea of ​​spirit clouds, which is called the fishing ground of the heavens.

On this sea of ​​Lingyun, there is naturally no Monster Beast, but there is a kind of Moonstone, which can be obtained by fishing.

Of course, Wanyue Stone is divided into different levels, from the first January, October, and Hundred Moon Stone to Thousand Moon Stone and Wanyue Stone.

After the refining of this stone, it can help the breakthrough invincible state, and it must also make people feel spiritual consciousness, and premonitor some dangers and restrictions on the battlefield of the Lord, and avoid it.

The more high-rank Wanyue Stone, the more precious it is and the better the effect.

When Chu Yan entered the morning sun ancient city, a loud noise suddenly sounded, and the whole city was very lively.

“This powerhouse of the ancient times, even in Dao Lord Realm and invincible realm, is so much!”

Chu Yan glanced over, suddenly sighed with emotion.

The repairmen in this city, God King Realm and Supreme, on the contrary become rare and rarely meet.

Most of them are Dao Lord Realm and invincible.

Moreover, the shopkeepers who set up shops on both sides of the street are basically invincible culture bases.

This is a dignified invincible realm. Among the general Sect forces, they are all Elder-level existences, and they actually become shopkeepers here. From this alone, you can imagine the huge benefits of the battlefield of the gods.

Chu Yan took a closer look, and then moved towards Zhutian Fishing Field.

When I arrived at Zhutian Fishing Ground, I saw that it was overcrowded. Whether it was fishing or receiving special fishing rods, there were people everywhere.

Moreover, some repairers set up gambling games to set the handicap for this kind of luck fishing.

Before the fishing scene of the heavens, there is a mighty sea of ​​spirit clouds, flowing soft like a current of spirit clouds, in which there are roaring sounds from time to time, like waves breaking out in the spirit clouds.

“Fellow Daoist, how do you sell this fishing rod!?”

Chu Yan walked to the front and asked a bald repair man.

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