
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The laughter from all directions on all sides seemed to Chu Yan completely non-existent.

He stood there quietly, watching the remaining two fishing rods, standing like a mountain, completely motionless, just watching the clouds.

“This kid still doesn’t give up!?”

“haha, it’s a bit of perseverance, but it’s a pity that this thing is fishing in the heavens, perseverance is the least valuable.”

“That’s just about luck here. There is no Great Destiny. It is impossible to catch the Thousand Moon Stone, let alone within a day.”

“I guess there is no show to watch…”


The cultivators on all sides kept talking, shaking their heads, and some still joked.

“Friends, kindness, don’t do this anymore…it’s useless!”

The woman couldn’t listen anymore, she spoke to Chu Yan sound transmission.

“You will only suffer humiliation like this, and you will also involve others. It is better to have a short-term pain. There is no need to suffer this torture. Afterwards, I will compensate you for a hundred moonstone, just as a thank you!”

When she finished speaking, Chu Yan finally replied “The girl is polite, but I shouldn’t need it, there will be a thousand moon stones soon!”

Originally, Chu Yan didn’t want to care about her, but she offered to compensate her, her heart is not bad, at least not those who only talk big.

Such girls are rare in Divine Realm continent.


I was so angry with Chu Yan’s words that she felt a suffocating breath in her chest, which made her face turn purple.

“Since you don’t listen to persuasion, let it be yours!”

The woman was really a little angry this time, she kindly tried to persuade him repeatedly, but she didn’t listen at all.

Obviously, she couldn’t do it, but she wanted to save her face, and she insisted on not surrendering, so she was ridiculed.

The old man beside the woman is also sighing constantly.

Originally, he saw two people come out to help, plus Chu Yan later, he seemed to be extremely confident, thinking there was hope, but now…

But at this moment, the purple pupil girl doll beside the old man, who didn’t know what was going on, walked towards Chu Yan lightly.

Waiting to Chu Yan’s side, but looking up towards Chu Yan, his big eyes flashed.

Chu Yan turned his head to look over, smiled lightly, stroked the head of the little doll, and immediately relaxed the originally nervous female doll.

“hmph! slut, eat inside and out, if you can’t get good things this time, let’s see how I go back and pack you!”

When Sun Buer saw this scene, a chill flashed in his eyes and he spoke in a cold voice.

As soon as this word came out, the girl’s body trembled in terror, her eyes were full of fear, and she turned to run.

At this moment, a big hand stretched out next to him and pressed it on the small shoulder of the doll, which immediately made her quiet again.

At the same time, the fishing rod in Chu Yan’s hand trembled slightly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Yan raised his hand and just pulled, a rays of light flashed up, and crossed a track in midair.

“haha, No way, I caught another moonstone so quickly, this is to catch all the moonstones here…yi!?”

The repairer present, just laughed, suddenly the complexion changed, and the smile on his face instantly stiffened.

I saw a clear purple brilliance flashing across the trail across the sky….

“This…this is the Hundred Moonstone!? One, two, three, four…six or seven…hiss! Purple eight o’clock Hundred Moonstone!”

Even the woman next to Chu Yan stared at the flying eyeballs for a long time, and finally counted the purple dots on the spar, and suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

Purple eight o’clock, that is the eighth-order hundred moonstone!

At this moment, the crowd who was going to laugh again is silent!

“Fuck, this kid looks good luck!”

“How long has it been, four have been caught, and there is a purple eight! This is valuable!”

“Yeah, the least capital is back, and I can earn more than ten times!”



At this time, among the all around the cultivators, a hint of envy began to appear in the eyes of some people.

You know, this purple eight o’clock is rare in Zhutian fishing grounds.

A year in the morning sun ancient city, which is about 10,000.

“hmph! Isn’t it just a purple eight o’clock? It’s almost two points, what’s the use!?” Sun Buer was taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke with contempt.

If it weren’t for a prior appointment, Sun Buer would be willing to change with Chu Yan.

But now according to their handicap agreement, Chu Yan is going to compensate him for an Earth Rank Taoist instrument, which is more valuable than this purple eight.

“It’s useless! You can just give in, and this Young Master can spare you once!”

Hearing this, the woman next to her looked sad.

Yes, a purple eight-pointer made her look at Chu Yan a lot better, but the final result was not at all changed.

“You talk too much! Can you shut up!?”

Chu Yan glanced at Sun Buer, coldly said.

“You… OK, very good! You have a seed, wait for me!”

Sun Buer didn’t expect that the other party dared to talk to himself like this, and now he made up his mind even more and must not spare this kid lightly.

“I tell you, I am…”

As soon as I was about to threaten him, suddenly, the fishing rod in front of Chu Yan… moved again!

“What!? Caught again!?”

At this moment, the pupils of everyone present shrank together.

The luck of this black robe boy is really not so good. It has only been a long time, one by one, almost never failed.

Such luck can be considered good luck in these fishing grounds.

“It depends on what this time is…”

Everyone’s eyes are staring, and their pupils shrink.

Chu Yan’s pulling force was not small. After the trajectory was crossed, it was finally settled.

Everyone’s eyes are fixed, their bodies shake and their mouths are wide open.

On top of the crystal, I saw a piece of silver light, like moonlight gathered inside, and ten thousand stars twinkling in it, and the released aura was like a nebula surging.

This aura fluctuation alone is much stronger than the previous purple seven points.

Three points of silver!

“This…this is the Thousand Moon Stone!? It’s Rank 3!?”

In an instant, the whole audience sucked in a breath of cold air and they were all stupid.

“This…this also works!? Can you really catch it!?”

The woman next to Chu Yan also had a dull face, her mouth opened slightly, completely stunned.

Including Sun Buer next to him, the whole person was stunned, his face convulsed, and his eyes were full of unbelievable colors.

This thing is a little weird!

If this is normal, if someone catches a Thousand Moon Stone, it will probably cause a lot of uproar and envy, but it will definitely not be so shocked.

Just because of this black robed youth, but I personally said before, I was going to make a bet, and it turned out… I really caught it! ?

How did this happen! ?

In any case, this morning sun ancient city Lingyunhai was opened by your family! ?

This luck is too heaven defying!

Chu Yan waved his hand and took the Thousand Moon Stone in his hand. Without even looking at it, he threw it directly to the opposite stone-like Sun Buerdao

“Why don’t you talk anymore! Don’t you talk too much!?”

“Now, carry out the agreement! The slave contract is torn down, and I will apologize to them again!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked towards Sun Buer, and the whole scene was silent.

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