
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The Taikoo Dynasty, the first domain!

Above the emptiness of the sky, the Blazing Sky Lord flies rapidly, passing the meteors.

For unknown reasons, he suddenly took out the token, sent a message to the Lord Tiger, and said, “You can’t think of it! Guess who I met in the morning sun city!?”

“Don’t talk, just tell me!” Tiger Leather Replied.

“haha, your old ghost has no meaning at all. Just now in the morning sun city, I met a kid who caught a royal stone, and there are tens of thousands of dollars…”

I told the Lord Huge in detail what I saw in the morning sun ancient city.

The Huge Festival letter that I didn’t care about, instantly complexion changed.

“That Su Yu, who just left Tiger Star Mansion, is his Dao Lord Realm Peak impossible!?”

The Lord Tiger’s face became tense, and he hurriedly asked.

“How does the little friend look like!?”

The Blazing Sky Lord startedled, saying, “If you look, it’s eyes… eyebrows… wearing… temperament… aura…”

After speaking, the Great Lord Tiger suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

This is not Su Yu, who else can it be! ?

“Little friend Su, didn’t expect you really surprised me again!”

Whether it’s The History of the World or the fishing grounds of the heavens, this luck is a bit too evil.

“en! ?old ghost are you interested in Wanyue Stone!? What!? Is it the Emperor Stone!? ha ha ha, don’t think about it…. I asked him to make a price, and he just refused! You have nothing to do !”

The blazing sky Lord said with a smile, the chat between two old friends is very interesting.

“That’s not true! I am not interested in Wanyue Stone!”

The Lord of Tiger Leather shook the head and said, “Blazing sky, I have lived and died many times with you. You are someone I absolutely believe, so today there is an important thing, I must talk to you Talk about it!”

Hearing this, the blazing sky Lord’s expression receded and said, “Okay! Say it!”

The two are very familiar with each other, so as soon as Huge spoke, Lord Blazing knew that the other party must have a major event.

After a moment of indulging, Huge Cangzhu said, “The little friend you mentioned, I know! His name is Su Yu, and he helped me find the Chronicles of the World before!”

Hearing this, the Blazing Sky Lord couldn’t help it on the spot, shouted

“Damn! What luck for this kid!? I found the Chronicles of Nations in two days, and in the morning sun ancient city, I caught a pile of Wanmoonstones in one go, even the Emperor Stone! He won’t be the body of Tianfu Right!?”

Huge Lord shook the head and said, “no! Certainly not, his luck is still not up to the body of heaven!”

“This is…can’t reach it!?” The Blazing Heavenly Lord suddenly ended.

“There is one more thing you don’t know, I helped him deal with the Heavenly Dao system…”

As for Chu Yan’s previous grievances between Tiger Star Mansion and Heavenly Dao, the Lord Huge also told the Lord Blazing in detail.

The look in the eyes of the Blazing Heaven Lord slowly changed.

For Chu Yan, he was interested in making friends from the beginning, and now he has been very impressive.

This person is definitely not simple!

This kind of judgment is exactly the same as that of the Lord Huge.

“According to what you said, he may be a pre-surgery for cultivation!?”

The Blazing Sky Lord’s heart is full of doubts, a Dao Lord Realm is nothing but a rare premonition technique of cultivation, it can’t reach this level.

Furthermore, it is also impossible. In such a short period of time, it is totally unreasonable to use pre-surgery twice or three times.

“Forget it, don’t guess, we don’t know him at all, we can’t judge!”

Huge Cangzhu said, “Su Yu’s method, we need to get close to him, if we can become our own, as long as he reveals a little bit of 1 Star news about the land of ten thousand sources, we will definitely be infinitely useful!”

Hearing this, the Lord Blazing Sky quickly nodded, his face full of approval.

“But, how to get close!?”

“I have a plan to send all the invincible realms of Tiger Star Mansion to the battlefield of the Lord, when the time comes, any trouble with Su Yu, as long as I can help him one or two, there will be a chance! Just this The area of ​​the battlefield of the Lord God is too large, I am afraid that there will not be enough people from Tiger Star Mansion!”

As soon as this word came out, the eyes of the Lord Blazing Sky lit up.

“It’s okay, I will send everyone from my side too!”


Huge Lord and Blazing Heavenly Lord, they both discussed in a low voice and worked out some plans.

After one hour….

“The two of us, the dignified two gods are also the practitioners of the highest cultivation base realm in the world. We are actually plotting against a younger generation here, how can we make him owe us favors!”

The Blazing Sky Lord smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“At present, the battle between the rule of the sword Heavenly Dao and Dao Lineage depends on whether the sword Heavenly Dao will really lose!? If that happens…”

The Lord Blazing Sky’s eyes were narrowed, and his pupils flickered.


The main battlefield, the land of the heavens.

Chu Yan was flying, speeding up in mid-air.

When this came down, he found that the battlefield of God Lord was indeed a large battlefield.

I don’t know how many years have accumulated, various prohibitions and Killing Formations are everywhere, and there are countless powerful Martial Artists left behind.

This is probably due to the traces left over from countless battles.

This world Martial Artist, in order to breakthrough cultivation base bottleneck, constantly fights and fights here, accumulated over a long period of time, plus the special circumstances of the Lord’s battlefield, will form such a scale.

However, such a place is also in line with Martial Artist’s intentions. Martial Artist is tyrannical, and it takes the life and death battle of flesh and blood to gain and breakthrough.

So, the existence of such a place is also what all Martial Artists would like to see.


At this moment, a loud roar sounded, and in the sea of ​​clouds below, a huge Monster Beast rushed out and moved towards Chu Yan.

“Monster Beast!?” Chu Yan was startled slightly.

The appearance of the Monster Beast made Chu Yan completely didn’t expect. With his cultivation base and Divine Consciousness, he couldn’t even sense it beforehand.

“God and Devil Soul!”

Chu Yan reacted, punched out, the magic breath was like a tide.

The booming violent sound rang out, stirring up a large wave of power.

This big monster is Taigu Monster Beast, bloodline is tyrannical, Chu Yan has never seen it before, even if the cultivation base is only Dao Lord Realm Great Accomplishment, but the fleshy body is strong enough to contend with Dao Lord Realm Peak powerhouse.

“Vault of Heaven One Sword!”

After dodge the Monster Beast’s first pounce, Chu Yan condensed the sword of will in his hand, raised his hand and slashed it with a sword, and the method of asking questions all over his body worked.


Monster Beast gave a loud roar, and the fleshy body resisted this sword. Both the fleshy body and the demon soul were shaken at the same time, and they were instantly cut off.


Chu Yan within the body is another way of asking questions, and the rays of light in the sword of will in his hand are more brilliant.

At this moment, suddenly a chill of Chu Yan within the body rose, and a sense of crisis flashed. Without any hesitation, Chu Yan flashed, and instantly retreated 100 li away.

ka cha!

Almost when he left, the place where he stood just now was shattered by a huge beast claw.

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