
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

When this sword is cut out, it is a flame of fire.

The reverse Divine flame wraps the sword body, and the cut out Sword Qi is monstrous, accompanied by the operation of a door-to-door method, like a stack of waves, one after another.

“Sun Young Master, let’s help!”

When the two young people saw this scene, they started to move at the same time, their faces became serious.

The formidable power of this sword is far beyond their imagination, didn’t expect this Su Yu to be so strong.

The two of them didn’t dare to neglect the slightest. At the same time as their bodies rushed, Dao Bao shot at the same time, with a big flag and an iron seal, releasing the Heavenly Might and blasting towards Chu Yan.

His eyes flashed slightly, Chu Yan’s complexion remained unchanged, his body flashed, and he cut two swords in succession, directly cutting the two rare treasures into powder.

“Really strong willpower is hard to deal with, wait for us…”

Sun Buer’s pupils shrink slightly, and Divine Consciousness sound transmission is arranged.

The big knife in his hand exploded with a bang, turning into countless stars and iron patterns, moving towards Chu Yan shrouded.

An extremely powerful Jin Gang killing might swept away, shaking in the void.

“The scope is larger, but the power is more dispersed!”

Chu Yan shook the head, within the body The magic breath surged, soaring up into the sky and turning into a piece of Demon Domain, swallowing all the patterns of gold, star and iron.


Sun Bu’er yelled and broke out.

At the same time, two young people both hands forming seals, vomiting blood essence from their mouths, and point them out together.

ka cha!

The dazzling rays of light exploded, and countless blood-colored star patterns burst and turned into a huge array, with a powerful binding force, moving towards Chu Yan like a nebula.

Chu Yan made two hits and found that this Great Array was extremely mysterious, and couldn’t make it for a while.

“Boy, do you think that the power of will is strong, I can’t deal with you!?”

Sun Buer soared into the sky, with a large seal Taobao in his hand.

This big seal is as dark as gold, and looks extremely heavy. It is engraved with the Spirit Mark divine talisman in purple and black, and the breath of coercion is strong.

This is obviously a very powerful Taobao.

“Jueyin! Smash!”

Sun Buer’s True Qi all broke out, and all the releases were poured into Dayin.


In an instant, the sound of a thunderbolt above Heaven and Earth exploded.

A illusory shadow appeared on the big seal, the eyes released monstrous black light, and at the same time he reached out and pressed to Chu Yan.

In an instant, Chu Yan only felt that heaven falls and earth rends, various natural phenomena erupted, like a mountain moved towards himself suppressed, making him breathe quickly.

brows slightly wrinkle.

I underestimated the family property card of Sun Buer.

It seems that his direct line status in the Sun Family is not low, and he has such an important body protection.

“haha, see what you do!”

Sun Bu’er was full of ecstasy, and within the body the method of questioning was working, exploding the sky and nebula, and condensing in his hand, forming a huge star knife again!

“Xinghui Knife!”

Aura broke out to the extreme, raising his hand was a slash.

When this blade fell, countless stars above the sky flashed at the same time.


This blade fell, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, slightly nodded.

next moment, all Chu Yan’s Willpower volume broke out at the same time, and the void trembled fiercely.


I saw the monstrous Profound Light rushing from him within the body, bringing a large brilliance.

“This…this is…”

The expressions of Sun Buer and the two young men changed in an instant.

The suppressive power of the black iron big seal shook suddenly, and the illusory shadow old man printed on it shook his body and stood up suddenly, glanced at Chu Yan, and began to chant the curse wildly.

“A Taobao, I want to suppress me too!?” Chu Yan shouted like thunder.

The sound of thunder that contains Willpower’s amount, like a path of air blast, crashing into the black iron seal above the sky.

bang! bang!

The void trembled, and the Great Seal of Dark Iron trembled more violently.

Under the strong impact of Chu Yan, the black iron big seal persisted for a full 5 breaths, making a burst of air with a bang, and then Aura fell down instantly, obviously suffering a heavy blow.


Sun Buer’s complexion greatly changed, and his sense of crisis broke out.

Without any hesitation, Sun Buer turned around and ran with his Xinghui knife, retreating tens of thousands of steps, barely making the sense of crisis in his heart so heavy.

On the other side, the two young men also looked shocked, and they looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

They never thought that Su Yu’s battle strength would be so strong, what Dao Lord Realm Peak battle strength is here and there.

“Didn’t expect your willpower is so strong, it seems to be underestimating you!”

Sun Buer stood far away and said with a gloomy expression looking at Chu Yan.

“Really?! Are you sure I am just strong-willed!?” Chu Yan smiled.

In one word, all the cultivation techniques of Chu Yan within the body are running at the same time.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth turning upside down took place in the imposing manner of the whole person, like a big mountain, which broke out in front of Sun Buer and the three people, and the aura that suppressed them was scattered.

At this time, Sun Buer and a few people only feel that what is standing in front of them is what Dao Lord Realm is, this is simply an invincible powerhouse.


At this time, Sun Bu’er was really a little scared, and he couldn’t say anything clearly.

He always thought that Chu Yan was just good luck. He didn’t expect him to be a genius of extraordinary ways.

Chu Yan looked towards him lightly, stepping out…

peng! peng!

The Great Array, which was fabricated before, collapsed in an instant, turning into dust and flying all around.

The two young people in the formation instantly shook their bodies, expelling blood from their mouths, and their eyes were full of horror.

Simply is not an opponent!

Chu Yan ignored the two of them, and stepped out one more step before reaching Sun Buer.


There was another violent sound, and the Great Array of the void arranged by Sun Buer instantly collapsed and turned into nothingness.

The imposing manner and coercion released by Chu Yan began to sweep across all directions like a tide, occupying the entire space of Heaven and Earth.

In the mountain range forest all around, countless Monster Beast roars roared and roared restlessly.

Chu Yan didn’t speak at all, and didn’t use any technology, just this step, one step, and walked in front of Sun Buer.

However, for Sun Buer, every step of Chu Yan at this time seems to be stepping on their Sea of ​​Consciousness, making their Divine Soul tremble.

“You…Don’t come here, you know that I am Sun Family…. I have Divine Soul Jade Talisman on me. If I die, Sun Family will know you killed it right away, when the time comes… .”

Sun Bu’er was frightened, and quickly threw out his biggest hole card, hoping to deter Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan finally stopped, opened the mouth and said

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, but it’s not because of your position in the Sun Family, but because Sun Family helped me once. It’s not appropriate to kill you!”

Speaking of home here, Chu Yan pupil light gradually coldly said

“But people like you, relying on their origins and cards, bully people everywhere and go wild.”

“Did you know that this behavior is completely opposite to Martial Dao’s path!?”

“Martial Artist must compete! The real Martial Artist will never succumb to you.”

“It is not easy to come to Dao Lord Realm as a cultivation base…. Cherish it.”

After Chu Yan said these words, aura was instantly restrained, her figure turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the sky instantly.

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