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The Young Master who fought with Chu Yan naturally also sensed it, slowly introverted aura, and succeeded.

“Gong joyfully said friend!” Young Master Yushu bowed his hand.

In this battle, although he did not have the chance of breakthrough, he harvest was huge for him, and even his opponent had a breakthrough, he naturally made great progress.

The most important thing is that he was suppressed in the battle with Chu Yan in his strengths. This was the first opportunity he encountered. After the first battle, Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness was full of insights.


Just when Chu Yan was about to return the gift, suddenly a blade light broke out, directly splitting a cultivator, moving towards Chu Yan like a tyrannosaurus, and slashed straight from the back.

The person who shot is Xiao Haotian!

“Fellow Daoist Xiao, many thanks!”

Chu Yan turned around to look, eyes shined suddenly, and as he thanked him, his whole body surged and raised his hand punched out.

At this time, Xiao Haotian’s attack was not a sneak attack on Chu Yan, but when Chu Yan was about to break through, giving him the final blow, allowing him to use this power to maintain the most perfect state, breakthrough to an invincible state.

After all, if you want to seize an opportunity, one depends on accumulation and strength, but also on feeling.

Some practitioners encountered a breakthrough opportunity, and Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness was completely chaotic under a moment of excitement, and even the opportunity slipped away.

“Jade Book Fellow Daoist, today we join forces to learn his demonic path!”

Xiao Haotian is obviously very interested in Chu Yan. Because Chu Yan has already selected his opponent before, it is difficult for him to participate.

Now that Chu Yan’s breakthrough opportunity has come, it doesn’t matter, as long as you maintain the best battle strength state and Peak state, you can fight whatever you want.

So, Xiao Haotian also mentioned it. At this last moment, he devoted himself to the fight.

“ha ha ha, good!”

Jade Book Young Master is also a happy person, without any nonsense. Under the laughter, aura broke out again all over his body, the golden marks all over his body rushed out, and the blood light was monstrous.

At this moment, everyone has discovered that the red blood and gold characters of Jade Book Young Master are obviously stronger than before.

Sure enough, these extraordinary Martial Artists are all evildoers.

According to this state, I’m afraid it is the breakthrough opportunity of this jade book Young Master, it will come anytime.

Xiao Haotian stood in the void. Above the long blade in his hand, black flames were rising. The whole person seemed to be fusing with the knife in his hand. The black flame seemed to be refining him and the long blade at the same time. same.

In a pair of eyes, two groups of black flames rose up, and with a wave of his hand, the powerful sword slammed out, and instantly formed a joint force with the red blood and gold characters of the Jade Book Young Master.

“Nine words of heaven!”

“One cut!”

Gong mighty thunder, and the battle is terrifying.

At this moment, Chu Yan clearly felt that after the two frenzy came together, the might have more than doubled.

This extraordinary cultivator is indeed an enchanting evildoer. Any two of them can quickly complete the match and join hands, and instantly increase the battle strength without even a break-in.

“The magic will stand forever!”

Chu Yan yelled violently, and the Demon Domain billowed behind him like a tide, rising up, and countless Demon Gods roared on the roar.

“One sword cuts the heart!”

Demon Domain might is quick, and Chu Yan who took advantage of the situation did not hesitate. He cut off the long sword in his hand, and the sword of will burst into two swords, which were cut to Xiao Haotian and Yushu Young Master respectively.

This sword is exactly the five swords he has recently realized.

“Endless Heavenly Road!”

Xiao Haotian’s pupil light flickered, and he turned his knife sharply. A wave of void air exploded behind him, and a tall silhouette emerged.

The illusory shadow is like a giant standing between Heaven and Earth, and the gaze is swept, looking towards everyone present, like a piercing Divine Soul.


Without a pause, as soon as the illusory shadow came out, it was cut out with a hand knife, and the void split instantly.

“A Ten Thousand Words Decree!”

The rays of light that broke out in the jade book in the hands of the Jade Book Young Master began to tremble, and it was obvious that they had been urged to the extreme.

With one palm shot, the nine groups of red blood and gold characters merged instantly and turned into a huge “fa” character, which came straight out.

At this moment, Chu Yan could feel the heaven and earth void as if no longer existed, the endless imposing manner was pressed down like a mountain, and his whole skeleton was shattered.


At this moment, Chu Yan didn’t have any more hands left, all the power within the body and the way of asking questions were all exploded.

With a bang, the force of his figure burst out, pulling up the heaven overflowing giant wave like a tide, and instantly reached the level of heaven shaking earth shattering.

“This is the way of…heaven defying!?”

At this moment, watching more than a dozen ways of asking questions work, Young Master, Xiao Haotian and Zidi and the others are all stupid.

More than a dozen ways of asking the Tao, this is far more than the extraordinary way, it has reached the level of heaven defying.

At this moment, they finally understood why Chu Yan was the first to prove the invincible state.

Genius of the way of heaven defying!

Qin Xingyun looked towards here in the distance, a pair of beautiful eyes are full of starlight flickering, and Chu Yan in her eyes at this time has an indescribable might.

“Demon God invincible!”

Chu Yan drinks violently and punched out.

All the ways of asking the question in this brief moment merged into a black fist gang, sending out a tiger roar roar, and blasting out.

This is a brand new Peak!

The integration of the five swords before, as well as the breakthrough opportunity of life and death just now, were all reflected in Chu Yan’s body, reaching the new Peak.

bang! bang! bang!

Three forces collided in the void, exploding a terrifying wave of Qi Gang.

All the cultivators present have discovered that Chu Yan at this moment is like a War God, standing in an invincible position, blocking all the two giant peaks on the opposite side, and his power is continuing to explode. Push the mountain peak back.

Yushu Young Master and Xiao Haotian tried their best, but their figures were still retreating at the same time.

“Good…really strong!”

“Who is this man!?”

“I have never heard of it before, but I can be one against two!?”

“That’s two extraordinary powerhouses, this move has fallen to the bottom!?”

“There is still no breakthrough. When the breakthrough is invincible, it will be more terrifying!”

“This is the real invincible ah!”


All around the cultivators at this time, their gazes looking towards Chu Yan completely changed, and all of them looked shocked and couldn’t believe it.

At this time, the wind all around in the sky became more and more violent, as if approaching a critical point, and the thunderbolt above the sky continued to explode, rolling like a tide.

All the coercion in Chu Yan’s heart is even more violent.

At this moment, the will is breaking out, the fleshy body is breaking out, the cultivation technique is breaking out, everything is breaking out…

The chance of breakthrough in the dark is constantly transforming Chu Yan, integrating Heaven and Earth Rule Power into Chu Yan within the body.

Not only did he block Yushu Young Master and Xiao Haotian, but he was also turning the situation around and staying true to the wind.

“Strong! Stronger than before!”

Yushu Young Master finally understands that he has been fighting with a monster.

“Young Lady Qin, not equal to me, too! I think Su Fellow Daoist, it’s almost perfect!”

Qingcheng Young Master couldn’t help but found an excuse to talk to Qin Xingyun.


Qin Xingyun couldn’t help it either. He had never thought that Su Yu would be so strong before.

She came out this time just to meet the elite genius in the world. This is the best opportunity.

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