
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Surrounded by thousands of Monster Beasts, Chu Yan is like an isolated island surrounded by tides.

The red eyes in all directions all represent a powerful Monster Beast in the invincible environment cultivation base realm.

Beast Tide composed of such a number of powerful Monster Beasts, is it comparable to a powerhouse that has just entered the invincible realm! ?

Although after reaching the Supreme realm, the strength between Martial Artist and Monster Beast has undergone a Heaven and Earth turning upside down change. The original situation that Monster Beast of the same rank is much stronger than Martial Artist of the same rank has been reversed and turned into the same Martial Artist of the same rank is much stronger than Monster Beast of the same rank, but it is not easy to deal with so many of the same rank.

Don’t talk about dealing with it, change to a Martial Artist, I’m afraid I can’t hold on to the ten breaths.

“This is what the bastard said… a little harder!?”

Chu Yan looked towards all around, his eyes twitched and his face was angry.

If this is a bit more difficult, then Chu Yan can boldly say and cut this difficulty in half. I am afraid that no Martial Artist can pass the trial of the Heaven Ranking, and your entire list will have to be scrapped.

“I want to check my bottom! Forcing my bottom card, how much is this curiosity of Heaven Ranking!?”

“However, since it is a trial, he is just a leader, then this trial must not be dead, it must be alive!”

Chu Yan’s pupils of all eyes revolve, sweeping all directions in all directions, looking towards the big demon head by head.

roar roar roar!

It seems that Chu Yan’s gaze finally aroused the killing heart of the Monster Beasts, and the monsters roared together, and the beast roar sounded heaven shaking earth shattering.

This is the roar of thousands of invincible monsters. Although they are only the Initial Stage, this might heaven shaking earth shattering.

Next moment, the Beast Tide surges, pulling the monstrous tide to the island in the enclosure.

“Vault of Heaven One Sword!”

Chu Yan is in the shape of electricity, flashing through all directions, and instantly penetrates the Beast Tide to in the sky outside the enclosure, displays a powerful Sword Intent, and slashes towards the Monster Beast behind.

The screams rang out, and the blood stained the sky.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan also felt a thick murderous intention attack. The Beast Tide who reacted to it turned frantically and attacked a beast might flood again.

“Demon Domain!”

With a drink, Chu Yan’s whole body’s magical breath erupted into black clouds and flocked to all directions. While resisting the Beast Tide’s attack, his body was backlashed, and he retreated violently.

Without a trace of stagnation, Chu Yan slashed his long sword, dashing upwards, facing the front few big monsters, slashing straight down.

That is a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, very large, moving towards Chu Yan attacked.

“dao chart, come out!”

Chu Yan is dressed in an imposing manner, without any intention of evasive, directly summoning the newly refining dao chart.

In later generations, dao chart was one of its main treasures, and its formidable power was extremely strong.

next moment, Chu Yan within the body, all the ways of asking the Tao are operating at the same time, a dao chart of landscapes rushes out, hanging above the sky and exploding with incomparably powerful power. Strikes are among the most recent dozen monsters Body.

All kinds of screams rang out, and the blood burst above the monster body, and the blood flew up.

“One Sword Art!”

Chu Yan’s power of will exploded, condensing the sword of will, and raising his hand was a cross cut with a sword, cutting out the tide of Heavenly Sword.

This sword formidable power draws a lot compared to the dao chart, and at least killed more than ten Monster Beasts.

However, the Beast Tide in all directions shows no signs of reduction at all. Instead, it gets denser and denser.

Too many!

Thousands of big monsters gathered in the Beast Tide, a dozen or twenty Monster Beasts died, simply can’t be seen, it has no effect on the situation.

Furthermore, Monster Beast is different from Martial Artist. They are bloodthirsty and crazy, and they have followed suit. They even become more crazy after being injured, and none of them will back down.

Even if the corpse of the beast falls and the blood is flying, it makes them rush towards Chu Yan even more crazily.

Naturally, Chu Yan was prepared for a long time, and he continued to use the Vault of Heaven sword, using the void escape method, shuttled in the void, and walked all the way down. A sword, a sword were cut out, and the Monster Beast was constantly killed.

This is a war of attrition!

bang! bang! bang!

There was a burst of air, the void was cracked, Heaven and Earth shattered.

Heads of great monsters are falling, and the whole sky is constantly raining blood.

Chu Yan’s body was completely exhausted by blood dyed, and he was also traumatized. Aura consumed a lot.

“It’s not these Monster Beasts… It’s useless to kill like this!”

The gaze swept across, Chu Yan looked towards islands on the sea.

The Bangling has a psychological problem. Chu Yan suspects that even if he exhausts all these Monster Beasts, he might be able to summon them out at any time.

So, fighting a war of attrition with these Monster Beasts is by no means the right way.


As soon as the sword edge turned, Chu Yan Vault of Heaven appeared over an island while swiping with a sword, slashing directly towards the island below.

With a bang, a mountain peak on the island was cut to pieces in an instant, turned into light spots in the sky, and flew in all directions.

Chu Yan brows tightly knit, the pupil of all eyes and Divine Consciousness swept out at the same time, feeling all directions and the subtle changes of these light spots.

“en!? Nor is it!?”

shook the head Chu Yan hesitated for a moment, and no time wasted, swinging the sword again.

The sound of xiu xiu xiu sounded, and the large sword gangs turned into a wave of swords, attacking the entire island below.

Since a mountain is useless and its spiritual breath is useless, destroy the island first.

After all, what Chu Yan can see now is this endless sea, Monster Beast and islands, nothing else.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s gaze became extremely sharp. Now that he had set his goal, Chu Yan did not hesitate to make a shot.

“Magic invincible!”

At the same time that Chu Yan cut down with a sword, the fist gang blasted out, and the monster beasts that came after him were instantly blasted into powder.

At the same time, Chu Yan’s figure pulled out the afterimage, immediately changed its position, once again separated from the Monster Beast who was chasing, and continued to attack the island below.

The power of will in Sea of ​​Consciousness began to condense…

Finally, condensing all power to the extreme, the long sword in his hand burst out with a shocking light, fiercely cut down.

“Give me…break!”

In the roar of anger, Jian Gang was like a Heavenly Thunder, shattering half of the sky, moving towards and falling downward.


Along with a piece of Monster Beast, the island below fiercely trembled.

The whole film is shaking after all, even with Heaven and Earth roaring, as if this piece of World had just received a heavy blow.

In the island below, a huge mushroom cloud rose up, and a powerful force swept across the island like a shock wave. Whatever it passed, it was nothing but mountain peaks, woods, or rivers, all turned to dust.

next moment, a slight golden light gleams deep in the ruins of the ruined island.

It is a Spirit Mark imprint, like divine runes, flashing with weird rays of light, extremely mysterious.


Chu Yan eyes shined, without any hesitation, slashed out a sword to attack Monster Beast behind him, and directly turned into a streamer and rushed towards the island below.

As Chu Yan approached the Spirit Seal on the ruins of the island, the Spirit Seal suddenly burst into the sky with a shocking light.

Suddenly a large Monster Beast appeared in all directions all directions, all staring at Chu Yan.


Chu Yan was stunned.

This still means fighting a war of attrition! ?

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