
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

All the members of Tiger Star Mansion this time, as long as they have reached the cultivation base of the invincible realm and the Great Accomplishment realm or higher, they are all sent to the battlefield of the Lord of God.

There is nothing wrong, just wait, wait for Chu Yan summon.

This is the first time they have encountered such a thing, but from the words of the Huge Lord, the big guys still understand it.

If such a heaven defying-level genius can really make friends, it will definitely help Tiger Star Mansion.

Even people like them may need his help in the future. Such investment is definitely worthwhile.

Just like Emperor Yuwen, Tian, ​​Wu, and Wanyuantian, when these genius rise, which one is not supported by the power behind them.

These heaven defying genius, ordinary forces, even if they want to make friends, are impossible.

So, like the situation of Chu Yan, for a certain Great Influence, that is definitely an opportunity for heaven defying, how can we let it go! ?

Furthermore, this time, in order to allow them to make an all-out effort, the ho clan master paid attention to it, and even took out the benefits that surprised them.

“Brothers, is this Su Yu’s innate talent really such a strong one!? This is the first time I have seen Huge Sir value a younger generation so much, and he is not from our Tiger Star Mansion!”


A middle-aged Elder asked.

“I heard that Lord Blazing Sky also sent a lot of people over here, all for this Chu Yan!”

“Don’t say anything about this. Although Huge Sir did not say it, I guess that this child might be fighting with some of the four!”

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was silent, and everyone looked towards the speaker, their eyes glowing.

The four, of course, are Emperor Yuwen, Tian, ​​Wu and Wan Yuantian.

On the Heaven Ranking, the four heaven defying guys who rushed to about 30 in the invincible environment cultivation base. There are rumors on the continent that the future Divine Realm continent will be the world of these four people.

Now, is there really one more person! ? Is this credible! ?

Looking at Huge Sir’s determination, I am afraid that this is really possible. For Chu Yan’s support, Tiger Star Mansion is almost a state of the art.

“It can’t be wrong! Don’t doubt it. Based on my contact with Su Xiaoyou, I think Huge Sir’s judgment is normal. In the future, you Old Guys, maybe you all will ask for someone else!”

Mission Palace Hall Lord speaks with a big smile on his face.

The big guys present heard this, they were all slightly nodded.

The Lord Tiger Leather and the Lord Blazing Heaven are fools! ? Without basis and certainty, how could such a huge support be invested.

“That’s right, don’t think about it! You should think about the mission of this trip, Sir, let’s say, make friends with Su Xiaoyou!”

“This friendship is of course important. We are also waiting here, but if Su Xiaoyou never asks us for help, what should I do!?”

An invincible Peak’s eyes flickered, thinking for a long time.

“Would you like to…do your hands and feet?”

As soon as the words came out, the big guys present looked towards him at the same time, all of them looked different.

To do some tricks, of course, is to create some trouble for Chu Yan first, and then come out to help. The risk is controllable and Su Yu is made. This is the best of both worlds.


An invincible powerhouse shook his head, opened the mouth and said “Huge Sir takes this Su Yu seriously, and his intention is to let us make friends. This child can be valued by Huge Sir and Chitian Sir, indicating that it is definitely not simple! I saw it through, maybe…”

“Makes sense! Don’t mess around!”

“Yes, this is too risky and not cost-effective!”

“Let’s wait, it’s a closed-door cultivation anyway, don’t worry!”

A group of bigwigs made up their minds and no longer wanted to be crooked. After all, if Su Yu really noticed it, they couldn’t bear the consequences.

The Lord of Mission Palace Hall sat there, thinking for a long time, thinking about the various encounters with Chu Yan at the beginning, and the corners of his mouth lightly raised.

On the Tiger Star Mansion Square, at the gate of Mission Palace, I almost slapped this kid to death.

In that case, I am afraid I will be extremely unlucky.

Look at now, there are sixteen invincible powerhouses here, just to think of ways to get Chu Yan to friendship.

“This little friend…”

Mission Palace Hall Lord shook the head, saying “I hope something can happen, don’t let us idle here!”


At this time, Hundred Cangcheng stood firmly in the land of the Middle Cang.

This land of the Middle Cang is not only presided over by the cultivator, but also has a very powerful Cangling get involved, so that it can gain a foothold in the land of the Middle Cang.

City itself is also a Taoist treasure, otherwise it would not be able to bear the aura of the Middle Blue.

In addition to the powerful array of the powerful Cangling and the cultivators under the all around cloth, even if the Great Accomplishment powerhouse of the Lord Realm comes, it will not be able to break this city in a short time.

Because of its strength, Baicang City attracted many repairers to gather and rest here, forming many forces and the Chamber of Commerce.

All the heavenly material earthly treasures that appear in the various land of the middle earth will appear in the Chamber of Commerce in the city.

Sometimes, some auctions will be held for a short time, so that those who have been wandering in the Middle Land for a long time will not miss some important treasures.

Chu Yan spent nearly seven days on the road before reaching Baicang City, handing in a Hundred Moon Stone, and then entering the city.

Of course, there is a charge for entering the city, otherwise how could Cangling allow this kind of city to appear on its territory.

Above the streets, there are avenues made of spar stones, and all kinds of spirits and cultivators are gathered on the street, but to live together in harmony.

These are the rules of Baicang City and the basis for ensuring the stability of the city.

Various shops and stalls are everywhere, and the streets are extremely lively.

“invincible Initial Stage!?”

The appearance of Chu Yan immediately attracted the attention of some people.

This kind of cultivation base is quite eye-catching in the Middle Cang, especially some Cangling, whose eyes are instantly red.

Chu Yan didn’t care about these at all, he turned the eyes of the eyes and looked towards the stalls on the street.

Although he was somewhat psychologically prepared, Chu Yan was still a little surprised when he saw these treasures for sale.

Especially the two spars are extremely precious.

There are other spirit medicines, maps, and Chu Yan’s heart is moved.

Sure enough, there are countless opportunities and treasures in the middle of the sky. Just looking at this vendor area can understood.

shook the head, I am in Great Ancient Era, these things are almost useless to me, if it is for later generations, it will be different.

Unfortunately, there is no more battlefield for the Lord in the future generations!

After shook the head, Chu Yan turned his head and looked towards another location, and began to look for it.

The battle scene in Baicang City is very active. There are more than one hundred and seventy streets, and the number of vendors alone is no less than 500.

It would be tiring to find a circle.

Time passed and it took a full two hours before Chu Yan finally stopped in front of a stall.

“Heavenly water, Earth Demon is good!?”

Suddenly found the two, Chu Yan’s eyes lit up suddenly, this luck was not bad.

The area of ​​this small booth is not big. One of the jade bottles contains heavenly water. Legend has it that it will never dry up. It is Heaven’s Mark.

And another black rock like coal is Earth Demon!

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