
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the chaos of Feng Bu Gao, Divine Consciousness in Sea of ​​Consciousness surrounds the grey fog of Chu Yan, which is almost crazy.

What’s the situation! ? what’s the situation! ? What is the situation! ?

Feng Bu Gao does not believe it, and it is impossible to believe it!

I have never encountered such a thing. For the purpose of cultivation, he has seen other people’s birthday characters no less than 100,000 times.

Under such big data, something went wrong here.

“This guy… won’t be like my brother!?”

The unsealed brother is the “Heaven” of one of the four genius!

“It’s okay, just forget it! Don’t care!” Chu Yan smiled.

This sentence fell to the ground, and the whole body of Qi was trembling.

Just count it! ?

This is the way of forecasting, not a fortune teller who sets up a fortune teller on the street.

However, I really didn’t figure out anything, so he didn’t have any confidence at all, and there was no way to say anything to Chu Yan. He could only endure and hold back.

“Su Fellow Daoist, when I am ready to prepare, I will definitely figure it out for you next time. I still have a secret technique as long as I use it, even if it is…Uh, it should be fine!”

As soon as he talked about his secret skill, he recovered his excitement and excitement when he was not high enough, but when he saw Chu Yan faint smile’s expression, he instantly changed his mouth like a basin of cold water poured from head to toe.

Regardless of the actual situation, clenched the teeth and took out a small jade compass. The gossip engraving on the compass was obviously a bit unnatural, and it seemed that the water art of carving was not very good.

Wait for Chu Yan to take a closer look. After Divine Consciousness scanned the jade compass, everyone was shocked.

“Natural!? This is…”

I never thought that this jade compass was not a refined Taoist treasure, but a natural bred, which completely surprised Chu Yan.

“hehe, Su Fellow Daoist, I’m not bossing, my treasure…”

Feng Bugao said, while his face was filled with complacency, the aura on his body began to surge out, constantly filling the jade compass in his hand.

Soon, the jade compass began to emit a faint aura, very faint, like a candle lighted.

But in contrast, the seal is not high, but it is gritted with teeth, brow beaded with sweat, and has poured the whole body of True Qi into the jade compass like a flood, and a True Qi of the invincible Peak cultivation base, how terrifying.

Chu Yan can see that the seal is not high without any reservation, it is absolutely full of perfusion.

Such a majestic True Qi only makes the jade compass glow slightly. This jade compass…what is it! ?

Is it the same as the Kunlun Mountains and the mixed Heaven Ranking, the original Taobao! ?

“The Immortal Venerable Promise, the destiny is a thousand times, and the destiny is as usual!”

Feng Bu Gao is almost roaring, his neck is full of blue veins, and the jade compass in his hand seems to have become as heavy as a thousand, and he is pushed to the sky with all his strength.

Where this jade compass passes, the void of all around instantly becomes a void, like all auras and rules between Heaven and Earth, like a mouse meeting a cat, evading one after another.

Soon, the jade compass rushed to the sky, turned into a light spot, and disappeared above the sky of spirit clouds.

One after another natural phenomenon broke out in the sky, with fairy silhouettes, Immortal Beast stepping on the clouds, and thunder, Divine Lightning, mother clouds and rain….

Such a natural phenomenon is all over the sky, making people stunned.

The so-called natural phenomenon is also graded. Generally, it is Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine and Spirit Beast, and the higher rank is Immortal Palace ancient palace.

The natural phenomenon of the fairy phenomenon is one of the highest level natural phenomena on the Divine Realm continent.

“This…this is the Wizard of Heaven Realm!?”

Chu Yan looked stunned, and asked tentatively.

A long time ago, he got the Innate stone tablet, and he still had some impressions of the stone tablet at that time.

“Yes! There is the spirit of Innate in my jade compass!”

I was not highly nodded, and his face was solemn. There was no trace of pride and pride, but more awe and piety.

Soon, all the natural phenomena above the sky released a path of fairy light, and projected back onto the jade compass. The jade compass instantly became golden light.


A strange color flashed in Chu Yan’s eyes.

This is not a good one. It’s not the kind of real bossing person. There is definitely something real.

So, according to historical records, he was able to get the opportunity of Bailing Tower not only by luck.

Especially when the jade compass shines brightly, like God’s eyes, I can see my Divine Soul trembling, as if I want to see through myself.

This force is definitely not the power of will, nor is it the power of Soul Power. It is even more mysterious.

“Su Fellow Daoist, I will tell you now, your future is…”

This time, the seal is completely God-like, the whole body is golden light shining, and the expression on the face while speaking is like God-like transcendence.

However, no matter how sacred he is this time aura, the result is still the same.

Just halfway through the conversation, the whole body trembled, and he froze on the spot, his eyes were red.

What’s the situation? !

Why is it all black… Who turned off the lights! ?

The first time it was grey, that kind of death-like gray fog, and this time it simply seemed to have entered the abyss of hell, with Yin Fiend Qi all around, black and scary.

Even, the unsealed Divine Soul Sea of ​​Consciousness was breathed by these Yin Baleful Qi, and it was about to freeze.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

Feng Bugao only had a single thought in his heart. He didn’t believe that his jade compass would miscalculate.


In the wild beast-like roar, the speed at which Feng Bu Gao’s hands were reprinted increased more than two or three times, and his fingers were about to twist into twists.

However, the jade compass above his head still saw the darkness, and at the same time began to tremble constantly.


Feng Gao is silly, and the whole person is dumbfounded.

But facts are facts, they cannot be changed at all, even he can’t understand them.

I have counted it there! ?

“Fellow Daoist, have you worked out a career!? How about the future!?” Chu Yan became curious.

“You…your future…not bad! Very good! Good luck and luck…In the near future, there is a bit of a catastrophe, which is easy to resolve. It’s okay. In the future, Martial Dao will have no problem in the realm of the Lord, meaningless!”

As Divine Realm predicts Number One Person, when he didn’t speak up, his face didn’t blush at all.

Moreover, he is not talking nonsense. It is not a problem to mix with a God with an aptitude like Chu Yan.

And the cultivator in the realm of God, that would not experience any hardship, how normal it is!

“That’s it! I didn’t expect that I can also be the Lord, then thank you for the good news of Fellow Daoist!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“You are welcome! You are welcome! Between us, who is not with whom!?”

At this moment, the face that is not sealed up can no longer be controlled, and it is really slightly red.

Chu Yan didn’t take this matter very seriously, so he speeded up and flew forward, but let Feng Gao’s long relaxed.

“Su Yu, what the hell is that!?”

Feng Bu Gao stood there, with a question mark on his face, puzzled.

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