
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The approach of the demon puppet is naturally easy to be found by the barrier of the guard, looking up towards the cave.

“en!? There are demons who dare to approach here!?”

The seal of the body rushing to the hole is not high, of course, I would not think that this is accidental.

After all, with Chu Yan in the state of this cultivation, this monster in the Netherworld River Valley is not bad if it doesn’t run away. How could it be possible to come closer! ?


The twin pupils flickered, and the silhouette that came over immediately after the seal was not high.

“It looks like the group of people on the other side of the river just now!”

Feng Bu Gao waved his hand and grabbed the demon puppet directly. Divine Consciousness plunged into it, and a voice sounded instantly.

“Junior just came to this cultivation and discovered the powerful natural phenomenon of Senior, and I hope to meet Senior in person!”

The title is not brilliant. It is Chu Yan’s cultivation natural phenomenon that has attracted the attention of the demonic cultivator on the other side, so he regards Chu Yan as a powerful demonic path Senior and wants to come to have a relationship.

“Su Fellow Daoist, those demonic cultivators on the opposite side, want to see you!” Divine Consciousness sound transmission said at the time when the seal failed.

“No see!” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness replied.


Feng Bu Gao agreed, and then Divine Consciousness infused the magic puppet and said, “Boy, take a good cultivation, don’t think too much, it’s useless!? If you really want to talk, report your identity first!”

After sound transmission, his face was full of pride, and he shook his head with an expert gesture

“These younger generations nowadays really don’t understand etiquette!”

Speaking, he turned and walked into the cave.

At this time, Emperor Yuwen, who was opposite the Netherworld River, eyes shined, and quickly checked the news in the golem, and heard the unspoken words.

This made Yuwenhuang immediately complexion slightly changed, and he quickly shared the sound transmission

“Sorry, Senior, Junior is too excited, please take the liberty to ask for a visit! In the next Yuwen Emperor, this request is not to adhere to Senior, but to build a demonic path World with Senior!”

After the Divine Consciousness sound transmission was issued, Yuwenhuang himself regretted it. He didn’t expect to get used to aloof and remote. When encountering this kind of hidden senior, he suddenly ignored the details of etiquette.

It would be a shame to lose if Senior blamed him for not wanting to see himself.

Hei Sha and a group of Purple Spirit Physique looked upset at Yuwenhuang, all of them scared to the point of shivering, and they dare not say a word.

On the other side, Feng Bu Gao also received a reply from Emperor Yuwen. If it was normal, after he had scolded these people, he would never talk to them again.

But now, it’s when he is bored, so it happens to be a little entertaining.

When he lazily checked the information in the golem again, the whole person shot up from the ground.


A pair of eyes stared at the golem in front of him, almost flying out.


The one who sits on an equal footing with his big brother, one of the four peerless genius of Divine Realm…. Yuwen Emperor! ?

The object of my own teaching, turned out to be today’s demonic path number one powerhouse! ?

“Damn, damn! Fortunately, this demon sends a message, otherwise… the soul is scared away!”

At this moment, on the emperor Yuwen’s forehead, big beads of sweat kept rolling down, and his breathing became rapid.

If this is to let the Emperor Yuwen know that he is the one who just chatted with him, I am afraid that he will definitely be chased to the ends of the earth by him.

“ha ha ha, the emperor Yuwen of dignified demonic path Number One Person, unexpectedly called me Senior! This feels… a bit good! Uh…it seems to be Su Fellow Daoist… but Su Fellow Daoist’s cultivation base is only invincible. Initial Stage, if the Emperor Yuwen is understood, I am afraid he will vomit blood!”

While Feng’s mind fluctuated, his expression kept changing.

next moment, the eyes flickered when not closed, a consciousness came to my heart, and the corners of my mouth rose.

Anyway, I can’t see it now, and the Emperor Yuwen regards Feng Gao as Su Yu, then…

“It turned out to be Emperor Yuwen. I saw it on the Heaven Ranking. It’s good! Trifling invincible Peak can reach this level. It’s wrong. You can salute this side three times…”

The unsealed tone instantly became extremely old, as if it was dug out of the soil, and it was like a Wannian Old Antique with dirt.

“Many thanks Senior, Junior, here’s a courtesy! I don’t know the name of Senior!?”

Emperor Yuwen received the reply, first startled, then suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked.

“ha ha ha …..”

Feng Bu Gao is really cool. This is how Emperor Yuwen salutes himself…

Just this thing, next time I see his big brother, it will be enough for him to show off for three days and three nights.

However, that’s the case if the seal is not high. If you go further, he really dare not. After all, it can still be said now. If you want to take the whole Yuwen Emperor, the consequences of being demolished will be terrifying.

“Su Fellow Daoist, that person is Emperor Yuwen, don’t you think about meeting!?”

Not high sound transmission channel.

Almost the moment when the voice of Feng Bu Gao fell to the ground, Chu Yan’s silhouette flashed over and landed next to Feng Bu Gao, looking towards the demon puppet in front of him, looking at it.

“Emperor Yuwen!? The other side is Emperor Yuwen!? He sent it here!?”

“Yeah, that emperor Yuwen seemed to treat you as an old Senior, and he was polite to death, asking your surname? How come this!?”

At this moment, the corners of Chu Yan’s eyes twitched fiercely a few times.

He didn’t expect at all, he would meet Emperor Yuwen under such circumstances.

It’s no wonder that I have felt such a strong sense of familiarity with the demonic waves on the other side before.

It turns out that it is also the aura fluctuation of the immortal gods and demons, and it is the emperor Yuwen who is performing this cultivation technique.

“Senior!? He actually thought I was Senior!?” Chu Yan sighed.

“I have no name, no surname, and no number!”

Slightly quiet, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness infused the magic puppet, and the Divine Consciousness sound transmission came out.

“This demon is magical, it can be used as a messenger for Jade Talisman!” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept the demon puppet, a little surprised.

Originally, he came to Taikoo World this time, thinking that he and Yuwenhuang, Wu, Tian, ​​and Wanrongtian could not speak at all.

Because these four people are all important figures of the following four great gods, a word of their own may cause the constraints of the Space-Time rule, so as not to affect the history of later generations.

But now, through this demon, there seems to be no problem at all.

After Yuwenhuang received the call, he naturally regarded it as Chu Yan unwilling to reveal, and he didn’t care about it

“Senior, when Martial Dao is at its peak today, only my demonic path lineage is weak. I want to reverse this situation and revive the reputation of the demonic path. I hope that Senior can come out and lead the way for Junior!”

Such words are not surprising to Chu Yan. The Four Great Lords is not a formidable person in the world. If the plot is too small, Chu Yan will suspect that he is a fake Yuwen Emperor.

According to historical records, the Emperor Yuwen had just risen at this time, with the revitalization of the demonic path as his ambition, now known to the whole world.

The evaluation of Yuwenhuang by later generations is not good, even a bit negative. It is not that Yuwenhuang is really bad, but because his goals and ambitions are not in line with the Continental orthodoxy, naturally there will be no good comments.

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