
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For Chu Yan, teaching Yuwenhuang is actually quite interesting. If it is not bound by Space-Time rules, it would be even more interesting.

Unfortunately, contact at this time can only go to this step.

“Su Fellow Daoist, you are too interesting, so don’t take me for such a fun thing!” Feng Gao looked sad.

“Don’t talk about it is useless, quickly get the little god Xuanjing, it is the business!”

Chu Yan smiled and turned directly back into the cave.

At this time, on the other side…

“It’s a pity, it’s over!”

Emperor Yuwen is still disappointed and regretful, full of helplessness and loss.

“However, to get such a chance, this trip to the Netherworld River Valley is a heaven defying chance! On top of this continent, there is no better chance for Dao Road in my life!”

Emperor Yuwen breathes deeply and begins to calm his mind.

“Sir, what’s the situation!?”

Hei Sha and the others saw Emperor Yuwen starting to calm down and asked quickly.

“It’s over!” Yuwenhuang shook the head.

“Sir, is there any…” Hei Sha asked expectantly.

According to Yuwenhuang’s plan, if such a demonic path expert can be recruited, it will be of great benefit to Yuwenhuang’s future goals.

“Impossible! This Senior has already insight into the rules and origins of Heaven and Earth, and there is no possibility of everything. It is even more impossible to join the world. He just wants to be hidden from the world, and this time can give me a special reminder. It’s just because of chance. That’s it!”

Yuwenhuang replied, but he knew in his heart that it was more or less because of his fame, plus what he had started to tell Senior that he wanted to revitalize the demonic path.

Otherwise, this Senior might not care about himself at all.

“That’s a shame!”

When Hearing Yuwenhuang’s words, Heisha and all his subordinates were disappointed.

However, Heisha’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he suddenly raised his head and looked towards Emperor Yuwen, as if thinking of something.

“Sir…ok…it doesn’t seem right,”

As soon as this remark came out, Emperor Yuwen and his subordinates were all startled, looked towards Heishadao

“What’s wrong!?”

Emperor Yuwen looked at Heisha, his face sinking slightly, what’s wrong! ? If this time wasn’t for helping you fight for it, maybe I could talk to Senior for a while.

Sit and talk about opportunities like this, some people can talk for months, while ordinary days are normal.

After all, for Martial Artists who are their cultivation base, days or months are very short.

Therefore, Emperor Yuwen regrets now that he shouldn’t take your bad luck and ran away from Senior, but in the end, he couldn’t talk about anything.

“Sir, I’m waiting for the current Netherworld River Valley, but it’s in the middle area of ​​the Middleland. If so, this Senior’s cultivation base …..”

Heisha is calm-headed. He is the number one powerhouse under Yuwen Emperor.

His cultivation base strength is nothing to Emperor Yuwen, but Emperor Yuwen is still very dependent on his mind.

But this time, as soon as Heisha’s words came out, it made Emperor Yuwen not at all react, but he kept shaking his head.

The Secret Realm World where all invincible powerhouses are looking for a breakthrough celestial body.

The battlefield of the God Lord is divided into three areas: high, middle and low. According to the rules here, people with different cultivation bases will be randomly assigned to the three areas and restricted by the cultivation base and rules.

In other words, the Martial Artist cultivation base is mostly less than the invincible Great Accomplishment, and the cultivation base of the Cultivator does not exceed the invincible Peak.

Only in the land of the gods, can the powerhouse of the Lord Realm appear!

Now, the cultivation base of Emperor Yuwen is Peak in the invincible state. It is difficult to go to the land of the heavens, but in the land of the middle and the heavens, you can move freely.

However, with the strength of Emperor Yuwen, this time, if it were not for the search for the great magic essence, it would be impossible to come to the land of the Middle Blue.

“Black evil ah! This World is not what we imagined, just like the highest realm of the demonic path! I used to think that there is such a highest realm, but after this time Senior’s guidance, I finally know what demonic is path without rein…”

“Since the demonic path can be without rein, why bother about these rules and constraints? This is the stone that hinders our progress. If you see it through, it will be your help. If you can’t break it, it will always be It’s all the stones you stand in the way!”

“Heisha, do you understand!?”

The words of Emperor Yuwen were heartily and heartily speaking, with his hands on his back, there was an imposing manner that appeared to be there, and Heisha and a group of subordinates were immediately confused on the spot!

My God!

Sir’s temperament is completely different from before!

“Big…Sir, subordinates are dull!” Hei Sha hurriedly bowed.

“Since ancient times, the rules of the Lord’s battlefield have existed for countless years, but the rules are only rules. Since there are rules, there will naturally be those who break the rules! This is the real Tao!”


After this sentence, the powerful magic power on Yuwenhuang’s body is boiling like a tide, and the Demon Domain illusory shadow behind him has turned from the virtual to the real for the first time, moving towards all directions, and instantly becomes reality. .

Hei Sha and all his subordinates suddenly felt all around the environment change, and then looked up, but saw that they were already in the Demon Domain World of Emperor Yuwen.

In an instant, everyone’s mouths were wide open, their eyes widened, completely stupid.

Demon Domain …. It can be from virtual became real! ?

“Senior, he has reached the realm of dust, and his understanding of demonic path even surpasses Dao. These rules are a constraint to me, and to him, it may be just a joke!”

“Now I don’t dare to imagine that this Senior’s cultivation base may have surpassed the legendary…realm!”

Emperor Yuwen’s appearance at this time, even the Demon Domain from virtual became real behind him, could not make him feel the slightest mood swing, as if it was a small matter that should be discovered and was insignificant.

At this moment, Heisha and the others finally know how much this Senior’s guidance has had on Emperor Yuwen.

The former Emperor Yuwen can be said to be strong and he is now World’s First, but now, he has a sense of dominance and god.

This change is definitely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

“The realm in…saying!?”

Hei Sha and all powerhouses only feel that Sea of ​​Consciousness is about to collapse.

Above the legendary God, is the real master!

But that’s just a legend, how could it appear in reality, but look at the changes like Emperor Yuwen.

I am afraid that it is mixed with the existence of the top three in the Heaven Ranking. It is also impossible to make a big change in Yuwenhuang, even the Demon Domain from virtual became real.

So, Yuwenhuang’s speculation… is very likely!

“Let’s go!”

Emperor Yuwen retracted his gaze looking towards the other bank of the river and waved his hand.

“By the way, don’t say I am World’s First demonic path, I am not good enough!”

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