
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Feng Xiaogao didn’t say much, and started to concentrate on controlling the jade compass, and at the same time, the speed of the seal was faster.

The Profound Light appeared on the jade compass, with a little golden, spinning like a pointer, and soon a few dots were printed on the jade compass.

“Su Fellow Daoist, almost done! These two directions should be the most reliable!”

Feng Bugao pointed to the two larger gold dots on the jade compass, and said.

“One is the Tianluo Forest in the Heavenly Land, and the other is the Heavenly Palace in the Heavenly Land, I will calculate it!”

While explaining, Feng Bugao continued to manipulate the compass and recalculated again.

“Yi!? Tianluo Forest was signed, this fairy Heavenly Palace was signed! Su Fellow Daoist, what do you think!?”

Feng Bugao gave the result and looked towards Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan has the urge to kill him.

One sign up, one sign down, you won’t be sent down by Heavenly Dao, I want to die! ?

How else to choose this! ?

Are there any options! ?

“What do you think!?” Chu Yan’s eyes twitched.

“I think… of course it was a lottery! Tianluo Forest. However, with Su Fellow Daoist’s heaven defying method, if you choose Heavenly Palace, there is nothing to say. Of course, my prediction technique There is absolutely no problem. According to this calculation, if you choose the fairy Heavenly Palace, you should be sure to die, not the kind of nine deaths and still alive, but the kind of death!”

Feng Bugao looked at Chu Yan triumphantly, and he had already raised Heaven when he dismounted.

Look, if it weren’t for me, you would be dead!

When Chu Yan heard this, I don’t know if he will die if he goes to Heavenly Palace, but from the heart to the face, to the look in his eyes, he must first kill the inadequacy.

It’s just that it’s not easy to decide for a while, whether to directly annihilate his fleshy body, directly frustrate his bones and burn ashes, or to obliterate his Divine Soul, a little bit more refreshing.

“Huh…then go to Tianluo Forest!”

Since ten breaths time, relying on the powerful Willpower, Chu Yan finally didn’t do anything. His face was struggling and Feng was not in high eyes, thinking that Chu Yan was seriously considering his suggestions, and he was immediately more proud Up.

“haha, Su Fellow Daoist now knows my value, so we said yes, if there is a chance for treasure or something, each person gets half!”

“It’s all yours!”

“That won’t work, at least 70%, or else…”

“Okay, then 70%!”

Chu Yan nodded, throwing a face that was messy in the wind, he stood up, moved towards the land of heaven and flew away.


Tianluo Forest, located in the land of heaven.

10,000 years ago appeared with the appearance of the Lord’s Battlefield. It has a secret, everyone knows, but until now, no one has discovered it.

Thousands of years ago, there was a major event in Tianluo Forest, and it was after that time that secrets about Tianluo Forest spread.

In the deepest part of Tianluo Forest, a nine colored natural phenomenon appeared, and the shadow of God appeared. Then a cultivator named Luo Chen announced to the public that he had obtained the inheritance of Tianluo Forest and mastered the secret.

As soon as this party came out, continent vibrated.

This is not the treasure land of the ordinary Secret Realm, this is the battlefield of the Lord of God, and the opportunities that appear here have a lot to do with the Lord of God Realm.

all influence in an emergency operation, they all began to look for this Luo Chen repairer, wanting to seize this opportunity.

However, all the hunts and rounds failed, and Luo Chen was unscathed.

After waiting for a hundred days, when the natural phenomenon of Tianluo Forest completely broke out, Luo Chen took the opportunity to prove that, in one fell swoop, he broke through the God Realm, exalted “Luo Shen”, and shakes the whole world from his name.

However, 300 years later, the Luoshen suffered catastrophe and fell unexpectedly.

At this moment, the world’s cultivators who had lost interest in Tianluo Forest became restless again.

Unfortunately, no matter how many people come to Tianluo Forest, and no matter how many natural phenomena have appeared in Tianluo Forest, no Inheritor of Tianluo Forest appears again.

Some people say that Tianluo Forest has only one inheritance, and the fall of Luoshen is the fall of Tianluo Forest.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer people go to Tianluo Forest, and they are even gradually forgotten.

Therefore, the Tianluo Forest is almost always dry.

However, Chu Yan is different from others in that he doesn’t need to introduce Bowang and King Ming. Later historical materials record that the inheritance not at all of Tianluo Forest fell with Luoshen.

Later, it was obtained by a cultivator named “Kwai”, including one of the later four great lords. Wu personally found this “Kwai”.

Although Chu Yan was a little excited about the chance of Tianluo Forest, it was after a few hundred years, and even if he wanted to seize it, there was no way to start.

After all, he came to Great Ancient Era this time, only a hundred years, and he couldn’t stay if he wanted to.

Flying all the way, two days later, Chu Yan and Feng Bugao reached the edge of Tianluo Forest.

This is an endless mountain range, covered by extremely dense trees, surrounded by dense fog, as if this is a Forbidden Land on earth.

This fog seems to have a kind of magic power, so that any repairer Divine Soul is immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

As if seeing these mists, I have already seen those opportunities and Supreme Treasure hidden in the mist, making people unable to stop.

“Dui Gua should change nine times, Kan Gua produces profound breath!”

Feng Bugao didn’t need Chu Yan to speak at all. He controlled the jade compass and began to predict.

“Over there!”

After a few breaths, Feng Fu’s face was radiant, and he raised his finger in one direction.

The two did not hesitate, and moved towards the forest to fly in, but not long after they entered, they instantly felt a powerful force enveloped.

In this Tianluo forest, there is the existence of inescapable net qi machine, hence the name.

All voids are different from the outside world, like a special Heavenly Dao void, with endless ancient meanings.

Even practitioners like Chu Yan and Feng Bugao can’t ignore these ancient ideas and run cultivation techniques and True Qi to resist them.

“This place is very evil. If it weren’t for the constant natural phenomenon in the depths, ghosts would come here!” Feng Bugao was a little nervous.

Chu Yan ignored him and flew all the way. Three hours later, he crossed the periphery and reached the core area.

On this road, they have only encountered a retreat repairer. The cultivation base is only invincible Great Accomplishment, which is desolate and suspicious.

“Your forecasting skills, better not go wrong!”

Chu Yan reminded you not to seal up.

On the sign and so on, Chu Yan doesn’t believe it, but if the opposite is the case, then Chu Yan will really do it.

There must be a limit to pit goods! ?

“Don’t worry! This master dare not say anything else, this prediction technique has never been missed!”

When he said this, Feng Bu Gao automatically ignored Chu Yan’s hexagram.

Three hours later, the two finally reached the depths of the Tianluo Forest. In the dense forest, natural phenomena flashed from time to time.

“Just the natural phenomenon, this natural phenomenon is definitely not simple! It must be good!”

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