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Faced with Chu Yan’s blow, Tian Shi displayed a weird figure, and an afterimage flashed out in an instant, and a large network of void flashed again behind him.

On one occasion, the Void Net was not a defense but turned into an attack net, condensed into one point, just like a giant hammer directly smashed the attacking Jian Gang to shatter.

“Demon Domain, give me town!”

Chu Yan roared, and the Demon Domain behind him turned into reality, and moved towards that piece of void web was severely suppressed.

The web of the void felt the threat, and instantly collapsed and merged with all around the void, fusing into the void like a piece of stars.

bang! bang! bang!

The entire space of stars in the void trembles constantly, and Tian’s body recedes again and again.

Although the current strength of the sky is amazing, the difference between Chu Yan and his strength is not small, but fortunately this is a Will Avatar, Chu Yan possible fight.

“Yes! Fellow Daoist’s strength is stronger than I thought. I actually gained the upper hand, my body of will. Of course, I had foreseen such a situation a long time ago, so I left some small tricks!”

Tian still smiles, like a is all in his calculations.

“Skynet is gray!”

God a light shout, a large number of Spirit Marks all over his body broke out at the same time, just like his body of will, which is entirely composed of Spirit Marks.

With a bang, all Spirit Marks broke out, and the rays of light released were like a path of sharp arrows, shooting all directions in all directions of the entire stone palace.

next moment, the entire stone palace has undergone earth-shattering changes, and every place seems to be turned into a Monster Beast, roar roaring.

In the blink of an eye, the aura released from the entire stone palace instantly changed into Heaven and Earth turning upside down, like a peerless Monster Beast waking up from a deep sleep.

On the other side, on the smiling face of Tian’s body, the released aura quickly merged with the stone palace, as if becoming one.

Chu Yan’s gaze, in this brief moment, shone with dazzling rays of light.

God… this guy, he is still the same!

With a repressive scent, it will always make the opponent feel passive and have an absolute psychological advantage.

In addition, you will never know how much his hole cards are and where the bottom line is.

About this, perhaps ordinary practitioners don’t know, but Chu Yan knows very well that an opponent with a strong battle strength is not afraid. After all, this continent never lacks using the weak to defeat the strong, such as on the Heaven Ranking. Those geniuses of heaven defying and transcendent ways are like this.

And a strong will and Divine Soul, coupled with a strong opponent, is the real terrifying.

If the two are combined, it may be possible to create a continent miracle.

The sky in front of me is just such an existence, so in the age of the Four Great Lords, he is the protagonist.

“Sword of Domination!”

With a smile on Tian’s face, he shot again, and the huge sword condensed from the void pointed directly at Chu Yan.

In an instant, where this sword passed, it seemed as if an incomparable rain of swords fell between Heaven and Earth, as if every sword was a lore, and as if every sword was illusory, and it made people feel the difference between reality and reality. Shake the mind.

Even if it was just a momentary fluctuation of mind, it also achieved the goal of heaven.


Chu Yan’s eyes are like flames, and the magic power of his body quickly condenses to a point, moved towards the front punched out.

At this time, Tian’s imposing manner seems to fuse together with this piece of Heaven and Earth, and become the king of this piece of Heaven and Earth. Each step is stepped out, and it is cut with one sword, just like the Lord of Heaven and Earth is in Verdict the guilty.

Before the sinner is completely destroyed, such rulings will not stop at all, just like a wave, endless.

At this time, Chu Yan all Willpower broke out, the Demon Domain flashed behind him, and his whole body of Gangwei also broke out to the extreme, and he fought like crazy, refuse to yield an inch.

bang! Boom… Rumble!

The whole stone palace is shaking, Heaven and Earth are shaking.

Various powers and wills continue to flow in all directions, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

Feng Bu Gao stood aside, watching the scene in front of him, his entire face turned pale, and he shrank to a corner of the stone palace, releasing a Taoist instrument to cover his whole body.

This battle…too terrifying!

Even if he is an invincible Peak, he has never seen such a battle.

“Su…Fellow Daoist ….”

Feng Bugao stared at the situation on the battlefield, his face kept dark.

For this period of time, he and Chu Yan have been together. They have experienced a lot and have fought a lot, but now he looks at Chu Yan and feels as if he doesn’t know each other for a moment.

This is not an opponent in World War I. It feels like a life and death battle. It’s like encountering a rival of life and death, irreconcilable.


Feng Bugao murmured in his heart, and his eyes were full of amazement.

At this time, the battle situation in his eyes has changed. Chu Yan began to skillfully use various methods of inquiring, using different combinations and ways of change, to resolve all the attacking powers.

The battlefield is changing, and the might of the sky seems to be weak and constantly consumed.

This is the biggest weakness of the will body.

“The battle strength of this Fellow Daoist surprised me a lot. I didn’t expect to resist now.”

Heaven’s words, with a faint approbation, still smiling, a little stiff.


Chu Yan simply didn’t bother to care about him, and dealt with it casually.

What is certain is that Chu Yan will not believe every word he said since seeing this Avatar, and will not listen to it at all.

Whether Tian wants to plant demons or really wants to communicate, it makes no sense to Chu Yan.

Even the true body of the sky, Chu Yan didn’t want to pay attention to it, let alone this will Avatar.

“Since now, you also know that Avatar’s power is limited, so, let’s be the last resort, let’s fight the battle!” Tian’s face began to smile.

“Really!?” Chu Yan flickered.

I saw that the sky suddenly rose up, moved towards the sky and swept straight away.

“Tian Zun Wanshi, with my body, arouse the power of Space-Time, wake up!”

Tian’s face began to twist, and even the whole body began to twist, but his body, a faint rule aura overflowed, flooding into the void Heaven and Earth all around, making his voice resemble God’s Sanskrit sound, resounding Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, he is displaying the dominance.


He uttered a word, and Tian raised his hand with a wave.

In front of Chu Yan and Feng Bugao, suddenly everything turned into powder, and the entire stone palace disappeared in the sky.

What reappears in front of us is a vast World, endless Heaven and Earth, mountains, rivers, plains and forests, and countless creatures are running on this continent World.

This is a new World!

It is the same small World as Chu Yan’s Demon Domain, but the difference is that Chu Yan’s Demon Domain is still based on illusion so far.

“Is this really a small World, or an illusion!?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

Aura, pupil technique, Divine Consciousness and will flowed out together, exploring this small World, but found nothing special.

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