“Didn’t expect you to cultivation so many ways of inquiring, but it’s a pity that your original path is magical, so many ways of inquiring will make the original path cultivation technique weak, what can be formidable power!?”

Hun Luotian just glanced at it, and a look of contempt suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He was still cautiously before, but now it seems that the previous fights, including the original magic power he is currently performing, have disappointed Soul Luotian.

Did I really meet a arrogant person who really came to die! ?

Soul Luotian doesn’t understand, but, no matter what, the battle has already begun, and Soul Luotian will no longer allow the opponent to escape.

Kill now!

No matter what kind of opponent, only dead opponents are really good opponents.

“Really!?” Chu Yan smiled lightly, then raised his hand with a wave

“Primal Chaos Divine Diagram!”

Ka cha screamed, the void at the foot of the soul fell to pieces, and he couldn’t even react.

The dao chart Great Array appeared, completely covering the void including the soul falling into the sky, and all directions were Chu Yan’s aura surging.

Among them, a aura, turned into lightning, blasted and burst into pieces instantly.

All of this happened extremely fast, and large tracts of mountains and rivers dao chart gushed out and turned into a new world, directly replacing the void.

“Is this… a fantasy or a natural phenomenon!?”

The soul falls into the sky in ones heart trembled, there is an inexplicable feeling.

In the heaven and earth of the void in all directions, all kinds of killing and surging are coming, like a piece of tide that will swallow him completely.

“so that’s how it is, so that’s how it is, didn’t expect, ha ha ha ….”

Hun Luotian looked at all this with excitement, and a clear comprehension suddenly appeared in his heart, and his face was full of surprises.

He can stand in more than 200 places in the Heaven Ranking, and the innate talent itself is extremely strong, so the Tao that Chu Yan showed, only made him slightly confused, it was an instant clear comprehension.

“Demon Realm, a city of hell!”

The soul falls into the sky, and a large area of ​​hell emerges, with an illusion, but it gives people an incomparable sense of reality, as if one instantly fell from reality to hell, Divine Soul trembled.

The huge hell illusion collided with the Primal Chaos Divine Diagram and collapsed at the same time.

“Primal Chaos Divine Diagram, condensate!”

Chu Yan a light shout, the broken Primal Chaos Divine Diagram World, condenses again, and is more powerful and real than last time.

This time, Chu Yan stopped watching. The body flashed directly into the Primal Chaos Divine Diagram, transformed into a silhouette in the god map, standing on the top of the mountain.

Next moment, his aura blends with the mountains, slowly penetrating the entire world of gods.

When the god map attacked the soul falling sky again, the little beast’s eyes gleamed, as if it had become a star in the god map World.

This power, this god figure…shocked the little beast!

“Very good! You are worthy of Life and Death Battle with me!” Soul Luotian’s eyes changed.

With murderous intention in excitement, he turned into a Demon Dragon, and the dragon claw approached Heaven and Earth, tearing everything to pieces.

Not only that, but his evil power is still exploding, and he is constantly confronting Chu Yan on top of his will power.

The soul falls into the sky, and there is no reservation.

bang! bang! bang!

The fighting between the two was extremely fierce, and every attack would blow up a monstrous wave of air, and the eyes of the little beasts were all red.

On the other side, the seal was not high, and the pressure was not light. One person suppressed the Heaven Ranking powerhouse of three gangsters.

If it weren’t for the help of Jade Compass and Xuantian Ling, he couldn’t even support 5 minutes of time.

“The Great Demon!”

Hun Luotian began to explode his trump cards, and the sky-shattering attack means, when he shot, even the void was completely gasified.

The powerful force suppressed like a mountain, hitting Chu Yan, making a path of the mountain cracking.

At this time, Chu Yan, in the form of a mountain, is so powerful.

“Is that so!? If this is the case, then this battle is almost over!”

The voice of the soul falling into the sky carried Heavenly Might, and the words were like thunder, and moved towards Chu Yan rushed away, the murderous intention merged with the void, and the imposing manner became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Chu Yan, all the ways of asking questions within the body, have moved to an extremely fast state, turned into a dozen colorful dragons, and swam to the void of Heaven and Earth.

“ha ha ha, good!”

“Now you are Interesting…”

At this moment, when the soul fell to the sky, he was completely excited, and his entire face was deformed.

Moreover, he used a forbidden technique to urge the life force within the body. The power of the ancient magic was exploded. The aura of the whole person was not under Chu Yan at all.

In this battle, both sides have begun to use their strongest force.

The earth-shattering battle became more intense.

“This Su Yu’s battle strength is so strong. The soul falling into the sky in the invincible Peak of Human Race should be extremely strong. He didn’t expect him to be in a great realm. The opponent is forced to this level!”

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