
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 濡欑瑪闃?” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This young man, very interesting!

This is what Chu Yan said about him, because this Martial Artist, who is completely immersed in battle without winning or losing, will be weak! ?

“hidden dragons and crouching tigers!” Chu Yan thought to himself.

Gradually, watching more and more various genius in the square, Chu Yan slowly felt the blood within the body boil.

At this time, the square suddenly began to noisy, and something seemed to happen.

Chu Yan and the ancestors of Heavenly Dao both looked up towards the distance, their eyes focused.

At this time, the number of people gathered on the square in front of the temple has reached nearly 5,000, which is really astonishing.

The Sir group of five thousand people is full of noise at this time. Compared with before, it is obvious that this time can cause noisy things or people for everyone, which is absolutely not simple.

Seeing through the crowd, you can clearly see a black silhouette, wearing a black robe with gold silk, a very strong aura young man.

Behind him is a black ancient blade, as if walking out of a void black hole, everything loses its luster and color wherever it passes.

As he passed, the crowd separated automatically, giving way to a path without any obstacles.

“It has no meaning at all…”

While walking, the young man muttered to himself, shaking his head, his expression on his face looked extremely disappointed.

Then, the young man walked aside, threw the ancient blade behind him, hung over his head, sat cross-legged, and entered the cultivation state directly.

Like the God King Realm young man before, he was not interested in everyone in this square from beginning to end, and seemed a little different and out of place.

Even if everyone’s eyes are on them, it will not cause them the slightest reaction.

Such a situation in a large group of five thousand people will certainly attract more attention and attention, and there are a lot of whispers and discussions.

If the previous God King Realm youth was out of dust and completely isolated from the world, then this black robed youth now has a feeling of transcendence, seeing everything as nothing.

To put it simply, everything is inaccessible to him, and it’s not worth the feeling of seeing him.

This is a kind of ignorance!

Chi Guoguo doesn’t take any provocations, looks unique…ignoring everything!

However, this result brought only more attention and curiosity, so someone quickly recognized the person’s identity.

“Dream is invincible! He is…”

“Didn’t expect, the rumors are true…the big dream is invincible! Come to the Martial Dao conference this time too!”

“Haha, this is interesting, who can be his enemy!?”

“Isn’t there still the God Realm?!”

“Dark Lord Realm…may not be his opponent either!”


The voice of all directions from all sides changed Feng’s face.

“No way! Is really a big dream invincible!? He… he impossible… Didn’t he go to the land of ten thousand sources with “Heaven” before!?”

Although the relationship with his big brother is not good, he still knows some “Heaven” information if he is not sealed, so he is more surprised than the others when he sees the appearance of the big dream invincible.

At this moment, Chu Yan looked at that silhouette, but his expression was stunned.

“This is the Great Ancient Era…the Great Dream Lord!?”

In this era, the genius and powerhouse participating in the Martial Dao conference can make such comments. I am afraid that besides the four great gods, there is only this big dream god.

Although the Great Dream Lord is only invincible, his ranking on the Heaven Ranking has reached the fourth 14th.

Such a ranked powerhouse cannot be ignored, and even requires special attention, for no other reason…because he is only an invincible state, but he is within the 50th place in the Heaven Ranking.

If it’s just that, a peerless genius is enough, but he was still April 15 last year.

In other words, in a year’s time, he was actually promoted to rank!

Without the breakthrough of the cultivation base, it was still based on the invincible environment cultivation base, and even within the 50th place in the Heaven Ranking, it was promoted by one in a year.

Such a result is enough for shocking the world!

If this allows him to break through to the realm of the Lord, I am afraid that he will directly enter the Heaven Ranking top 10, or even the top five.

Such a presence is enough to affect the entire Divine Realm continent, all forces and powerhouses in the world.

So, let alone the square in front of you, I am afraid that any whereabouts of Dameng invincible will be enough to attract the attention of all the powerful Great Influence.

However, Chu Yan, who came as a later generation, is very clear that the Great Dream Lord on the Shiji, but passed away like a meteor.

Short and brilliant to the extreme, but soon faded out of the eyes of the world, and even lost the strength to compete with the four great gods.

As for why this is, Chu Yan doesn’t know.

“Haha, your big dream is coming. If it is later, I am afraid that the Heaven Ranking will catch you personally!?”

a There was a strange sound, it seemed extremely bold, even the legendary Heaven Ranking who looked at the great dream god, and even the rumors of personally pointing out, there was no trace of hiding, and the thousands gathered directly in the Great Influence. People said it out in the square.

Looking at the voice, it was an old man with white hair, slightly curved body, and the wrinkles under his smile all gleaming.

Beside him, there are two middle-aged men and women with a calm face, like Iron Pagoda.

“pay respects to Hall Lord!”

The invincible powerhouses present, when they see the old man, they are all startled, and they salute quickly.

Hearing this, the audience was shocked.

“Huang Tian Hall…Hall Lord!?” Chu Yan also saluted slightly, looking up.

This old man can’t feel it at all in an aura. His old appearance makes people think that he is just an ordinary person.

“Su Fellow Daoist, the Huang Tian Hall Lord’s own title is… Huang Tian God, his rank on the Heaven Ranking is 8th! It is not just in name only, but also in reality. One of the gods!”

Feng Bu Gao said in a low voice, and there were many introductions of old man in this square like him.

“The Ten Great Lords!?”

Chu Yan heart slightly startled, and his eyes suddenly changed.

Hall Lord of Huang Tian Hall, is it so strong! ? He was actually in the ranks of the Ten Great Lords, with such strength, enough to ramp up the entire world.

Also, what does this old fogey look like! ?

In a realm like his, the appearance is almost arbitrary, and most powerhouses are willing to keep the appearance of a middle age person.

But this Huang Tian Hall Lord is a senile, which is a bit strange.

“Everyone, old fogey, don’t be so polite!”

Huang Tian Hall Lord is not very pretentious, smiling amiably, raising his hand in return, attracting everyone to salute again.

This is the powerhouse of the God Realm!

Moreover, he is also one of the Ten Great Lords, and is a real boss on the Heaven Ranking.

More importantly, he is the master of this time Martial Dao conference and the master of this Huang Tian ancient city….鐨?Heaven Hall Hall Lord!

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