
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 濡欑瑪闃?” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan’s request, not at all, surprised Deacon Elder. He looked at Chu Yan and smiled, nodded, said.

“Good! You are good! But…”

Speaking, Deacon Elder waved his hand, the whole square was still silent, not at all there were signs of awakening one after another.

In other words, most of the practitioners here, not at all, like Dameng Invincible and Chu Yan, immediately discovered that the mysterious in the 1st Layer assessment were all caught in the assessment.

“Seeing such a situation, do you understand? In fact, based on your innate talent and aptitude, not at all, you need to go to 2nd Layer. On the contrary, it will waste your time. I can promise you Say, the role of 3rd Layer includes 2nd Layer.”

“Explain this way, I believe you can understand the layout of Huang Tian Hall!?”

Chu Yan Weiwei nodded, “Understood!”

This was originally a trial and trial. Chu Yan also doubted that Huang Tiantang would not leave such loopholes, but for Chu Yan, he was still idle, and it didn’t hurt to try.

“A few of them…”

As soon as he turned his head and looked towards Xiu Tian, 鈥嬧€婩eng Bu Gao and Xiao Beast, Chu Yan began to pay attention to their situation.

At this moment, the square was silent, everyone was immersed in the cultivation, and Chu Yan also began to sit cross-legged and adjust his breath, continuing to feel the mysterious before.

Time is passing…..

After a full hour, people began to wake up one after another, looking towards all around with surprise.

“Sure enough, it is still a big dream invincible strongest ah!”

These people looked towards all around and found that all of them were in the cultivation, obviously their speed was much slower, only the big dream invincible was sitting there idle.

“haha, not bad!”

Next, Xiao Beast and Xiu Heavenly Dao ancestor also woke up quickly, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Two buzzing sounds, the Huang Tian marks on the chests of the two of them, one became golden and the other became silver.

“didn’t expect 鈥?”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao shook the head, looking at the silver imprint on his chest, and then at the golden imprint of the little beast, suddenly his face was speechless.

The other party has achieved excellence, and he is only ordinary, putting it that way, the little beast can directly enter the 3rd Layer, and he has to continue to enter the 2nd Layer.

In this way, you just set aside the distance.

“yi!? Chu Yan, you…”

Like the cultivator who had awakened before, the two of them thought that Chu Yan was still undergoing an examination, but after Chu Yan turned his head and charged them nodded, the corners of their mouths twitched.

This enchanting evildoer, how could it surprise them, it really is much faster than them.

Immediately afterwards, one after another in the square, the cultivators woke up constantly, all with different expressions, some shook their heads and sighed, some were full of surprises.

To Chu Yan’s surprise, Feng Bugao has not yet woken up.

Chu Yan knows him well. This innate talent and aptitude who have not been sealed up are definitely in the forefront in this square, but now half of the repairers have been awakened, and they have not passed the sealed up yet! ?


The little beast is coldly snorted, with a face of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. If this is not high enough to wake up, you can teach him a lesson.


At this moment, Feng Bugao suddenly eyes opened and his face changed drastically.

“Damn! Are you guys…”

Half of talking, Feng Bu Gao’s eyes changed, and he quickly changed to Divine Consciousness sound transmission and asked Chu Yan several people.

“How did you pass!? I accidentally exploded that piece of mountain range! Are you okay!?”

When this sentence landed, Chu Yan and the others immediately started.

Blow up the mountain range! ?

The mountain range can be blown up! ?

No, you are a cultivator of prediction, why are you so violent! ?

“ha ha ha…you are done!”

How could the little beast, who has been holding back his energy, let go of such an opportunity and quickly laughed at said with a smile.

“What a broken assessment! The stone forest will pass, but in the mountain range, there are mysterious…. Those Monster Beasts are too annoying and endless. They affect my comprehend, so I will be cruel. The mountain range is exploded!”

Feng Bu Gao’s face was full of tears, he was really frightened by Xiao Beast’s words.

“ha ha ha, just go for it! The mountain range has mysterious, shit, it’s obviously in that river, there is mysterious!”

The tears of Xiaozhu鈥檚 smile came out, and he kept saying with a smile while holding his belly.

“It’s okay, I will seal Fellow Daoist, there is still a chance!” The ancestor of Heavenly Dao also started to persuade.

“鈥?.” My face turned black when the seal was not high.

Sure enough, I knew I wouldn’t blow up the mountain. Originally mysterious was not in the mountain range, but in the river…

When Chu Yan heard this, he browsed slightly wrinkle.

Sure enough, according to what Huang Tian Hall said, everyone鈥檚 assessment is different. It is arranged like this, I don鈥檛 know that Huang Tian Hall is to facilitate the practitioners to discover, or for hindering the practitioners from discovering mysterious.

It鈥檚 hard for Chu Yan to judge this, but from the current situation, many people can basically find it.


On the square, Deacon Elder鈥檚 voice sounded…

“From now on, get the preparation for the ordinary assessment and enter the 2nd Layer. Those who get the excellent assessment, please come to me to focus!”

Chu Yan and Xiao Beast, the three people of Xiutian moved towards the front, directly ignoring the lack of sealing.

The assessment result of the original Heavenly Dao ancestor was originally ordinary, but after everyone regained his consciousness, maybe because the pass rate was too low, his assessment result automatically became excellent.

Feng Bu Gao saw that this result could change, and his face turned green at the time.

I am reminded by my bad luck!

There were nearly four thousand people on the square in the assessment on this level, and less than four hundred people got the excellent assessment result.

“Congratulations, please follow me!”

Deacon Elder waved his hand, and a passage appeared in front of him, striding into it.

A group of excellent examiners behind them followed, disappearing into the passage, and the passage was closed.

And in the square, there are all ordinary examiners with envious faces, watching this scene, they are all regretful.

At this time, another Deacon appeared and said to everyone

“Everyone, you all have the same ordinary assessment results. Now we are going to conduct the 2nd Layer assessment. Hope this time, some of you can get excellent!”

Speaking of this, the new Deacon deliberately or unintentionally glanced at the closed eyes with weird eyes.

When I came over, I startedled when the seal was not high, and then the corners of my mouth twitched twice. As expected, I became famous and exploded the mountain…

This Huang Tian church will not find yourself to compensate! ?


At this time, inside Huang Tian Hall, there is a Secret Realm.

The Huang Tian God walked out of a palace, body flashed, and reached a cliff.

Waving his hand, Muan Xiangming appeared. He sat down on his own, facing the mountain breeze, looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers in front of him, drinking Xiangming.

After a while, a silhouette appeared next to….

If Chu Yan is here, he will immediately recognize that the silhouette that has just appeared is the most mysterious one on the Divine Realm continent… the spirit of the Heaven Ranking!

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