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Chu Yan looked at each other, his face was calm, shook the head

“I don’t care, feel free!”

Hearing this, Xiao Xiangtian was suddenly excited, and the smile on his face became even thicker.

Indigenous people are indigenous people. It’s so likable. This not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth looks like a courting death guy.

“ha ha ha, Fellow Daoist is happy! Then how about we have a fight!?”

“Turn the bucket!?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

He spent a long time in the battle stage of Huang Tian Hall, and he naturally knew the meaning of turning around, that is, each of them made a move, and then realized the other’s stunts, and then displayed them again to see the result.

There is a time limit for such a battle, which is about one hour.

Who can comprehend the opponent’s skills more deeply and perform better is the winner.

This kind of fighting is not uncommon in Huang Tian Hall. First, the fighting is peaceful, and the second is more comprehensive, mainly innate talent and aptitude.

The two kinds of genius of Huang Tian Hall, like the ordinary Martial Artist, do not spear with their swords, they seem relatively low-level.

In a place like Huang Tian Hall, it is better than aptitude and innate talent. This is the foundation of Martial Dao strongest.

So, this way of turning the bucket is very popular in Huang Tian Hall.

Of course, Xiao Xiangtian proposed this battle method not because of the advantages of this method of competition, but because he calculated that Chu Yan was weak in this respect and could not compare with himself at all.

After all, I came from the eight largest Aristocratic families. Any secret skill and unique skill can’t be comprehend by those outsiders for a lifetime.

This is the advantage of being born in the eight largest Aristocratic Family, and Xiao Xiangtian doesn’t want to do an upright gentleman. He can magnify his own advantages and defeat his opponents in a crushing manner. Why do you need to pretend to be a gentleman! ?

Martial Dao World, originally weak are prey to the strong, and interests first.

Since this is the case, let this aboriginal eat a good loss, and at the same time, I can get 100% of the secret book of the Supreme Profound God.

This is the important thing. All other faces, gentlemen, are nonsense.

“Zhuandou! It seems that this Xiao Xiangtian has a relatively strong secret skill, so he mentioned it on purpose!” Chu Yan thought to himself, the corners of his mouth raised lightly.

Xiao Xiangtian is very confident and realistic. There is no trick, everything is on the surface.

This kind of cultivator is rare on the Divine Realm continent. Some cultivators with the same status and status as him are more or less concerned about face.

However, Chu Yan also knew that Xiao Xiangtian was able to mix to this level in the Eight Great Gu Family, probably because of this special mentality.

Only this kind of mentality can make him go further.

And those cultivators who are scrupulous about this and that are fine for a short time, but after a long time, they will soon distance themselves from him.

“As you wish, turn to the fight!”

Chu Yan slightly smiled, nodded agreed, and this time let Xiao Xiangtian see who is the native.

However, when he opened this sentence, only his mouth moved without any sound. Chu Yan was stunned.

What’s the situation! ?

Space-Time rule restrictions! ?

It’s just a battle, and it will cause Space-Time restrictions! ?

“ha ha ha, don’t you dare look at you like this!?” Xiao Xiangtian saw Chu Yan’s expression change, and suddenly said with a big smile.

The strategy is not old, just useful.

Before this kind of stimulating method was useful, if you continue to use it now, it will naturally have an effect. I am not afraid that he will run away.

“Chu Yan, how did this… cause Space-Time rule restrictions!?”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao also looked surprised, and asked Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

At this moment, everyone in the audience looked at Chu Yan with a look of contempt. In their opinion, there was no suspense in this battle, so it was normal to back down now.

“I don’t know the reason, although the current Space-Time rules are not strong, but it really motivates!” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

“This… is in trouble!”

Xiu Heavenly Dao’s face also sank, browsing tightly knit.

He is not worried about Chu Yan’s battle, but worried about whether the Space-Time rules will affect the Martial Dao conference.

After all, this battle is not important, but the Martial Dao conference is very important to him and Chu Yan.

There must be no problems, otherwise it will waste time and lose the meaning of this trip.

“ha ha ha, it seems that you are very smart. In that case, there is no need to turn to the battle, we will change to Heaven and Earth!”

Xiao Xiangtian has been paying attention to Chu Yan’s face change, and hastened to change his strategy.

The secret book you get, never let it fly.

With your own strength, whether you are fighting around or fighting against Heaven and Earth, you are sure of winning.


Chu Yan thought for a while, nodded agreed.

This time turned out to be the same as before. As soon as Chu Yan opened his mouth, only his mouth moved, no sound was heard. Even the nodded movement caused the void to twist and change. In the eyes of others, he just moved his mouth. There is no nodded action simply.

“en!? Heaven and Earth are not willing to fight!? This is the easiest fight. I didn’t say life and death fight. It’s for your own good! If that’s the case, let’s do it the way you say ! If you say you use that kind, use that kind…”

Xiao Xiangtian is unwilling to give the other party time to think. Of course, he is unwilling to have twists and turns, so he is naturally willing to give in to the extent that he can accept it.

Because he has a vaguely bad premonition, this guy won’t want to run! ?

It’s hard to get the hook, if it runs away, it will be difficult to find opportunities in the future.

“Su Yu, what are you doing ah! Don’t you tell me to beat him!? Hurry up, beat him!” The little beast looked at Chu Yan with an anxious expression and hurried Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“Little Saint, there are some problems on my side, I may not be able to fight him!”

The relationship between Chu Yan and Wan Tiansheng is different, so Chu Yan didn’t intend to hide it from him.

“ah!? What’s the problem!?” Xiao Beast looked blank.

It’s just a battle, what can go wrong! ?

The little beast looked towards Chu Yan and his gaze became strange in an instant.


Hearing this question, Chu Yan suddenly looked sad, how to explain this to him, tell him directly that he came from later lives! ?

Don’t say whether you want to say it or not, I’m afraid the Space-Time rules will also restrict it.

It’s not like the ancestor of Heavenly Dao, because he came from later generations just like himself, so naturally you can say it at will.

Seeing Chu Yan’s face, the little beast’s pupil light dimmed suddenly, this master…wouldn’t be really persuaded! ?

“Su Yu, now that it is like this, let’s rest assured! No matter how successful it is, it doesn’t matter, and even if I lose this secret book, I won’t blame you at all!”

Little Beast thought for a while, then persuaded him.

“Su Yu, my Vault of Heaven Heavenly Beast clan, I would rather die than succumb, so even if I die in battle, I definitely can’t take a step back!”

Vault of Heaven Heavenly Beast has its own dignity. After all, it is Heavenly Beast. How could it be possible to retreat in front of the enemy? This is absolutely impossible

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