
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan was not surprised by the poorly sealed response, but he prevented it

“Forget it, let him stay alone, some things can’t be solved by persuasion!”

Chu Yan shook his head.

“Well, that little fellow is still young and the moon is not yet full. Even if there is bloodline memory, it will take time to wake up and adapt.”

The three stood in a corner of the square, chatting casually.

While the little beast sits not far away, silent and silent, like a, he doesn’t care at all.

An hour later, Deacon flew from a long distance and announced loudly, “Fellow Daoist, the time is almost up, now the 3rd Layer assessment begins!”

“This 3rd Layer assessment is similar to the previous 1st Layer, so please pay more attention to your understanding!”

I didn’t say this before, but after the 1st Layer assessment, all the people present were the routines of the understood Huang Tian hall assessment, so Deacon also said one more thing.

“Everyone is running aura now, don’t resist, instill your own Huang Tian mark.”

Next moment, Chu Yan and other practitioners all started to run the cultivation technique, the aura overflowed, and at the same time the Huang Tian mark on the chest was poured.

Hundreds of Huang Tian marks are shining at the same time. At this moment, the square is like a group of stars.

All starlights are flooding, and then cover the original body.

shua shua 唰….

After countless rays of light flashed by, all the silhouettes disappeared on the square, and a new World appeared.


When Chu Yan appeared immediately, he looked towards all around, and suddenly he whispered.

It turned out to be a dark World here, not really black, but the kind of dark purple, purple to the extent of black, a bit permeating feeling.

This is a grassland. Apart from Chu Yan, there are all other cultivators. This time did not separate everyone.

“Everyone, I am your guide!”

An old man appeared above the sky, his silhouette blurred, and it was obviously an existence like Artifact Spirit.

silhouette is constantly changing between reality and imaginary, as if Spirit Physique is unstable, but at least the practitioners have discovered that this 3rd Layer actually has artifacts like Artifact Spirit, which is obviously higher than the 1st Layer. The level is a lot.

“I have seen the guide Senior!”

All the cultivators startled first, then all bowed and saluted.

The old man said with a smile. “This 3rd Layer is the same as before. It is divided into two types of assessment results, ordinary and excellent. I imagine everyone present wants to be excellent as before.”

“The rules are similar to the 1st Layer. If you get the ordinary, you can enter the 4th Layer. If you get the excellent, you can directly enter the 5th Layer!”

“This time 3rd Layer assessment is similar to 1st Layer, but there are more comprehensive requirements and assessments!”

“Look over there…”

Artifact Spirit old man raised his hand, and the purple dark World in the distance suddenly raised a beam of light.


Various demon roars sounded heaven shaking earth shattering, and the place where the light was, turned out to be a mighty battlefield.

In the battlefield, there are cultivators like Monster Beast, monsters, puppets, and ghosts… Almost all lives on the Divine Realm continent exist on this battlefield.

On the battlefield at this time, everyone’s lives are fighting and killing, and the entire sky and earth are trembling.

The scale of this battle is staggering.

“Everyone, don’t rush to take action after entering the battlefield. I hope you can observe the comprehend study carefully. After that, you can compete with me in a battle. As long as you can defeat me, you can get the ordinary assessment result.”

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience startedled, and then turned their heads and looked towards the battlefield, all of them were shaking with Divine Soul.

Such a battlefield may involuntarily inspire their battle state, consciousness, Divine Soul, etc., will be affected.

Now, they are still far away from this battlefield. If they really enter the battlefield, the impact will be more obvious.

“Remember, you can only use the stunts learned on the battlefield to fight me, and each repairer only has one phone meeting. If you fail, you will be eliminated!”

This rule is so simple, it’s a bit crude.

Furthermore, compared to the time of 1st Layer, Chu Yan and the others are groping and searching on their own feelings, but now in 3rd Layer, this Artifact Spirit actually explained all the rules and details clearly.

It’s not that simple here!

The simpler the thing, the more complicated it may be.

“putting it that way, the key point is the speed on the battlefield, the comprehend must be fast, and the secret book formidable power learned must be strong…”

Chu Yan muttered in his heart, looking at the old man above.


The old man seemed to hear Chu Yan’s murmur and unexpectedly replied.

“It’s so easy!?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

Simple ghost.

Believe in you to have ghosts….

1st Layer is obviously suspected of deliberately digging holes. If it is the same as here and the rules are clearly stated, I am afraid that the number of people who passed will definitely not be the hundreds of people now.

So, to the more difficult 3rd Layer, I explained these rules in such detail, and also actively answered Chu Yan’s self-talk, the purpose is to tell everyone that this layer is very… simple! ?

“Okay! The opportunity lies in the individual. You can go in now without any danger. Don’t worry, they will not see you.”

At this time, the old man seems to be deliberately lowering everyone’s doubts.

There is no danger at all! ?

Then are we here to watch the ceremony! ?

At this time, if anyone listens to the words of the old man and really regards the assessment of this 3rd Layer as a simple thing, then I am afraid that they will eventually become a simple group of people.

Under ordinary and excellent, of course there are some simple ones that cannot pass.

However, this is just a method. Chu Yan can clearly remember that what the old man said in the end is that the assessment is more comprehensive.

Then what the old man said now may be included here.

The old man above the void waved his hand slightly, and suddenly a large swath of brilliance and water flowed out, throwing a corner of the battlefield light curtain.

Chu Yan and the others did not hesitate, stepped into it, and entered the light curtain of the battlefield.

bang! bang!

Heaven shaking earth shattering exploded, and the void all around and the ground under his feet were constantly shaking.

After entering here, there is obviously a huge difference between the feeling outside and the endless variety of aura flooding like a tide, sweeping everything between Heaven and Earth.

Let the practitioners who enter it feel the impact of the terrifying Divine Soul.

This is what the old man said just now. It will not be attacked. Otherwise, I am afraid that all people will have aura outbreaks and fight at any time.

This is the instinct of Martial Artist, and the more this instinct is in a terrifying environment and danger, the stronger the instinct will be.

The ordinary person calls it the instinct of fear, and for Martial Artist, it is the instinct of fighting.

“Sure enough, Interesting!”

Chu Yan immediately looked towards all around, with a restrained mind, trying to fuse together with all around the void environment.

At this moment, he immediately discovered the first mystery.

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