
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In addition to the Divine King young man, Ling Wancheng, Li Dao, Xiao Xiangtian and the others were all waiting in the square.

This is Chu Yan’s surprise. These people are not slow.

“It turns out that you can pass the battlefield assessment!? It seems that you still have some innate talents, but it’s a pity that these innate talents, there are no battle intent guys, it’s wasted…”

When Xiao Xiangtian saw Chu Yan appear, he directly mocked.

Chu Yan glanced at him, the pupil light flashed slightly.

In the square before, this Xiao Xiangtian should have deliberately stimulated himself for the secret book of the Great Profound Heaven Lord.

But now, I have come to this move. I’m afraid this is not the purpose.

It should be because I didn’t succeed before, so I have resentment for myself.

For this situation, Chu Yan has seen too much, and also disinclined to pay attention to.

Space-Time rule restrictions, saved him.

If it weren’t for Space-Time restrictions, maybe this Xiao Xiangtian can’t talk nonsense here now.

Chu Yan is curious that the people in these squares, like him, can avoid passing the test! ?

Before the Artifact Spirit of the 3rd Layer, the attitude towards myself and what was going on, there seemed to be something in it that I didn’t know.

This problem is currently unknown, Chu Yan just exists in his heart.

As time goes by, there are more and more silhouettes on the square. In less than half a day, from the first few people to nearly 20 people.

“Su Fellow Daoist!”

When Feng Bu Gao appeared, he ran over excitedly when he first saw Chu Yan.

Finally, after suffering untold hardships, I have caught up with Chu Yan’s pace. Can you not be happy if you are not high? ?

Behind him was the Saint Wantian. He also completed the battlefield assessment at the same time as Feng Bugao. However, when he entered the square, he heard what Xiao Xiangtian said, and his happy little face instantly became gloomy. .

In any case, he wants to kill this guy.

“Boy, if you want to become a Vault of Heaven Heavenly Beast, you have to learn to be a beast! Just like a cultivator who wants Martial Cultivation and learns to be a human being!”

Feng Bugao glared at the little beast, and taught directly

“You have to see clearly, the current environment, and our purpose, and know the right time for everything. Understand!?”

Hearing this, the little beast rolled the eyes immediately, and fiercely said to him.

“You ant, dare to teach me!? You said it as if you knew it!”

“Yo! You will talk back before the full moon!? Are you owed to clean up!?”

I was angry at the time when the seal was not high, and within the body True Qi was running, I was ready to shoot.

Small trees don’t straight up if they don’t repair them, and little beasts don’t beat or obey. How simple the truth is.

“Forget it! Let me pass the 3rd Layer assessment first…”

Chu Yan saw this scene and spoke to persuade him.

If the seal is not high hearing this, fiercely glared at the little beast and gave up.

At this time, the small square became more and more lively, and gradually became noisy.

“It looks like they are all earth signs? Heaven signs have not come out yet!?”

“Who will the Heavenly Talisman be!? How long can it last?”

“Whoever feels like a heavenly talisman will have bad luck. Look at it now, everyone is staring at the heavenly talisman.”

“Yeah, Heavenly Talisman deals with so many people alone, and even if it is powerful, if the Earth Talisman is defeated, no one will hate it!?”

“This is really hard work and unpleasant…”


All the cultivators present are very fortunate. They are only earth symbols, not heaven symbols, or they will be fruitful…

At this moment, mutation was born.

I saw a tide suddenly surging in the square, and a huge bronze gate appeared in the misty tide.

The bronze door fell, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the entire square including all around the void was trembling.

“This is…”

Everyone turned their heads and looked at them with a different color.

“Hello everyone!”

At this moment, a silhouette appeared in the bronze gate. A young man wearing a golden robe appeared in front of everyone with a gentle smile on his face. Everyone had their pupils shrinking wherever they looked.

“I am the symbol of this 3rd Layer. I hope you can pass my assessment and complete the 3rd Layer!”

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are dull, and their faces are stunned.

Dozens of eyes, just looking at this young golden robe, his pupils are dull.

“Dream is invincible!?”

The 3rd Layer assessment of this Martial Dao conference turned out to be an invincible dream! ?

“Gosh! How is it possible!”

“It turns out that the reason why he hasn’t appeared is because he is a heavenly talisman!?”

“What’s going on? Is this to make all of us unable to pass the 3rd Layer!”

“Are there any mistakes, I chose the invincible Talisman of the Big Dream!? Isn’t this a joke?”

“The people in Huang Tian Hall are crazy!? Is it going to change this time!?”

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

“It’s over, this time is over!”


Even if the title is not high, it is dull and blank, completely stupid.

Chu Yan looked at Dameng invincible, but his face was indifferent, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The big dream invincible is a heavenly sign, which is interesting!

If you change another person, I am afraid that it will not cause such a big reaction. Apart from this big dream invincible, no one will not.

The reason is simple. If there is a chance for one-to-many in this audience, I am afraid that there is only one person who has a big dream invincible.

After all, those who can participate in the Martial Dao conference are not genius and powerhouse, but among the thousands of genius and powerhouse, they will eventually reach the dozens of 3rd Layer, which is the genius of genius and powerhouse powerhouse.

Facing these people, wanting one-to-many is almost impossible, even if it can’t be found in the entire Divine Realm continent.

However, the invincible cultivation of this big dream is the way of will, which is different.

Will attack, but no matter how many you come, you die.

If it is a usual battle, to deal with this big dream invincible, you can avoid it and then find a chance to start.

But now, everyone’s goal is the same. You need to defeat the invincible dream to pass the 3rd level.

This means that the rules are dead, and you must confront him directly.

“Everyone, let’s not say much, everyone is understood the rules of heaven and earth symbols, I am not sad everyone, as long as your strength can be recognized by me, I will let you pass!”

The sentence of “big dream invincible” made everyone in the audience convulsive.

Believe you a ghost ah!

Although they don’t know the rules of the Heaven Talisman, they are probably the same as the Earth Talisman. If there are more people passing the Earth Talisman, the Heaven Talisman must be considered a failure.

So, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to pass the invincible hand of Dameng.

“Also, if you can support hundreds of breaths in front of me, I will count you as passing!”

Dameng invincible smiled and looked extremely confident, as if he had taken control of the test.

However, he really has this strength.

“hundred breaths time!?”

Hearing this, the genius and powerhouses present immediately eyes shined.

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