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“Respectfully joyfully said friend, achieved excellent evaluation!”

The old voice echoed in the entire great hall, and all the natural phenomenon disappeared in an instant, returning to peace.

Next, a powerful aura dropping from the sky, wrapping Chu Yan, disappeared on the spot.

When Chu Yan eyes opened, I saw a silhouette standing in front of him.

“haha, brother is great, I passed so soon!”

Big Meng invincible looked at Chu Yan with a calm smile, as if he was not surprised that Chu Yan passed the excellent evaluation.

Of course, my brother, what can be the problem! ?

On the other side, Mr. Deacon and Li Mubing.

Li Mubing looked at Chu Yan, the pupil light flashed twice, slightly nodded.

“This time, only the three of you are the ones who have reached the excellent rating. They started the fourth test, and the time is about three days.”

Deacon smiled long, looked towards the three of them, and explained

“As for the three, my Huang Tian Hall will open this Tibetan Pavilion for you, please feel free to three!”

Raised his hand to the great hall in front of him, and said to the three of them.

“When the 5th Layer assessment starts, I will notify the three of you!”

Dameng invincible heard this and suddenly looked unwilling and said, “What’s waiting for this ruined place, you hidden pavilions, I am not interested, can I leave!?”

The big dream at this time is invincible, and the mentality has long changed.

I originally participated in the Martial Dao conference. I wanted to create a cultivation technique for my own will through the Tibetan Pavilion of Huang Tian Hall.

But now, he got the Blade of Will from Chu Yan, and he has no interest in other cultivation techniques anymore.

It can be said that he does not believe that there is a cultivation technique more suitable for his will than the blade of will on this continent. Therefore, during this period, if he can properly cultivation the blade of will, it will be a major event.

Whoever has the time to waste your tattered books will have to find them one by one, troublesome.

Deacon always smiled when he heard Big Dream invincible, and said, “This…may not work! The Martial Dao conference is at a critical time, and the three are the most important players. At the same time, the 5th Layer assessment is about to begin. To prevent accidents, the three must not leave this place, if something happens…”

Dameng invincible doesn’t wait for him to finish, just waved.

“Don’t let go, don’t let go, stop talking nonsense!”

I turned around and looked towards Chu Yan, and then said, “Brother Su Yu, I went to cultivation and talked back!”

Li Mubing faced Chief Deacon and Chu Yan, bowed slightly, and turned away.

“Lead Deacon, is this 5th Layer assessment important!?”

Chu Yan heard what Deacon said in the long talk just now. It is obvious that there is something special about the 5th Layer assessment.

“Oh? You don’t know?”

Deacon looked towards Chu Yan, a little surprised.

“It seems that this is your first time attending the Martial Dao Conference!”

The meaning of what he said was quite subtle. Originally, he meant to say that a cultivator like Chu Yan is really enough for Loose Cultivator.

I don’t know anything about the Martial Dao conference.

“This is the case. After the fifth test of the Martial Dao conference, the internal assessment will be ended and changed to a public viewing ceremony. When the time comes, all practitioners can enter the Huang Tian hall for the final pass. The ceremony!”

“In this way, when the time comes, any practitioner who gets the 1st place, or has some insights in the assessment, directly breakthrough cultivation base bottleneck, it will definitely be famous in the world!”

“This is also a good momentum for my Martial Dao conference, and it is also beneficial to the practitioners, an absolute win-win situation.”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, then understood the meaning of Huang Tian Tang, and stopped asking more questions.

The breakthrough of cultivation base bottleneck! ?

Those who can go to the 5th Layer assessment are probably the top powerhouses, and most of them are invincible powerhouses.

The breakthrough mentioned by Mr. Deacon should refer to the breakthrough from the invincible realm to the god realm!

A Martial Dao conference can bring the invincible state breakthrough to the god state! ? Looking at what Deacon said, it seems that this has happened before, so Huang Tiantang can treat him as one thing, not as an accident.

Don’t let them leave, let them comprehend here, I’m afraid they are all preparing for this.

This is easy to understand!

The strongest in this world is the Blue Lord Realm, and a Martial Dao conference can give birth to the Blue Lord Realm powerhouse. How powerful is this.

In this way, more practitioners will naturally come to participate in the Martial Dao conference, and at the same time they will be more convinced of Huang Tian Hall.

With these foundations, Huang Tian Hall can continue to develop and achieve their own goals.

Chu Yan said goodbye to Deacon, and moved towards the rooms of the great hall.

This great hall is a coincidence. There are exactly three rooms. Li Mubing and Dameng Invincible each occupy one. Therefore, Chu Yan walks directly to the last one.

What makes Chu Yan a little questionable is that the secret books in these three rooms are not duplicates or are they different.

Or, Huang Tian hall will place different secret books according to the different situations of the three people to produce tailor-made effects.

“This Huang Tian hall… is still good!”

Chu Yan stepped into the room, and the door closed automatically.

“Unfortunately, there is no way to compete with that Li Mubing! According to historical records, the 1st place of the Martial Dao conference this time is Li Mubing!”

“Of course, if it weren’t for him, Space Rule would be impossible to make me and people like Heavenly Dao ancestors become the 1st place!”

The later generations of cultivators left their name in the history of Great Ancient Era. The probability of this happening is basically zero.

Unless the Space-Time rules don’t exist, or don’t ask him at all.

Under these impossible circumstances, Li Mubing becomes the first probability, which is also 100%.


Huang Tian Hall, Holy Land.

The silhouette of the Huang Tian Lord appeared in Holy Land, followed by three silhouettes.

The auras of these three are extremely strong, and they are the three great masters in the realm.

“Hun brother, everything is good, the only bad thing is laziness, let us old guys work…”

Huang Tian shook the head helplessly.

“haha, Hall Lord, why didn’t you say this in front of him? Maybe he will change it!”

The three powerhouses in the celestial realm all smile.

“Change!? Then forget it, I might as well expect something else, there may be reality, right!?” Huang Tian God shook his head suddenly with a bitter expression on his face.

“Stop talking, let’s start!”

Huang Tian, ​​the smile on the face of the Lord God is closed, righteous aura.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura burst out from him, like a vast ocean, surging all directions in all directions.

At this time, both hands forming seals are constantly changing, breaking and recondensing, repeating.

The only result is to make the hand seal more solid.

“Heaven and Earth Promise, Tao seals the secret book, come!”

Huang Tian God a light shout, and the entire movie of Heaven and Earth was darkened in an instant.

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