
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan gathered all the Willpower quantities together and hit these mountain peaks in the sea of ​​clouds.

But after a few attempts, I couldn’t shake it at all.

Chu Yan body flashed, appeared on a cloud peak, sat cross-legged, and began to meditate comprehend.


Soon, Chu Yan noticed the difference.

He found these cloud peaks. As his comprehend progressed, the sea of ​​clouds all around began to disappear, but the peak body became clear and taller.

This feeling is clearer and more obvious than when I first comprehend.

In other words, Chu Yan seems to have entered a higher-rank comprehend state, which is not comparable at the beginning.

Moreover, these cloud peaks seem to have spirits, and there is an obvious thought power in them, gathering in the cloud peaks, trying to merge with Chu Yan’s body.

It feels like someone is staring, watching their every move.

Chu Yan was very surprised by this discovery, but extremely disgusted.

“It’s up to you!”

After a long time, Chu Yan let go, no longer paid attention to.

After all, this is the comprehend Holy Land of Huang Tian Hall. Naturally, there are monitoring methods, and it is impossible to be a comprehend.

However, Chu Yan also gradually understood that these monitoring forces may also be used by Huang Tiantang to assess innate talent. If you want to completely cut off these monitoring, you may not even be able to participate in the innate talent assessment.

The comprehend continues, Chu Yan no longer concentrates, and uses 90% Willpower to proceed.

Among them, behind the cultivators, the natural phenomenon rocs began to change, some were color changes, some were body shapes, and some even turned into double-winged rocs.

Anyway, the natural phenomenon Dapeng behind most of the cultivators is improving. Compared with the beginning, it is obviously much stronger.

At this time, the three Seeded Contestants, Chu Yan, Li Mubing and Dameng Invincible, were still calm and quiet.

Of course, this is only the external situation seen by ordinary repairmen, and for Chu Yan, at this time in his Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the Heaven and Earth turning upside down has already taken place.

Above Yunfeng, Chu Yan at this time is like a rock, motionless.

But his figure is at the foot of the mountain, slowly step by step towards the top of the mountain peak.

When each step walks out, the body shape will be blurred, and when the foot is raised again, the body shape becomes solid.

Amidst the emptiness and the reality, Chu Yan’s mood and will are undergoing great changes.

Even at the end, Chu Yan himself became Yunfeng. Looking at the silhouette of the climbing person, he looked confused and didn’t know who the other party was.

Mountains are themselves, and mountaineering is themselves, but sometimes, mountains are not themselves, and climbers don’t know who they are.

This mysterious feeling makes Chu Yan sink into it….

When the silhouette reached the top of the mountain and looked up towards the sky, a feeling of being confused between Heaven and Earth spontaneously emerged.

Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven!

represents the beginning of all things, the so-called one element produces two forms, the two forms transform the four images, and the four images transform all things.

“It turns out…it feels like this!”

I don’t know how long it has been, the silhouette standing on the top of the mountain, look up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

At this moment, Chu Yan finally suddenly enlightenment!

The path of the cultivator, heaven defying, just like this heavenly ascension journey, step by step, continuous climbing, never ending!

But the closer you are to Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven, the easier it is to lose yourself between Heaven and Earth. It’s like when you climbed before, you were a mountain, and a mountain might be yourself. You never know that One step will make yourself completely lost.

Either innate talent or aptitude, it just allows you to take one more step and one less step.

How far you go and why you go are completely different.

Only after you understand yourself and this piece of Heaven and Earth, can you never get lost on the road of heaven defying.

Being strong, knowing oneself clearly, and walking with weight is the way of heaven defying cultivation.

At this moment, Chu Yan, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness is clear, there is no distraction at all, as if the entire Divine Soul has sublimated.

Under this sublimation, Chu Yan lifted his feet subconsciously, moved towards the sky and stepped away.

This is not a trip to the sky using True Qi, cultivation technique, etc. There is no aura on his body, nor a trace of cultivation technique. It is completely relying on the power of the fleshy body to walk in the air.

legendary ….fleshy body sanctified!

Step by step, keep moving forward, as if the mind is fused with Heaven and Earth, but the fleshy body is walking heavenly ascension.

At this time, Chu Yan has no assessment in his heart, no Yunfeng, no Huang Tian list, only empty and clear.

Walking as if the sky is endless, and he is an ascetic with a heart toward the Vault of Heaven, and he keeps moving forward without stopping one step.

Finally… that silhouette disappeared above the sky, and no longer figured.

The endless Heaven and Earth, as if infused with a force, as if it contained the ultimate power, after diving into the calm sea, it finally started to cause the sea to roar.

First, the color brilliance, at an astonishing speed, with that point as the center, moved towards the entire sky spreads.

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