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One rune after another is comprehended by Chu Yan. Will and strength are classified into various ways of inquiring, and each unique skill is improving.

I don’t know how long it took, and he began to realize in his heart that these are just the surface, the surface meaning of rune mysterious.

However, just such an improvement has already made him a huge gain, and Chu Yan is very content.

Time went by, and another day passed in a blink of an eye.

The failure of the big dream invincible, invisibly cast a shadow on the ancient city of Huang Tian, ​​and everyone was a little nervous and heavy.

The result that seemed to be very easy to reach before, seems not that simple.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the two remaining silhouettes on the Tianyu Peak, and they kept their eyes on them.

The original lively Huang Tian ancient city also slowly fell silent, absolute silence.

The excitement and enthusiasm will never return.

Including Huang Tian God and Hun Heaven Ranking Spirit, the same is true.

Although they keep saying that Li Mubing is fine, but after the big dream invincible fails, how could they not be nervous.

It stands to reason that Li Mubing’s innate talent and aptitude, coupled with the appearance of the Dao Sealing Book, should be no problem for Li Mubing to trigger the Dao Sealing World.

There was no problem with saying this before, but now, I am somewhat lacking in confidence.

If, even if by any chance Li Mubing really had a little accident, then the result will be….

At this moment, the eyes of Huang Tian God and the Spirit Ranking Spirit suddenly tightened, including all the cultivators in the ancient city of Huang Tian, ​​raising their heads together.

I saw that a monstrous golden light shot up from Li Mubing’s body.

Not only that, the large natural phenomenon illusory shadow evolved at the same time behind Li Mubing. Various natural phenomena are like a frenzy, transforming into a desirable World above the sky.

“Does this natural phenomenon mean… It’s finished!?”

When the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking started and turned to look towards Huang Tian Lord, the smile on his face was already blooming, and I couldn’t help it anymore and laughed wildly

“ha ha ha, very good, finally it is!”

The Lord Huang Tian was also full of joy, and said, “Sure enough, it didn’t disappoint me, not bad, not bad!”

“Li Mubing succeeded!”

All the people in the ancient city of Huang Tian heard the mad laughter of the Heaven Ranking spirit, as well as the sigh of Huang Tian, ​​and all of them suddenly looked happy.

Next, the entire Huang Tian ancient city boiled.

“Li Mubing!? How could it be him!?”

Feng Bu Gao and Wan Tian Sheng have a natural phenomenon, and they even can’t believe it.

Before, they saw Chu Yan, Dameng invincible and Li Mubing with their own eyes, and they caused the sun and moon natural phenomenon at the same time, which originally made them very excited.

It stands to reason that the person who ultimately succeeds should simply be Chu Yan.

But now, Li Mubing has already mobilized, but Chu Yan still seems to be there.

This is not right!

“Actually, there are some things that you can’t tell you, just like what Chu…Su Yu said before, because some special reasons can’t fight against Xiao Xiangtian. The things inside are hard to explain, but you must believe that Yu’s innate talent and aptitude are definitely not worse than Li Mubing, even stronger than he should be!”

Xiu Heavenly Dao’s ancestor was not surprised, and comforted the two of them.

“That is, in any case, Su Yu’s Martial Dao innate talent has already surpassed the invincible dream. Looking at the entire continent of God, it is definitely the existence of Peak, and only Cang and Ye Rongtian can compare.”

Feng Bu Gao’s face was smug, as if he had been exposed to light.

However, he was taken aback when he said this, how could he have met such a person, and he has always believed! ?

At this moment, mutation was born!

I saw that Chu Yan, who was like a rock on Tianyu Peak, suddenly rushed out of an extremely thick purple beam of light, rising up into the sky like a Divine Sword, shining the entire sky into a purple.

xiu xiu xiu!

Large large illusory shadow, Deity appeared from his illusory shadow, and various natural phenomena such as Heavenly Beast, Immortal Palace, etc., all broke out.

But unlike Li Mubing, the illusory shadow behind Chu Yan is 10,000 zhang, and various natural phenomena are covered by sun and moon stars.

At this time, even a blind can be seen. The natural phenomenon caused by Chu Yan is several levels higher than that of Li Mubing.

At this time, the silhouette of Chu Yan sitting on the Tianyu Peak has become the most dazzling existence between Heaven and Earth.

“Look…Look ah!”

“Su Yu’s natural phenomenon, so…horrible!”

“This is much better than the previous Li Mubing!”

“Are they both going to trigger the Dao Sealed World!?”


The cultivators in the ancient city of Huang Tian all had a look of shock and couldn’t believe it.

The previous Li Mubing was better. After all, he was the number one seed, and he was appreciated by the Heaven Ranking spirit and Huang Tian God, and even believed that he could be aroused, but this Chu Yan was different.

When Dameng invincible failed, almost all of them believed that Chu Yan would definitely fail like Dameng invincible.

But now, this is totally a shocking accident, so amazing!


Just now, I also looked depressed and cursed.

next moment, the eyes of the two of them glowed at the same time, and at the same time they raised their faces with pride, raising their chins and looking at all around.

The expression seems to be saying, take a look, let you talk about it.

“This…this is impossible!”

A group of giants who mixed the Heaven Ranking spirit and Huang Tian God, were startled at that time, staring at their huge eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

Su Yu!

Has this level been reached! ?

Moreover, he is obviously much better than Li Mubing.

How terrifying is this innate talent and aptitude! ?

You know, even if it is a genius like Li Mubing, they have only met one for so many years, but now, any corner of the corner jumps out as a genius who is so much stronger than Li Mubing! ?

“No… it won’t be him!?”

When Huang Tian said this, he almost bit his tongue.

At this time, everyone’s eyes turned to Chu Yan, looking at his natural phenomenon, completely stunned.

The natural phenomenon is still rising. Unlike Li Mubing before, it is the Peak natural phenomenon that appeared. The natural phenomenon behind this Su Yu is still growing and erupting, as if endless.

Furthermore, the natural phenomenon induced by Li Mubing has a radius of a thousand feet at most and a hundred zhang, but Su Yu is afraid that there is a range of 10,000 zhang and a high degree of 1000 zhang.

This is not a level, just like the difference between Haori and Yinyue.

Could it be said that the so-called sun and moon Tonghui refers to this! ?

At this time, the natural phenomenon behind Li Mubing seemed to sense something, releasing a monstrous purple light, and it began to rise.

On the other side, Chu Yan’s natural phenomenon seems to have reached Peak, fluttering like a breeze, moving towards all around spreading.

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