
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Kong Fang explained while talking, and also took Chu Yan four people into a carriage, moved towards the front.

Within less than 5 minutes of time, the carriage stopped.

“Four seniors, this is the Level 3 area!”

Chu Yan looked up and saw that above the lake, there was already a lot of dark golden cruising in the original gold liquid. The aura contained in these dark golden lakes, such as God World breath, made people I felt extremely shocked.

In addition, Chu Yan also saw that in the farther place, the lake has a sense of tide, where many practitioners gather for cultivation and refining the origin of the breath of heaven, so the lake tide is caused.

“Seniors, this is your Jade Talisman. Your position is recorded in Jade Talisman. Please do not step into other people’s areas to avoid conflict. At the same time, Jade Talisman will automatically penalize and deduct some time , It’s extremely uneconomical.”

“We Chengtianzong has set the rules in this way, and hope that everyone can be at ease in cultivation, please understand!”

After Kong Fang told Chu Yan about the situation, he handed them Jade Talisman.


Chu Yan took Jade Talisman, and instantly felt that a lake nearby had a sense of connection with them.

According to what Kong Fang introduced, there should be the cultivation area for the four of them.

“Okay, let’s start to retreat, little beast, you can remember, if you can’t break through the noble state, we will go out to play in the future, you can’t follow, haha…”

Feng Bu Gao ridiculed Wan Tian Sheng as usual.

“en! With my innate talent and bloodline, in less than half a year, I will show you the breakthrough in the invincible environment, believe it!?”

Wan Tiansheng looked disapproving, opened the mouth and said.

Next, Chu Yan all set off, and after reaching the waters, each press Jade Talisman’s position to start cultivation.

The person who introduced the discipline Kong Fang originally had a polite expression on his face, but when he left, his eyes were bright and his face was full of ecstasy.

“hmph! Finally let me wait, this is a rare opportunity.”

Kong Fang looked back at the waters where Chu Yan was, and laughed in his heart.

His plan originated from a conversation not long ago, when several old friends came to visit and heard a very important news.

It’s about a Senior who is named Sun Qing, who is said to have a big feud with Su Yu. There is news from people he knows. As long as anyone kills Su Yu, he is willing to use all his resources as a reward. gold.

Hearing this news, Kong Fang suddenly became interested, and after inquiring carefully, he realized that this Su Yu is not simple.

It is said that he was appreciated by the Lord of the Tiger in the Tiger Star Mansion, and therefore rushed into the Heaven Ranking.

However, the eldest grandson Qing Senior is also in the realm of God, with this support, Kong Fang is unambiguous. He only thinks about all the resources of a realm of God, which can definitely make him a breakthrough. Above invincible environment.

The way of Martial Artist, there is no risk! ?

Moreover, there are some repairers who have no background, and many people are engaged in this high-risk assassination mission.

Some of them, with good luck, even soared overnight, breaking through to Peak in the invincible realm, pointing directly to the cultivation base of the Lord realm.

This kind of opportunity is not something you can encounter every day.

There are only so many in the God Realm! ?

How many are willing to use all of their resources to offer rewards! ?

It was originally the Inner Sect disciple of Chengtianzong. It was responsible for receiving foreign practitioners to enter Tiancheng Lake. Apart from being informed, there was basically no advantage.

But precisely because of this, Kong Fang kept this matter in mind, and didn’t expect encountered it.

This can be missed! ?

Use his current strength to deal with Chu Yan, not to mention that there are three strong presences beside him who are simply impossible.

Therefore, Kong Fang will not mess around casually. He just wants to pass the news to the grandson, he can get the same benefits, and there is no risk.

This is his greatest means of survival in this Martial Dao World.

As long as the eldest grandson understood Chu Yan is here, Su Yu will definitely not survive, after all, he is the powerhouse of the God Realm.

Once Su Yu died, he didn’t have any risks, and he was absolutely profitable.

“Stay steady! Stay steady! The opportunity is right in front of you, don’t miss it…”

Kong Fang took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mind.

“Blue Lord Changsun, how can I contact him!?”

After calming down, Kong Fang began to think about it. With his current strength and status, of course, it was impossible to get to know the powerhouse of the Lord Realm.

So, for Kong Fang, the most important thing at the moment is to contact the sponsor.

“There are people who know it, but that is equal to dividing people’s benefits! It’s not worthwhile…”

Kong Fang is a very small person, and of course he doesn’t want to find another middleman to share his benefits.

After a moment of hesitation, he thought of an idea, and suddenly moved towards Tianchengzong with joy and flew away.

Less than one hour ….

In the Deacon great hall of Tianchengzong, daily affairs are going on.

“Now according to your request, the contract between our two parties has been finalized. If you have any good things, please speak up!”

An old man in iron armor looked at the person below and spoke.

This person is mighty, even if he doesn’t use True Qi, he is extremely majestic.

The Kong Fang below quickly opened the mouth and said “Elder, the moon tiger, do you know that some time ago, regarding the offer of a reward from the Great Sun Lord called Su Yu!?”

“Of course I know that this person named Su Yu is the one who got the 2nd place in Huang Tian Hall some time ago. It is said that innate talent and aptitude are not weaker than Dameng invincible. I heard that Lord Changsun has already I went to Huang Tian ancient city to find this Su Yu.”

Elder the moon tiger glanced at the hole square, and a trace of discomfort flashed in his eyes.

If it weren’t for the old words with this Kong Fang’s Master, he wouldn’t waste time on him at all, he would even ask himself about this kind of thing.

“en!? Could it be…”

Suddenly, Moon Tiger Elder raised his eyes and looked towards Kong Fang, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

“Not bad!” Kong Fang’s face was full of smiles.

In normal times, he has the opportunity to talk to Moon Tiger Elder, and it is even more impossible to have such a thing that surprised the other party. It feels really good.

“Haha, not bad! If you tell Brother Sun the news of this child, I am afraid it will be of great benefit!”

There was a smile on Elder’s face, looking towards Kong Fang’s eyes, and he felt that the other party was pleasing to his eyes a lot.

“You mean, come to me specially and share this benefit with me!?”

Hearing the family story, Kong Fang quickly said, “Of course, I normally get the care of the moon tiger Elder. This is a good opportunity to repay, how dare to enjoy it alone!”

“Very good! I always tell you Master, you brat have boundless prospects, it really is!”

Yuehu Elder got a positive answer, he was in a good mood, he said a few words of approval, and said again

“The benefits of this time, you and I are equally divided, if you have anything in the future, please report my name directly!”

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