
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The words of Palace Artifact Spirit made everyone present stunned and completely stupid.

“At that time, he only had to push the door lightly and he could come in. He directly led to his debut in the sealed world, but he stopped in front of the door. I kept asking him why, he only said sorry and turned Head away!”

“So, strictly speaking, if he doesn’t leave, the real 1st place, impossible is Li Mubing’s!”

This final qualitative is fair, just and reasonable. The Palace Artifact Spirit, which has been holding back for a long time, finished speaking in one breath. The big guys on the scene, all of them opened their mouths and completely not knowing what to do. This expression is the same as the Palace Artifact at that time Spirit looked at Chu Yan’s expression when he left, exactly the same.

At that time, all the big guys thought that Chu Yan could not comprehend, so he failed.

But now hearing what the Palace Artifact Spirit said, it’s not the case at all, it’s people who withdrew by themselves!

This…how to calculate! ?

If strictly speaking, it is equivalent to giving up the 1st place and giving it away! ?

“Unexpectedly… there is still this thing!?”

Mixed with the Heaven Ranking spirit, Huang Tian God and a group of big brothers, all pupils trembled, and their faces were full of shock.

Calculated like this, Li Mubing’s 1st place…is imaginary!

“Why didn’t you talk about such an important thing!?” He gritted his teeth with Heaven Ranking Spirit Qi.

“Sir, I can’t blame me for this. I know that your rules are different from Daofeng Sir’s rules. I also think that the one who gets the 1st place is the chance one. He has voluntarily quit. It must not be the 1st place. , Who knew it would be like this!”

The Palace Artifact Spirit is full of grievances.

“…….” Mixed Heaven Ranking Ling’s face was speechless.

The Gods including Huang Tian were also speechless, this matter completely exceeded their expectations.

“ha ha ha ….”

After a few breaths, the Heaven Ranking spirit laughed wildly and shook the Vault of Heaven.

“Didn’t expect, didn’t expect, Su Yu, this kid can give me such a surprise, not bad!”

“Putting it that way, Dao Feng’s chance, it should be him!?”

Hearing this, the Palace Artifact Spirit quickly nodded and said, “It must be him! Impossible is someone else!”

“The basic conditions for a chance person are innate talent and aptitude, and the assessment is at the gate of the palace. At present, he is the only one who has comprehended all Spirit Seal and rune! Li Mubing is short of one, and the others are poor. Too much!”

Hearing this, the Heaven Ranking spirit nodded and said, “That’s right! That’s it, this thing will be easy to handle! ha ha ha ….”

For the people of Heaven Ranking, this is definitely another spring for every cloud has a silver lining. It’s not hopeless, it’s just a miss.

Missing it is nothing, just make up for it. I’m afraid there is no hope.


The Huang Tian Lord and other big guys present, exhaled for a long time, everyone raised their hands and wiped the sweat of their foreheads.


Too scary!

It’s a little bit worse, all the efforts were wasted, maybe even Huang Tian Hall would have to get in.

“Wait, this is not the time to relax!”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was the first to laugh, and now he is also the first to jump out to remind.

“Brother Hun, hurry up, find me that kid Su Yu! No, please come back!” Huang Tian God also said in a hurry.

“Okay! I’ll look for it right away!” Nodded by the Heaven Ranking, aura surging all over.

In less than ten breaths time, the Heaven Ranking spirit eyes opened and said, “Why did that kid go to the eighteen domains? It seems that there is Tiancheng Lake of Tianchengzong!”

“It should not be too late, I will set off right away, you are waiting here, hurry up and prepare!”

After speaking with the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, his figure disappeared instantly on the spot.


Eighteen domains, Tiancheng Lake….

“Xiutian, the seal is not high, don’t worry, I have already contacted the Lord Tiger Leather!” Chu Yan sound transmission said.

“That’s good!”

Xiu He Heavenly Dao and Feng Bu Gao immediately relaxed.

They all know that Chu Yan has a good relationship with the Lord of the Tiger, and that the Lord of the Tiger is interested in wooing Chu Yan. He should really help each other. In this way, Chu Yan may be able to solve this trouble.

“Fellow Daoist, sorry, although I am the deputy Sect Master of the Heavenly Chengzong, the eldest grandson is of the same level as me, and my strength is not weak, so I can’t absolutely guarantee his safety. This is a bit beyond my ability. Range! sorry!”

The deputy Sect Master of Changsheng thought for a long time, and finally replied politely.

In this case, 30% is true and 70% is false. It is impossible to say that he is incapable. It is just that the consequences are more troublesome for him. He needs to tear his face with the eldest grandson, and really use his deputy Sect Master identity. The Great Sun Lord is in the same situation.

After all, this is not like other things, it is to make up for the loss, this is the hatred of killing the son, if he stops the eldest grandson now, then the eldest grandson will count this hatred on himself. On, that’s a lifetime thing.

“The Deputy Sect Master of the longevity is polite. It is fortunate that you can come as scheduled! Then let’s find a solution by ourselves!”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao also knows that things cannot be done, the other party has scruples, and it is useless to force them.

As soon as I uttered these words, especially when I heard the word “as promised”, the long-life deputy Sect Master blushed, and his heart was very aggrieved, but he was helpless.

“I can’t do anything about Lord Changsun, but I promise that in this place, others are impossible to hurt you!” Changsheng Deputy Sect Master opened the mouth and said.

“You are not allowed to take action. We will wait until Emissary Sun arrives. Did you hear that!?”

As soon as he turned his head, the longevity deputy Sect Master shouted at the moon tiger Elder and other people.

He is more scrupulous about the eldest grandson, but he doesn’t pay attention to these people at all, even if he makes up for it.


Elder Moon Tiger’s original plan was not this, but now that Sect Master is here, he can only give up the original plan.

When the time comes, when the Lord Changsun came, he should be able to understand the situation here.

However, without waiting for him to finish a sentence, a voice from the edge of the sky sounded in the distance.

“A joke! You are not allowed to shoot!? Yuehu, you guys immediately do it and severely wound this child and break my limbs!”

A silhouette is accompanied by a roar, electric shot from the horizon in the distance, with two long blades on his back, crossed and negative, and the whole body is murderous aura.

This person, in an imposing manner, has obviously reached the invincible Great Accomplishment Realm.

“Water Dragon! What do you mean by this!? It is your Master!?” Changsheng Deputy Sect Master asked with a dark face.

“hmph! It’s all the same, my Master’s words are the same as mine! Start now!”

Just a random answer, the water dragon invincible stared at Yuehu, and continued to urge.

“Yes! Let’s start right away!” Elder and the others reacted, replied.

“Wait! Water Dragon, can you tell the Master to give me a face, and can this matter be reconciled!?” Although the deputy Sect Master guessed that this matter was impossible, he still wanted to try his best.

“Okay! Since Changsheng Senior has spoken, I will naturally follow!” Murderous aura, but more general, pulled out Jade Talisman and started sound transmission.

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