
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

If you offend the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking, it is tantamount to offending all the existences on the Heaven Ranking, then no one should live.

There is no doubt at all, in order to please the Heaven Ranking spirit, all the big guys will chase him to the ends of the earth with a knife, not to mention that he is a Tianchengzong, even all the Sects in the world can give You are gone.

In this situation, let alone Tianchengzong, even if the Sect Master of World’s First sees the Heaven Ranking spirit, he must be polite and dare not rebel.

This is the power of the Heaven Ranking Spirit.

This is still his rank and status. As for his own strength, there is no doubt that the powerhouse of the Lord Realm might not be eye-catching to him.

Juetian Sect Master is sweating all over, and his long robe is soaking wet.

Cultivation When I reached the realm of the Lord, I finally had hope of improvement, and the treasure of the Great Sun Lord was right in front of him. If he died at this time, it would be too deadly.

Now, Juetian Sect Master’s attitude is completely different as heaven and earth from before. It can’t be better.

Before, it was that he dared to be an enemy of the Huge Lord, and any other Lord, but now, let him be an enemy of the Heaven Ranking Spirit, that is absolutely impossible.

For him, just one sentence from Heaven Ranking spirit is enough.

“Senior, I really don’t know that Su Yu is yours. Otherwise, Junior would not dare to trouble him even if he had a hundred guts. This time Junior was deceived by bad guys, so he would do such a thing. , Please forgive Senior!”

Juetian Sect Master also exists on the Heaven Ranking. Although it is not highly ranked, I still want to improve it, get more benefits, and even have a chance to be guided by the Heaven Ranking spirit in the future. Try it A breakthrough to the legendary road above the realm of God.

Therefore, now you must not offend the Heaven Ranking spirit, and instantly let you kick out of the Heaven Ranking, believing or not! ?

The current Sect Master of Juetian, is regretful.

I really regret it. If I knew that Chu Yan had something to do with the Heaven Ranking spirit, killing him would be impossible to join in this matter.

“Since you have pleaded guilty, forget it!”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking waved his hand. It’s not that he doesn’t care, but that he doesn’t have time to talk to him now. He still has a major event to do.

“Su Yu, if you have something to do with you, follow me!”

Chu Yan looked at the Heaven Ranking spirit, but he was puzzled, and after the previous events, Chu Yan is now more vigilant.

“Senior, you…”

This expression immediately made the corner of the Heaven Ranking spiritual eyes twitch, and the heart burst into flames.

What’s the situation today? I’m suffocating all the way, even if a God Realm dares to disobey him, this Su Yu is only invincible, and dare to do so.

You will be polite there. With a big wave from the Heaven Ranking spirit, aura surging directly to wrap Chu Yan, turn around and disappear on the spot.

There is fire in my heart, but also anxious, so I have time to talk nonsense with him.

“Today’s matter, no one shall disclose it. Each of you has taken the Heavenly Might oath, and any violation of…punishes!”

When the figure disappeared, the voice of the spirit in the sky mixed with the Heaven Ranking resounded.

There is no need to look at them at all. With this imposing manner and self-confidence, this Divine Realm continent is the only person who dares to do this to the powerhouse of the Heaven Ranking Realm.

As soon as I left the Heaven Ranking, the whole scene instantly became quiet, and everyone looked stunned.

Especially the water dragon invincible, the longevity deputy Sect Master and the moon tiger Elder, as if they had experienced an illusion.

For them, a great battle broke out, and when several great powerhouses took action, it ended in such a way.

As for the Lord Huge and the Lord Blazing, the two looked at each other at this time, and their eyes were full of ecstasy.


This is called vision….

The two of them fancy this Su Yu from the very beginning, and placed a heavy bet on him. This is a complete bet.

I didn’t know why this Su Yu was so amazing before, but now I understand it. It turns out that he is a person who is a god of Heaven Ranking.

At this time, they were completely posted.

“No wonder, I can come out of the land of ten thousand sources…”

The two secretly nodded at the same time, believing in the words of the Spirit of Heaven Ranking.

“ha ha ha, Juetian! Great! Your eyes, your decision, you deserve to be a Sect Master. Now you Tianchengzong will follow you to enjoy the blessing! We won’t take advantage of it, leave!” /p>

A word fell, and the laughed heartily tiger leather and blazing sky lord disappeared instantly.

At this time, their true body is no longer used, and happily looking for a place to drink.

Although the two ran on Jueten Sect Master, in the end they still have to thank him. If he hadn’t caused such a big pot, maybe he wouldn’t be able to attract the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, and it is also impossible to let him be the spirit of the Heaven Ranking. Knowing that the two of them worked hard to protect Su Yu.

It was originally Su Yu, but now he has even climbed up the Heaven Ranking. This is definitely a huge profit.

“ha ha ha ….”

It is not only the Tiger Leather and Blazing Sky Lords who are happy, but they also laugh wildly when they are not sealed up, and they feel comfortable in their hearts.

“Come on, do it, don’t you want to deal with us? Don’t worry about my brother, come directly, I promise not to fight back, let you cut it straight away! How about…”

Elder Moon Tiger and Water Dragon Invincible heard this, their faces were dark and the corners of their mouths twitched wildly.

Who dares to cut you ah! ?

When they think of the result they will face when they look back, they both feel bitter and cry.

At this time, no matter it is the eldest grandson, even Tianchengzong can’t stay. What’s more terrifying is that if this matter spreads, I am afraid that there is no Sect force in the whole world, and then accept them.

From now on, they have become a veritable Loose Cultivator, and they will be alone in the future.

This bastard, there will be no place to live in the future…

“hmph! a group of trash, I will see how you take advantage of one’s position to bully people in the future!” I didn’t seal coldly snorted, so I didn’t bother to care about them anymore. I directly took out Jade Talisman and started to spread the news to the Holy Spirit. .

The Saint Wantian over there was too anxious, and kept asking, now that the matter has been resolved, there will be time to explain to him if the seal is not high.

Time goes by, 5 minutes of time in a blink of an eye…

Huang Tian Church, the Holy Land of the Valley!

There was a wave of waves in the calm void, ripples rippling, a silhouette rushed out from it, and raised his hand to throw…

One after the other, two silhouettes emerge at the same time.

“Senior, what are you…what are you looking for!? This is…yi!?”

Chu Yan was about to ask, but as soon as he raised his head, he saw the Huang Tian Lord, and he was immediately puzzled.

Furthermore, there are a group of powerhouses around Huang Tian God, all auras are monstrous, and they are obviously powerhouses of God Realm.

In this situation, I am afraid that there will be a major event ah!

This is more than the previous Gods on Tiancheng Lake, and of course the matter is much bigger.


Heaven Ranking spirit doesn’t care what Chu Yan is watching or thinking, staring at him directly, fiercely asked

“During the previous 5th Layer assessment, did you give up on your own initiative not because you couldn’t make it!? You just looked down on 1st place, then!?”

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