
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

All the big guys can’t understand, Li Mubing and Su Yu have failed, then who is the chance to seal the secret book! ?

I can’t go back to the original point, what the secret book says is false! ?

However, the innate talent of these two people is already at the top of the continent, and the innate talent and aptitude of other practitioners cannot be compared with the two of them at all, so they are even more impossible.

The chance to seal the secret book is always a person! ?

All the big guys have mixed feelings, and under various tastes, they don’t know what to do with them.

However, Chu Yan at this moment, after standing there for a while, finally moved again.

Raised his hand and stretched out, slowly moved towards the palace gate.

Chu Yan’s hand moved slowly, the thunderbolt above the sky, roaring the sky, Heaven and Earth are shaking.

However, as Chu Yan continued to stretch forward, the Heaven and Earth thunderbolt became weaker and weaker. The tremor of the palace seemed to have been suppressed, and became weaker and weaker, gradually returning to calm.


a A weak to extreme voice sounded, and it was Chu Yan’s hand that touched the palace gate.

This voice was originally extremely small, but at this time, it was like a thunder, resounding in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of a group of big guys like Huang Tian Lord, causing everyone’s mind and body to tremble at the same time.

Boom… Rumble!

The door smashed and turned into countless starlights, flying in all directions.


All the big guys in the distance, their faces suddenly changed.

Without waiting for them to react, a natural phenomenon suddenly occurred.

I saw that the stairs in front of the palace began to dissipate, turned into countless starlights, and returned to the palace.

ka cha, the illusory shadow of Dao’s Secret Book was above the palace from virtual became real, and below the rays of light, the first page trembled and began to open slowly.

It seems to be under the weight of thousands of mountains, it is extremely difficult, but like grass breaking through the ground, it continues.

When the first page is halfway open, a large piece of Spirit Seal rune breaks out of the first page, such as a thousand Wan Daoguang pillars, soaring into the sky, making the sound of nights, resounding for 100,000 miles Skyrim.

Solemn, solemn, prestigious, dignified, Green Ancient and other auras appeared in the sky, moving towards the sky at an astonishing speed.

After that, rays of light overflowed in the palace, rushing like a stream, holding the palace moved towards below and flowing away.

Every time you move a point, the palace becomes solid. By the time you have walked ten thousand battles, the palace has turned into an entity, appearing alive in front of everyone, no longer the original virtual image.

This palace is countless times larger than what we have seen before. The great hall alone is nearly 1000 zhang high, but it is 100,000 steps wide. Dragon Phoenix clings to a pillar of different colors. , Roaring like roaring, as if there are four elephants between Heaven and Earth.

shua shua 唰….

Suddenly, the sound of page turning sounded, and the gate of the huge palace opened at the same time, making the sound of ka ka.

The ancient aura rushed out of the palace and swept out like a wild cloud.

Chu Yan’s figure instantly disappeared outside the original palace gate and appeared in the palace.



“This is done!?”

The complexions of several big guys changed at the same time, and within both eyes the spirits rose.

Even the spirits of Heaven Ranking are blindfolded and have no idea what happened.

Didn’t it fail before? ? Why has it changed all of a sudden, whichever is the one.

This change is too random! ?

“The opportunity has arrived, the fate has arrived, please come in!”

The voice of a Green Ancient sounded, echoing in the palace.

Word by word, like a morning bell and drum, makes Divine Soul tremble, like being in an illusory World, it feels unreal, but it is real.

But, without any doubt, the owner of this voice is… the spirit of the Taoist Secret Book!

It has completely woken up!

“Heavenspan…is that you!?”

The voices of the Heaven Ranking spirits are trembling, and the eyes are full of excitement and excitement.

“It…really wakes up!?”

When Huang Tian heard these words, everyone was stunned and couldn’t believe it.

“Brother Hun, it’s me! Excuse me, many thanks! Please come in too!”

It seems that I heard the voice of the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking. As soon as I woke up, there was Old Acquaintance, so there was a hint of joy in the voice, and it directly and generously allowed everyone to enter the palace

“Good! Good! Good!”

Mixing the Heaven Ranking spirit is also overjoyed, even after saying three good words, he still looks excited.

At the moment, headed by the Heaven Ranking spirit, a group of bigwigs followed, all rushing into the palace.

“Senior, I can do it…”

Li Mubing looked worried, and asked carefully.

He failed before, proving that he was not the one who had the chance to seal the Secret Book, so I asked first.

“Of course you can! Come in!”

When Li Mubing heard this, he was overjoyed, bowed and thanked “many thanks!”


This name, Li Mubing didn’t dare to scream, maybe only the Heaven Ranking spirit can call it, and Senior is not suitable.

Regardless of three seven twenty one, as a genius, he naturally didn’t want to miss this rare event, and rushed to the great hall.

Entering the great hall, everyone’s minds sensed something at the same time, and they all became peaceful.

All around the pillars of the temple, on the temple walls, there are strange patterns of natural phenomenon, all surrounded by aura.

On the ground in the middle of the palace, there is a huge Spirit Mark pattern, which seems to contain the mystery of Heaven and Earth.

The different flowers formed by the three auras appear in it, which is obviously a gathering of three flowers.

The colors of these three flowers are different and constantly changing, but the colors of the body are mainly purple, black, and white, including some textures.

In addition, under this flower, there are some seeds growing, which seem to be completely different from the flower.

“Heavenspan, you…”

Humming Heaven Ranking Ling saw this scene, but the complexity was greatly changed, and he said anxiously.

“Brother Hun, I’ll talk about it later, let me talk to him first, chance one, may I ask your name!”

“Under Su Yu!” Chu Yan replied.

“Su Yu… Very good! Very good!” Heavenspan Shuling nodded said with a smile.

“Xiaoyou Su, I need your help now. I woke up from a deep sleep. Now there is one more thing that needs your help. Would you like it!?”

Chu Yan did not hesitate, and directly nodded and said, “Senior, as long as it can be done underneath, there is no problem!”

Although he is not a god of the Heaven Ranking, he can know what happened just by looking at the three-flower gathering tripod, but there are some speculations.

“That’s good, things are not difficult, as long as you touch this Jade Talisman!”

The voice of speaking fell to the ground, and the rays of light broke out at the same time as the three-flower gathering tripod below, including the kind that also flashed spirit jade.

Four kinds of rays of light come together to form a light cluster, in which a purple gold Jade Talisman appears.


Chu Yan took a look, didn’t hesitate, walked forward, and raised his hand to Jade Talisman.

In an instant, a powerful qi gushing out from Jade Talisman, moved towards Chu Yan and poured his whole body away.

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