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The Big Thousand Elephants!

The 1st Step is to experience the origin, perceive and comprehend, and understand what the origin is, then you can find a way to guide this power and integrate with yourself.

With these, it is possible to cultivation the great elephants.

After all, it is a Vientiane decision, not the original one, the Vientiane that came.

To do this, it may not be too difficult for Chu Yan. The previous accumulation, including the retreat not long ago, was easy for Chu Yan.

But for Li Mubing from God King Realm, it was difficult.

Divine Realm continent has Source Power in each small domain. These Source Powers are different and extremely messy.

Chu Yan can now clearly identify and distinguish, but for Li Mubing, he may get stuck in it as soon as he touches him, unable to extricate himself, and even regards the origin of the small domain he first came into contact with as the true origin of continent origin.

In this way, his Martial Dao is restricted to death. This is definitely not what the big guys like Heavenspan Shuling and Heaven Ranking spirits would like to see.

The source of Taobao, that is completely different!

Just like Kunlun Fairy Mountain, Dao Sealing Secret Book, and the unsatisfactory Xuantian Lu and Jade Compass.

Of course, the origin of Taobao is also divided into levels, high and low, like the unqualified Xuantianling and the jade compass. Among them, there is the origin aura, but compared with Kunlun fairy mountain and Taoist secret book, that Just the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Not to mention, mixing with the Heaven Ranking spirit!

The Spirit of the Mixed Heaven Ranking has existed since the birth of continent. It is extremely powerful. It can even control the origin of the continent and control the continent Martial Dao for thousands of years.

The origin of this is strong, terrifying matchless!

Like an unsealed jade compass, it can only control one line of the road of the Ming and Ming, which is extremely difficult.

The gap between the two is very obvious.

So now, both Chu Yan and Li Mubing know that if they can directly enter the cultivation at the core of the Heaven Ranking, like the Heavenspan Shuling Project, it will naturally be the true origin.

This time, it is one day….

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking didn’t know where it came from, but it took one day.

Wait for the true body of the Heaven Ranking spirit to appear in front of the two, he said directly

“You two guys are both famous on the Heaven Ranking, so you should know that to enter the core place, you must be ranked and mixed with the Heaven Ranking top 20 Position, and only when the chaos starts. OK.”

“Moreover, the top 20 is only a qualification, it is not necessarily whether it can be entered, unless it is ranked 1st, it is absolutely possible to enter!”

“This time, I gave Heavenspan a face to the dead ghost, but you two entered, don’t shame me, you must give me this cultivation technique before the chaos begins!”

“When the time comes, if you can’t do it, hum, no one will save face, you know the consequences!”

He glared at them fiercely with the evil spirits of the Heaven Ranking, with scary expressions on their faces, very fierce and fierce.

“haha, don’t worry, brother! I won’t let you down!”

Chu Yan was scared, and quickly replied with a smile.

“Well, Senior, don’t worry!” Li Mubing was also quickly afraid and replied.

Now that the time is away from the start of the Battle of the Heaven Ranking, there is still a while, and this requirement is not difficult to achieve.

“Okay! After you go in, don’t want to come out casually, I will block the Heaven Ranking!”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking mixed while talking, and at the same time raising his hand with a wave, two huge air currents fell, directly covering the two of them.

In an instant, Chu Yan and Li Mubing felt that their fleshy body and Divine Soul were all sealed, completely impossible to move. When the Heaven Ranking spirits raised their hands, they swept them and disappeared on the spot.

For half a day, Chu Yan and Li Mubing only felt that they were in the clouds, and they didn’t even know where to go.

“It’s almost here, you two are introverted. When you enter the core place, don’t blame me if you are backlashed!”

Speaking, the sealing power on the two of them disappeared instantly and recovered as before.


At this moment, Chu Yan only felt a powerful aura rushing into his Sea of ​​Consciousness, as if it had amplified the transmission power of 100,000 times, causing the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness to hum.

If this power lasts longer, I’m afraid the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness will collapse.

Fortunately, Chu Yan mobilized all Willpower to fight frantically, barely resisting it.

“Not good, Li Mubing…”

The next breath Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, he cultivation the way of the will, they are barely confronted, Li Mubing is the God King Realm cultivation base, he has not cultivation the way of the will, he…..

“Take care of yourself, I am responsible for his affairs!”

At this moment, it seemed that Chu Yan’s thoughts were sensed, and a consciousness came from the spirit of Heaven Ranking.

“many thanks Senior!”

Now Chu Yan is relieved, this is not a crisis. The lunatic Heaven Ranking said that he is fierce, but he has been protecting them both. It shouldn’t be really dangerous.

Next, Chu Yan relieved his mind and started to control the power of Divine Consciousness with all his strength, while consolidating the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he began to look towards all around.

I saw, this is a mighty World….

The entire Heaven and Earth void is completely red, the flame-like red, which makes people tremble.

Ahead, in a majestic game area, there is no sea surging.

Every time the tide surges, a monstrous aura will rise with it, and the moved towards Heaven and Earth will spread.

This seems to be a kind of pulsation, not human, it is more like the heaven and earth void, the natural pulsation of the earth, every time the majestic, there will be an incomparable gigantic qi, various mysterious contained in it.

When such a situation appeared, Chu Yan’s entire Divine Soul fell instantly, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness appeared and evolved in various consciousnesses.

From the very beginning, I just awakened Martial Soul and stepped into Martial Dao. Later, I fought genius, Sect, beat the earth, the sky is a song, and walked between the Vault of Heaven, as if everything I had was in a moment Release them all.

“How about, are you satisfied?”

The spirit of the mixed Heaven Ranking suddenly appeared, and awakened Chu Yan who was completely occupied.

If he doesn’t show up, Chu Yan doesn’t know how long his Divine Soul has been stuck in it.

too terrifying!

Divine Soul is very strong with his own Willpower, and it is completely unstoppable.

At this moment, Chu Yan understood that the Heaven Ranking spirit not only helped Li Mubing pass through this core place, but also helped himself.

It’s just that my own cultivation base is relatively shallow, so I don’t feel it directly. Otherwise, it’s impossible to think in my mind, and I can answer it right away.


Next moment, Li Mubing appeared beside him, the expression on his face was the same as Chu Yan’s just now, and when he suddenly woke up, his face was blank.

“you two, take this, don’t run around, just here cultivation!”

As soon as he raised his hand, two Spirit Seals appeared on the eyebrows of Chu Yan and Li Mubing. When the Heaven Ranking spirit wanted to leave, he just turned around and seemed to think of something again, and said back

“Heavenspan, the dead ghost, although he has fallen, all his efforts are in this cultivation technique. Don’t let him down!”

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