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The words of Young Master in Qingcheng made Qin Xingyun look towards the pupil light outside the window, rippling like a water wave.

“Qingcheng, do you have any news about him!? Thirteen years ago, I sent him a message, and you replied that he was in retreat. There is nothing more. I don’t know how he is now!” /p>

After a few breaths, Qin Xingyun said after a silence.

“Have you even found him!?” Qingcheng Young Master startled.

“Just that time, and then there was no more, he answered three words, he didn’t even tell me there, and didn’t know how long he was going to retreat, I didn’t ask!”

Qin Xingyun’s voice is getting weaker and weaker, and finally as thin as a mosquito and fly.

The cultivation itself is a secret, especially when it comes to retreat. Some cultivators don’t even tell their close relatives and the Master. What they fear is that they will be disturbed. In the slightest, they will give up their previous efforts, and in the worst case, they will even cultivation deviation.

Therefore, even the top Chamber of Commerce at the continent does not know the situation of the Yuwenhuang four in recent years, which is enough to explain this matter.

Qin Xingyun naturally knows these rules, so she naturally won’t ask Chu Yan.

Furthermore, Chu Yan is already a very good friend who can answer her “retreat”. After all, outsiders will not tell about the retreat.

Even if it is the same Sect’s discipline, if there are practitioners in retreat between the Senior Brother brothers, they will all proceed quietly.

Some practitioners even drag Jade Talisman to other people to take charge of it, the purpose is to confuse outsiders, so as not to close the transmission of Jade Talisman, let people figure out that he is in retreat.

For those who are right-minded, it’s okay to tell, but there are also some who are not righteous. For them, other retreats are the treasure house for each and everyone to move.

Bring a special Great Array to find the opponent’s retreat, fiercely smashing a Great Array down, and instantly crushing the opponent’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, even the cultivation deviation, and abolishing the opponent’s cultivation base and battle strength, That’s renminyu meat.

“This…I have always been in contact with him!”

Qingcheng Young Master glanced at Qin Xingyun and replied after thinking about it.

“yi!? What did he tell you!?”

Qin Xingyun reacted extremely quickly this time and immediately asked.

Qingcheng Young Master looked at her, saw the look of expectation in her eyes, and immediately shook the head


Very helpless. The two of them haven’t seen each other for ten years. Goodbye this time. From the time he entered the box to the present, the reason why Qin Xingyun took the initiative to speak to him was because of Su Yu.

This made Qingcheng Young Master very helpless, even if I mentioned Song Duantian before, and even Ye Rongtian, they couldn’t make her fluctuate at all, only Su Yu.

“I asked him a few days ago. He said that he had just finished the retreat and had already set off for the Dao Realm mountain range. According to time, it should be almost the same. I saw him before and it’s almost 20 years now. , I don’t know if there is any improvement in his retreat this time. Should I tell him directly here, let him come here to find us.”

This is for Qin Xingyun. According to Qingcheng Young Master’s personality, he would not take the initiative to invite others.

However, when Qin Xingyun heard his words, his expression instantly became tense, and he shook his head quickly

“Don’t, don’t call him…”

This time, Qingcheng Young Master was a little surprised, and looked at her with a puzzled look.

“I haven’t seen him for many years, I don’t know how he is now, will he… see you outside!”

Qingcheng Young Master can’t understand Qin Xingyun’s thoughts at all, and the whole person is blind.

“Nebula, you…”

Qin Xingyun was even more stunned than him. The state who was still talking and chatting just now has fallen into a loss of consciousness.

“Oh… it’s okay, I just feel that this time Dao Realm mountain range is open. Everyone is here for the breakthrough God Realm, and this time the competition will be fierce. Other things are secondary and there is nothing. It is important to compete for dao fruit.”

After thinking about it, Qin Xingyun continued.

“It’s better to go in earlier this time, take a look at the situation first, and have a better chance when the time comes.”

When she said this, she had already walked back to the table from the window and looked at Qingcheng Young Master.

“This… Okay!”

Young Master Qingcheng was confused and nodded immediately.

This idea is the same as his own, and he will naturally not object.

At this time, on the other side of the street.

“This thing is not bad, Boss, I want it!” A black robed youth was trading on the street at this time, and just happened to fancy a treasure on a stall.

“haha, Fellow Daoist is so insightful, I got this thing from Dao Realm mountain range, ordinary person has no chance…”

The stall owner is naturally happy when he has a business visit. The price of his treasure is not low. I have been here for several days, and I haven’t even asked about it.

“Wait, I want this treasure!”

Just as the stall owner picked up treasure and was preparing to trade, a strange noise sounded not far away.

Next, two silhouettes walked over from the center of the street and quickly came close.

these two people, one male and one female, the male golden robe is a luxurious aura with a jade belt, walking look steadily forward with the obvious superior aura.

The woman followed, clearly headed by him.

The aura cultivation base of these two people has reached the invincible Great Accomplishment state, and is eligible to enter the Dao Realm mountain range.

“Hey, don’t you know the rules of trading? First come first, understand!?”

black robed youth said with a dark face.

“Brother, this treasure mirror is very important to me. I have been looking for it for a long time. I have produced 300 spirit jade. How about you let me this treasure!?”

golden robe Yudai youth spoke.

“Sorry, no need!” Black robed youth didn’t even think about it, and refused.


Hearing such an answer, the smile on the face of the youth of golden robe Yudai disappeared, instantly turning into a haze.

“Fellow Daoist, what are you from? I am a core disciple of the order of heaven, can you give me some face!?”

The Order of Heaven is currently on the Divine Realm continent, which is like the sun at high noon. It is ranked one or two positions in the Ten Great Order, an open continent top force.

The cultivators of this Sect force, whether it is Elder or ordinary disciple, walk outside, basically the cultivators of other forces will give some face and dare not easily offend.

This lineage force was not provoked by everyone.

Golden robe Jade Belt Youth sees this black robed youth only invincible Small Accomplishment Realm, not a powerhouse, it should not come from Great Influence.

That’s why I reported myself Sect’s identity, and the purpose was to make the other party back down.

“Face!? A joke!? Just because you dare to face the face of Heavenly Venerate!? Don’t talk about the core disciple, even if the Sect Master of Tianxu Taoism is your father, I have no face! “

Black robed youth is not someone else, it is the Saint of Heaven. He doesn’t even give Su Yu and the low-profile face, let alone this kind of outsider. Under ordinary, he can enter his Vault of Heaven Heavenly Beast Within, that simply does not exist.

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