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The battlefield of the gods, located in the Extreme South Land of Divine Realm continent.

The Dao Realm mountain range is located in the Extreme South Land of the battlefield of God, which seems to be a tacit understanding.

The place where ten dao fruit appeared is also the holy sky peak of Dao Realm mountain range, which is the main peak of Dao Realm mountain range located in the south.

When Chu Yan stepped into the battlefield of the Lord, he felt it carefully. The aura on the battlefield of the Lord has hardly changed in countless years. Whether it is the Great Ancient Era or the later generations, there is no obvious change in aura.

Constant Antiquity Wandao, Baoyuan Shouyi.

The entire group upgrades True Qi and constantly shuttles in the mountain range, moving towards the Holy Sky Peak.

When Chu Yan and the others reached the top of the mountain, the sky was clear and the sun was cloudless, the universe was bright, and people looked like a wave of imposing manner.

The scene here seems to be completely different from other places. There is a trace of source energy in the void. Anyone entering it will be affected by these auras.

“What a great place!”

Wan Tiansheng came here for the first time, and when he saw the scene here, he felt emotional.

In the continuous mountain range, there are endless forests, Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine everywhere, and a lot of misty Lingxia mist.

There are various auras floating in the void. These messy auras are not from the same source at all, but have been fought on this battlefield. There are remnants of the aura that climbed to the top of Martial Dao Peak, and the powerhouse fell. Divine Soul aura, and even aura of the will of various powerful Martial Dao.

Everything is enough to shock people.

Not far from the mountain range is a plain, where is the foot of the Holy Sky Peak, one of the battlefields where countless wars have erupted.

In this battlefield, aura is powerful, there are murderous intentions and might, which makes people happy.

Although all this is shocking, it is also expected.

But the scene on the plain alone really made Chu Yan entire group stunned.

I saw that at this time, at the foot of Saint Tianfeng Mountain, there were countless repairers, which can be said to be a vast crowd, with no less than three to five thousand people.

Some of these cultivators gathered together in Sect, some friends gathered together, and a group of cultivators with different robes also stood together.

They kept a certain distance between each other, no one spoke, and there was silence on the plain of thousands of people.

However, if you use Divine Consciousness to scan, you will find that a large number of Divine Consciousness is flying around the entire plain, and everyone is communicating in Divine Consciousness.

This is a very strange scene. On the surface, everyone seems to be on guard for each other, and they are on guard with everyone.

But behind the scenes, everyone is communicating with each other.

Human nature is like this, and so are Martial Dao and Sect.

Furthermore, this battle of the gods, arguably the most special one in thousands of years, is naturally more lively.

What Chu Yan didn’t expect from the thousands of people here is that most of them are in the invincible realm and above the Great Accomplishment realm, and there are few in the Peak realm.

The ordinary invincible environment Small Accomplishment Realm is usually regarded as a powerhouse, but it is extremely rare here.

“Great Ancient Era, it is spectacular!”

Looking at this scene, Chu Yan suddenly remembered the battle of the Lord of the future generations. The scene was nothing compared to this. The number of practitioners who participated in the battle of the Lord was only a dozen. Many rechargeable ones.

And here, there are thousands of people at a glance. This has not yet begun, and there is a lot of time. When the real time comes, I am afraid the number will be much more than now.

The decline of Martial Dao, Chu Yan hadn’t felt it clearly at first, but now seeing this scene, I can completely understand it.

The distance between Great Ancient Era and later generations can be said to be clear here.

“It’s right to come to Great Ancient Era!”

The long-lost blood broke out again in Chu Yan within the body, making him a little excited.

Although I don’t know if I will be affected by the Space-Time rules if I participate in the Battle of the God this time, Chu Yan is still very happy to be able to participate in the Battle of the God this time.

“Time is approaching, Wu Hetian and the others, are they here yet!?”

Chu Yan thought in his heart, suddenly raised his head and looked towards all around, and began to look in the crowd.

Thousands of cultivators are really troublesome to find, but Chu Yan knows that if these four come, I am afraid they will not be crowded with these people, and it is not difficult to find them.

Soon, Chu Yan’s eyes froze.

It was two young people standing together, the aura on their bodies did not converge at all, releasing the powerful aura of the Lord Realm, which surprised Chu Yan extremely.

You must know that this is the battlefield of the Lord of Heaven. All powerhouses of the invincible realm come, and there will be no powerhouses of the Lord of God entering.

Furthermore, even if the God Realm comes in, it is impossible to release aura directly. This is unreasonable. After all, the powerhouse in the God Realm is not a street juggling. How can it be possible to release aura all the time, like a nouveau riche.

Even the thousands of invincible realms present are all restraining auras. For fear of being noticed, they accidentally become the focus of waiting for the battle of the gods.

So, this is very unreasonable.

Waiting for Chu Yan to take a closer look, he suddenly found that the place where the two of them stood was a huge platform of white bones, and the Aura of the Blue Lord Realm that Chu Yan had just sensed was released from that platform of white bones. .

“Monster Beast of the Dark Lord Realm!?”

The gazes of Chu Yan started and looked towards the two youths changed completely.

These two people actually use the animal bones of the Monster Beast of the God Realm and the treasures they have made as their own bodyguards! ?

This is too careful! ?

Furthermore, not to mention that these two people have me showing off, at least it can prove that the identity of these two young people is not simple.

You know, even if it is the power of the cream of the crop on the continent, it is probably impossible to take out a piece of this treasure at will.

next moment, Chu Yan’s eyes noticed the two young people, and they looked carefully.

One of them, Chu Yan just took a few glances, and suddenly recognized him, the pupil light flashed slightly.

Bai Ning!

The leading god who was in charge of the Kunlun army at that time was so young!

The people standing next to him make Chu Yan feel more familiar and kind. He is no one else, who can make Bai Ning post half a step, except for one of the four great genius, later known as one of the four great gods. ….. Wu!

At this moment, Chu Yan’s heart trembled suddenly!

Chu Yan thought of this kind of meeting, but when he did not expect to see it, he would be inspired by it.

The warm feeling, the familiar feeling, it’s like meeting an elder who hasn’t seen him for many years, obviously he looks very young now.

When Chu Yan converged, he swept to several other silhouettes. It was… Emperor Yuwen!

I came with him, and…Dameng invincible, these two would stand together unexpectedly, which surprised everyone, including Chu Yan.

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