
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The original source has changed, and the inspiration for the Heaven Ranking should have arrived. My eyes flashed and my heart moved.

“By the way, that kid Li Mubing gave me a set, as if I still owe Chu Yan a big gift!”

At this time, if the Dao Realm mountain range has been activated, then I have agreed to give Chu Yan a big gift at the right time.

Although I agreed in advance, I am really unwilling to leave the Heaven Ranking spirit at this time. I just started to study the secret book in my hand. When my interest is growing, I am very unhappy to leave at this time.

Miscellaneous Heaven Ranking sighed put down the book in his hand, and began to lower his head in thought.

“What do you give me!?”

The original plan of slowing down now makes the Heaven Ranking spirits really have a headache. I would not agree if I knew it.

That Su Yu is now very strong and has a strong innate talent. The gift to ordinary people will definitely look down on him, and he has lost his face.

treasure! ?

heavenly materials earthly treasures! ?

It was too scary to take out those things from his own treasury, and he couldn’t afford a little Su Yu.

Or give him a secret skill or two! ?

This is relatively ideal. Find out one or two of the worst secret skills in the treasury. The kid Su Yu likes it. It will also help him improve his strength. It will give him some power. After all, his future enemy, Will be based on the realm of the Lord.

“Wait a minute, the battle of Dao Realm mountain range, maybe…haha”

In an instant, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking came up with a brilliant idea, and his eyes sparkled.

“This is the best idea. There are a lot of benefits. I just want to sharpen this kid again…. It’s okay, that’s it!”

Mixed with Heaven Ranking, Lingxiao is extremely evil, and the more I think about it, the happier I am.

At the same time, the battle of Dao Realm mountain range is on the battlefield…

Less than a thousand breaths time, the natural phenomenon of ten dao fruit broke out to the extreme, and the whole piece of Heaven and Earth was shining brightly.

Furthermore, all kinds of ancient gods and gods and fairy music are ringing in the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

The cultivators present have their eyes fixed on those dao fruit, and Divine Soul is pulling them, and their eyes are straight.

Finally, after an hour…

The ten dao fruit are fully mature, and a faint fruity fragrance of aura is released in the void of the sky, making the eyes of all cultivators shua shua shiny.

“It’s done, it’s done!”

In an instant, the powerful aura did not move and broke out, like a flood that swept all directions.

bang! bang! bang!

One after another, the powerful Qi Jin rushed away, and the huge force formed under various outbreaks rushed straight towards Yunxiao, hitting the natural phenomenon of the sky, suddenly like a tide hitting the mountain range, rumble under Heaven and Earth Tremor.

The entire Shengtian Peak shook violently, and endless void continued to crumble.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield has shocked everyone and made everyone excited.

There are thousands of invincible scenes, releasing aura at the same time in such a small area. What a terrifying scene.

Know that any powerhouse in the invincible state can destroy the mountains and the sea with all its strength, not to mention thousands of invincible states together.

At this time, amidst the imposing manner frenzy in the sky, a dazzling rays of light is like the moon among the stars, especially dazzling.

This aura is not someone else, it is… God!

The day before, like all the cultivators, it seemed to be ordinary, but now after the outbreak of aura, the gap immediately became apparent.

However, before all the surprised gazes came over, there was another powerful imposing manner that broke out, instantly comparable to his aura, just like a rival.


next moment, not at all, when I feel any surprise, it soars to the sky, moved towards the first dao fruit on the sky and rushes away, completely disregarding another outbreak that just happened.

You must know that in every Dao Realm mountain range battle, as long as the dao fruit comes out, countless cultivators will rise to the sky and use all the means to win one dao fruit first.

But this time, most of the cultivators didn’t move at all, they just looked up nervously and rushed out.

At this time, only the sky rushed towards the first dao fruit, but even so, these cultivators avoided the sky and fought for the meaning of the other nine dao fruit.

Because they all know that there is not only Tian, ​​but also Emperor Yuwen, Wu, and Ye Rongtian, including Dameng Invincible.

At this time, rushing up, if accidentally regarded as an enemy by these five people, with one move, it may fall on the spot.

This matter, whether it was the Master or the Elder in the clan, they had specifically confessed it before they came.

Never compete with these five people, this time of the realm of the Lord, must focus on self-preservation, at worst, wait another ten years, but it doesn’t matter if you die, then you have to try it. .

After all, ten years is nothing to a cultivator, but if there is no life, then there is really nothing left.

Great Ancient Era is Martial Dao Peak. The invincible powerhouse among the Great Sect forces is not a few, but it is also the top battle strength of Martial Dao. Losing one is a great loss to Sect.

So, the ordinary invincible cultivators who are present here, of course, keep it in mind and dare not mess around.

I can only watch “Heaven” moved towards dao fruit and rush away, while looking towards all around vigilantly.

This is an era of the rise of heroes!

“ha ha ha, Heaven Sealing, you are anxious!”

a The laughter sounded, and Wu’s body was violent, and the terrifying pressure was released, and the suppressed faces of all around the repairers were purple.

“Come on, I didn’t have a good time last time, let’s do it again this time!”

Wu’s words fell to the ground, and his figure was soaring into the sky. He raised his hand with a fist and smashed it towards Heaven Sealing, which rushed into the air.


heaven falls and earth rends, a great earthquake trembled, and a large air wave exploded above the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the wind blowing seemed to destroy the sky.

“Follow so closely!? Can’t we wait for our breakthrough to reach the Lord Realm before we fight again?”

Heaven Sealing’s face darkened slightly, and he looked a little dissatisfied.

This matter is ironclad, everyone has such a consensus, and the four of them are determined to break through to the God Realm.

So, why don’t you wait for everyone’s breakthrough to reach the Lord of the Sky? ?

Why is this again! ?

While shaking his head and sighing, Heaven Sealing was not idle. In one hand, a piece of fairy scroll appeared out of the sky, on which more than a dozen natural phenomena of gods and demons emerged.

“hmph! Heaven Sealing, you are so embarrassed to use my stuff!”

As soon as this Heaven Sealing’s fairy scroll was shot, it caused a shout from a distance.

I saw that a azure light rushed towards the horizon in the distance, but it was a youth in Tsing Yi, stepping in the air step by step, unspeakably out of the dust.

The young man has a long blade in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, a monstrous river of knives is swept out.

This Tsing Yi boy is no one else, but he has been hiding since entering the city… Ye Rongtian.

“You are here too! Anyway, I want to fight, it’s not bad for you!”

Heaven Sealing saw the boy in Tsing Yi, not angry but happy, chuckled, turned and shot, one against two.

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