
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Above the Dao Realm mountain range, an extremely majestic voice resounded throughout the night.

“Dear Fellow Daoist, who are mixing the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, hereby come to announce the world, due to some special reasons, there are some errors in the ranking of the Heaven Ranking, which has now been re-adjusted!”

The voices of the Heaven Ranking spirits resounded like a thunderbolt, resounding through the sky, and at the same time, all the people in the audience were startled. Even the cultivators who were fighting were all stagnant.

“Loose Cultivator Su Yu, Peak cultivation base in invincible environment, ranked after adjustment to…10th!”

As soon as this statement came out, there seemed to be an Ice-Cold Qi sweeping over the audience, instantly freezing Heaven and Earth, making everything solidify, including everyone’s mind and body shape, standing stiff.

There was a violent battle scene just now, and it instantly became silent, absolute silence.

Be aware that the ranks of the top four Legendary genius on the Heaven Ranking are 18. Regardless of the front and back, there are very few ranks on the Heaven Ranking, and these four are one of them.

Mixed Heaven Ranking ranked eighteenth four people, namely Yuwenhuang, Tian, ​​Wu, Ye Rongtian!

And the news came that it was tantamount to saying that Su Yu’s Heaven Ranking ranked ranking was actually higher than the four of them, and not a little bit higher, that was a whole eight!

The difference between the eight rankings may not be a big deal in the Heaven Ranking tail section, but it is among the top 100 in the Heaven Ranking, or even the top 50. If you want to advance a ranked, you even need to A hundred years of time.

Not to mention, this is the ranking change of the top 20, but it hasn’t happened for nearly a thousand years.

When the previous top 20 ranked change was the breakthrough ranked of the four major Legendary genius, the other gods stayed for almost ten thousand years.

Chu Yan above the sky, Boss with his mouth open in shock, his eyes will not turn.

What a joke! ?

Ranked tenth in the Heaven Ranking! ? top 10 ranked! ?

I was still more than a hundred people before. Now, are you sitting on a meteor! ?

This is what the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking said just now, give yourself a big gift! ?

It stands to reason that mixing with the Heaven Ranking top 10 has great benefits. With the various powerful benefits of the Heaven Ranking, it naturally has a fatal temptation for the world’s cultivators.

It can be said that all practitioners in the world are yearn for something even in dreams.

Just like before, Chu Yan has been in the cultivation of the core place of the Heaven Ranking for more than ten years. This is also the treatment of being ranked 1st in the Heaven Ranking. The ordinary mixed Heaven Ranking top 10 is also qualified to enter the core place, but it is impossible to cultivation for ten years.

Before, it was because of the Heaven Ranking spirit who was looking at the face of Heavenspan Shuling, and made an exception for him and Li Mubing to enter, which is also a reward for their inheritance of the secret album.

The advantage is great. In the past ten years or so, there have been hundreds of years of cultivation outside. The key point is that there is aura, and such places are not available there.

Good is good….

But, how about being sent to the tenth place like this? ?

These four legendary geniuses were all Sects of the entire continent before, and the gods in genius’ hearts are almost invincible.

Even everyone is thinking that after the four people break through the Lord Realm, they may have the probability of hitting the top 10.

Now it’s good, I’ve come directly to the top 10 with the invincible culture base, which is too terrifying.

What’s the origin of Su Yu? ?

Is it the same as Li Mubing who suddenly won the 1st place of the Martial Dao conference, is a mysterious genius, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat! ?

However, this is not the Martial Dao conference, that is, the conference that did not participate in the four major genius, and it is more innate talent.

This is true strength compared to Heaven Ranking, which is a big difference.

At this time, the news was announced to the world, and the boiling of the Dao Realm mountain range began to sweep outside like a frenzy.

After all, the announcement of the spirit of the Heaven Ranking is not just for the Dao Realm mountain range, it is the announcement of the world.

The news spread, and the world was shocked!

Up to the powerhouse in the realm of the gods, and down to the noble and cultivators of the ordinary, all of them are complexion greatly changed, and I can’t believe it.

“Mixed Heaven Ranking…tenth!? Who is this Su Yu!?”

“Before on continent, there were some rumors about this child, not at all, the storm was too big, and now only 20 years have passed, and it has soared to the sky from more than 100 to the top 10! What happened!?”

“Damn! This is not sick for the Heaven Ranking, right?”

“This child is now equivalent to continent Number One Genius, the future continent number one!?”

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