
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

He was a bit silly with the Heaven Ranking. I touched my head and felt confused.

This strength is the strength of the 20th place in the Heaven Ranking, which almost reaches nearly 15 battle strength.

The key is that these four are still invincible. You must know that the top 50 on the mixed Heaven Ranking are basically the cultivation base of the gods.

If that weren’t the case, these four geniuses all have the strength to hit the top 10.

Now that’s good, these four boys have joined hands and are still attacking Su Yu! ?

This is the rhythm to kill Su Yu!

“Wait…it seems to be me…cough cough”

After thinking about it for a long time, I remembered that this battle seemed to be caused by myself.

“It’s over, this time has been overplayed!”

Gritting his teeth, my face turned green and red, and sweat began to flow down drop by drop.

So too!

These four are Legendary genius. Although he can explore the origin of the Divine Realm continent, and with the help of Heaven Ranking, he has always known the whereabouts of these four.

In the past ten years, these four have basically been in retreat. Originally, the Heaven Ranking thought it was just retreat. It is normal for the continuous practitioners to stay closed for ten years and 20 years.

But I never imagined that these four have changed so much after ten years of retreat!

It’s worthy of being the Big Four Legendary genius!

“Su Yu has now refining the body of origin, it should be…no problem!? I’m afraid…”

Although I saw the four major Legendary genius teaming up to deal with Su Yu, he is still very confident of Su Yu. He is only worried that Su Yu, the original body, has just been refining. If this battle will cause him to be damaged. , It will have a major impact on the future cultivation.

Heavenspan Shuling’s big tens of thousands of elephants, Su Yu has just started cultivation. If you are hit hard at this time, it will be difficult to upgrade later, it will be like heavenly ascension.

In addition, the Big Ten Thousand Elephants is the first cultivation technique of Divine Realm Continent. There is no doubt about this.

Because of this, invincible realm cultivation base practitioners want to cultivation, that is, just enter a door. If you really want to achieve something, it is only possible to step into the god realm.

This battle is for the breakthrough Divine Master Realm. If the battle with the four legendary geniuses resulted in not grabbing the dao fruit and losing the opportunity of the breakthrough Divine Master Realm, it would be… very embarrassing.

Thinking of this, the Heaven Ranking spirit was trembling all over, and his heart trembled with chills.

The matter is already very clear. Once the battle of the Lord is over, or the next time, Huang Tian will bring the old fogey of the entire Huang Tian hall, and Li Mubing, the Heavenspan book spirit legitimate successor, came to him to force the palace.

Even if you don’t force the palace, a large group of old fogeys crying wail like ghosts and howl like wolves here, he can’t bear it.

Furthermore, if the descendant of Heavenspan Shuling’s cultivation technique is destroyed, it would be a dead end. I want to find a descendant like Su Yu. I don’t know how much it takes. Good luck 35,000 years, bad luck…350,000 year! ?

“Desperate ah!”

At the moment of mixing the Heaven Ranking spirit, I was about to cry.


On the other side, Dao Realm mountain range, Holy Sky Peak!

“Asshole! I’m not finished with you!”

Chu Yan roared in his heart, his teeth itchy with hatred.

A good chance to pick dao fruit has now become his biggest crisis.

At this time, the four major Legendary genius had all their cards out, and when they attacked together, his fleshy body was almost on the verge of collapse.

All directions All directions The frenzy that hits like a tide, one after another like a wave, some like a violent storm, some like a dark tide, simply not the same, which makes Chu Yan more difficult to deal with.

The more these four fight, the more vigorous they seem to be, and the harder they are, they want to use themselves as an intermediary between them.

This point, Chu Yan is totally incomprehensible.

You have to compare high and low, go fight it yourself, what drag me to do, I’m here to pick some fruit.

“There is no way, I have to fight hard!”

Chu Yan’s teeth were soaking blood, and a pair of eyes looked towards the Four Legendary, which became more and more blood red.

one gold one silver bursts of light from the eyes, like the sun and the moon rising at the same time.

The root of the source, urge!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan directly used the Big Thousand Thousand Elephant Jue. For a time, the entire Heaven and Earth suddenly sank, as if being pressed fiercely by an extremely mighty force.

Followingly, there was a huge force pouring into Chu Yan within the body like a tide from the position where it was broken.

In an instant, the dazzling golden turned into a terrifying power in Chu Yan within the body, and the whole person seemed to have become a golden person.

Furthermore, this golden is still degenerating, and it instantly becomes jade, and then a faint air current turns into jade, rising within the body with a transparent meaning.

Boom… Rumble!

It’s obviously a very small aura, and it feels only a trace, very weak, but with its flow, it is the sound of rolling thunderbolt.

This scene immediately stunned all the practitioners in the audience. When they looked up towards Chu Yan, the complexion was greatly changed, their eyes slammed, as if they could not believe what they saw.

In their eyes, Chu Yan’s figure has not changed in any way, but when they run the pupil technique to see it, they find that Chu Yan at this time seems to be 10,000 zhang tall, like a giant Pangu with a Vault of head. Heaven, step on the ground, let mortal look up!

“Open the sky!”

Chu Yan roared like thunder and raised his hand punched out.


This is a veritable thunderbolt. The moment it exploded, everyone in the audience trembled and their minds trembled at the same time, just like mortal’s reaction when it suddenly heard the sound of thunder and lightning.

However, the cultivators at this moment were all stunned on the spot, and their faces were abrupt, and they couldn’t believe it.

They are not mortal. They are at least the cultivation base of the invincible Great Accomplishment. I dare not say anything else. They listened to the sound of Thunderbolt too much. How could they be shocked! ?

However, he didn’t even wait for him to understand that the utterly devastating force above the sky had already collided with another force.

The powerful shock wave, the air wave rolled, as if two continents collided, and the surging waves of air burst out, making people completely empty of mind.

Wu, Tian, ​​Ye Rongtian, and Emperor Yuwen’s figures were caught in a powerful air wave, and they took a thousand steps back to barely stabilize their figure.

While they looked up, they saw Chu Yan’s figure retreating likewise, taking a thousand steps to stand still.

Chu Yan, with a bloodshot at the corner of his mouth, glared at the four legendary genius, within the body was severely injured, several bones were broken, and a lot of internal organs were also torn.

“Huh…I finally got it!”

Chu Yan exhales long, raising his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

This is the four major legendary genius of continent, and the attack jointly launched at the same time is not as simple as one plus one.

On this Divine Realm continent, there is the ability to resist the combined blow of the four Legendary geniuses, which are phoenix and scaly horns, not to mention that if these four people still use their hole cards at the same time, then there is basically no who.

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