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hearing this, Chu Yan sneered, looking towards Master Bai, said

“Oh, Young Master Bai? The ants there, don’t know … Either give Jade Talisman or be beaten, choose it!”

Chu Yan’s words fell to the ground. The three people were stunned at the same time. They looked at Chu Yan with azure long robe in amazement. He couldn’t believe it. He dared to talk to Bai Taishao so much.

You know, in this black city of the domineering body, everyone ’s cultivation base is suppressed. Everyone has similar strengths, but they always have to leave …

This azure robe kid, so talking to Major Bai, so when he leaves the Pa City, there is still a way! ?

“Boy, you are so arrogant …”

Bai Dashao’s eyes were cold for a moment, looked towards Chu Yan, and a strand of murderous aura overflowed.

“At the North Continent, dare to talk to me like this, you are the first …”

After finishing speaking, a bright blue True Qi surged out of Bai Dashao, and at the same time, all around sounded the sound of turbulent seawater and ebb and flow.

“Not good! This is Sect’s Exclusive secret skill!”

The 2 Martial Artists next to him had an instant expression change. They had long heard that Bai Dashao cultivated a strange secret skill called “Bihai Tidal Technique”.

This secret skill is a true Earth Rank secret skill. After cultivation, the True Qi of Martial Artist can be made to rise and fall like a tide, which is more than three times the Martial Artist of the same rank. In the black city, it is precisely by this secret skill that when the cultivation base is suppressed, it has True Qi that is 3 times that of other Martial Artists.

However, Bai Dashao’s tone barely fell, and the blue True Qi on his body was still surging. I saw a azure silhouette stepping in, raised his casserole-like fist, and hit it with a big punch on Bai Dashao’s face.


His face was twisted and his nose was splattered …. Bai Dashao’s body flew out, hitting the wall ten steps away and falling to the ground.


Bai Dashao’s eyes protruded, staring at Chu Yan as if he had seen a ghost.


“How can this be!?”

Touch ~!

The shocked Bai is too little, and has not yet reacted. The azure robe’s fist appeared again, fiercely smashed on the other side of his face, a few white flowers and flowers teeth fell, and fell to the ground, the entire bridge of the nose Completely collapsed.

“So much nonsense!”

Chu Yan drew a piece of black Jade Talisman from him, and True Qi probed into it, feeling nearly 50 black Jade Talisman among them, satisfied and nodded.

Immediately, slowly turned around, looked towards the other 2 people with a dull look next to them.

“Uh … we pay! We pay!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s face full of laughter, 2 people glanced at the white young man lying on the ground, and at the same time, Gu Lu swallowed and swallowed, the corners of his eyes trembling violently, and quickly handed his black Jade Talisman to Chu Yan .

Collected Jade Talisman, Chu Yan body flashed, disappeared on the spot, leaving two people with dull faces.

At this time, the remaining number of the whole domineering Black City, no more than 30 people, these people are all genius in genius, each with unique skill, secret skill, or insidious.

Until now, this is the real beginning of this round of competition!

Above the sky, Bai Dashao’s name disappeared instantly, and Chu Yan’s ranked rose rapidly.

“No way…. Young Master Bai failed !?”

“Who … who killed the white young master !? Isn’t the killer Wang Jin Wu hurt !?”

“No … no, his numbers haven’t changed! Look, Chu Yan … it’s Chu Yan … ranked and rushed up!”


In the entire body city, whether it is the genius that survived or the elimination zone, there was a voice of air-conditioning.

Chu Yan killed Da Baibai! ?

How strong is the person’s fleshy body, you know, even the Martial Artist who specializes in fleshy body is not an opponent of Bai Dashao, how can this Chu Yan … be so strong! ?

The next moment, more than 20 genius still in the city, all hidden nearby, they do not want to be met by Chu Yan at this critical time.

“Hmph! Chu Yan … It’s about to catch up with me!”

In an alley, the thin silhouette was hidden in the darkness, looking up at the sky, coldly snorted and said.

“Before the end, it is best not to let me meet!”

Jin Wujuan withdrew his gaze, and suddenly received the alleyway, a silhouette appeared, and immediately the whole body aura converged to the extreme, just like a dead object, there was no trace of aura overflowing on his body.

This “Breath Restraining Technique” is exactly the secret skill of Jin Wushen. As long as it is unfolded, you can freely change your cultivation base aura. In the case of this culture city suppressing cultivation base, the effect is even better. No one felt his presence.

It is with this secret skill that Jin Wusheng has earned a large amount of Origin Stone in this domineering city for several consecutive Qianlong Sacred Domain.

“Can live to the present, the body will not be less than 30 black Jade Talisman, and 60,000 Origin Stone, hehehe …”

Jin Wushang saw the silhouette slowly approaching, loudly roared, aura burst out in an instant, suddenly rushed out of the darkness, the whole body concentrated on the fist, moved towards silhouette.

“take my fist !”

He has great self-confidence. This sneak attack method has never been missed since he launched it in Ba City. Without Body Tempering Realm cultivation base Martial Artist of Divine Consciousness, it would be too late to urge True Qi Overthrow yourself.

“courting death !”

Chu Yan had discovered Jin Wu injury long ago, and was originally directed at him. Didn’t expect this guy really thought he didn’t find him. With a grin, he raised his hand and punched fiercely on Jin Wu injury’s face.


Jin Wu injury didn’t have time to scream, only to feel that he was hit by a head like Monster Beast on the face, and the whole body hit the ground heavily, even smashing the ground into a big pit.

The severe pain struck him, and in an instant, he lost consciousness.

next moment, above the light curtain of the sky, the brilliance flows and changes rapidly …

“Oh my god, this impossible …!”

“His …! What kind of monster is Chu Yan, and actually killed the killer king!”

“This … terrifying, too terrifying …”


In the elimination zone, several hundred people were simultaneously air-conditioned, their eyes trembling violently, and their faces were terrified look.

This … this is the killer king, Jin Wu hurt ah!

Super Legendary who has never lost a few consecutive games in the Qianlong Sacred Domain’s Overlord City!

Now this Legendary has been so killed! ?

However, at this time …

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several consecutive loud noises sounded in the Ba City, like a path of thunder, heaven shaking earth shattering.

Above the sky, the names of more than ten people extinguished like flames …

each and everyone genius lost one after another!

However, in the breath breath time, more than a dozen people lost in a row. Above the sky, Chu Yan 2 words, listed in the first place, exudes dazzling rays of light….

Buzz … buzz …!

Immediately afterwards, the domineering city was trembling tremendously, and the match was over!

Ten beams of light appeared in the domineering city, and the genius Martial Artist of ranked top 10 was sent out and appeared in the slowly opening city gate.

Seeing the silhouette of Chu Yan walking out of the city gate, everyone outside the city who knew the result opened their mouths and almost dropped their chins to the ground.

Open … what a joke!

A True Martial Realm 4th Layer, without a trace of genius Martial Artist, actually won Bai Dashao and Jin Wu hurt! ?

Body Tempering Realm Martial Artist is just an ordinary person who has more strength and a stronger body. Among the same level, it is a dozen at most. Only a heavenly defying genius is possible, but it has just happened. what…

However, in the time of hundred breaths, more than a dozen Martial Artists were swept by that Chu Yan instantly. On average, everyone spent only a few breaths, which also includes the time to rush …

How strong is this Chu Yan! ?

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